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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Like card games and twister? 😊
  2. Yes! Competition...Demand...Sex...Money...Progress...Repeat
  3. @_MikeEve_ https://mobile.twitter.com/_MikeEve_ you'll find them easy enough.
  4. @groomy The Andrew is sick thing is a lie.
  5. Yes, lazy mode off soon. Crack!! While Kate may have a leash on Molly, AL have a tighter leash on Kate. Time to work!
  6. I don't like their names. I know it's stupid, but this is what bugs me about them. πŸ˜‹
  7. If you've reached the point where you can tolerate your lover watching porn on their phone during sex then I feel sorry for you cause that's just not right. I love porn, even porn in the background during sex, but I'm not cool with the idea of masturbating with another person's flesh while watching porn on your phone. It's just comes across like your partner is literally so bad at sex and you are so disinterested in them as as a person and that they cannot bring you to an orgasm. Fine, you want to say that it is just another form of sex! Sure! Whatever! I know better though. This will kill your sex life eventually.
  8. Ha! Exactly! 😘😘😘
  9. For sure! My girl doesn't care.to have sex during the middle of it, but she will frequently tell me that it's over only to find out that she's not quite done. She usually laughs and says, oops! Lol Me, I don't mind, but I'm not a big fan of the taste of blood though.
  10. What happened to the cum swapping, sloppy kisses, I was hoping for? Maybe next time! ❀️❀️❀️
  11. Yes! Copying the porn. Awesome! 😁
  12. She's like, wow I have guys all over the world counting the days of my period. It's too bad we can't see the toilet for some confirmation.
  13. Sex machine this girl is. Amazing!! πŸ’š
  14. I wish I could see your face. 😁
  15. Goodnight Rob! πŸ’‹ *I'm just fucking around. 🀣
  16. Oh,.I would love to talk to Anni. PM me girl!!! πŸ’‹
  17. Has she ever commented here? πŸ™‚
  18. It's sneaky behavior and she does it on their couch. She even uses dick shaped device to make pretend sex. πŸ™„
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