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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. If you think I my complaints over the free cams were because I wanted a free view, then you utterly and completely missed the point I was making. At least I had an ear to speak to. I explain everything in the sub-topic. The point here is that they are under no obligation to do anything. They can hide, not be home, wrap themselves in blankets, wear bras, and play boring card games all they want to and your only recourse is to not watch it and not pay for it. Complaining about it in a forum that is essentially ignored by the site owner as a means to motivate some action is pointless.
  2. I think straight guys get very jealous of “butch” lesbians who score with good looking women.
  3. You don’t pay to see anything but a view through a cam. Noting more, nothing less.
  4. AA and LP have some heavy boots to fill here. Namely their own! Good luck! The jacuzzi scene at the beginning of VH was perhaps the best attraction to VH ever. I word to wise AA and LP, find new people. Don't rest on your laurels and recycle the old talent here. It's a mistake! Find the kind of people who attended the first jacuzzi orgy if you want to win the glory! You look amazing Anna! I miss that little smirky, devious, smile of yours. That cog in your head churns and turns and plots and schemes! You truly know how to make the magic happen. Something that is painfully missing on this site. Anyways, love you Anna and Alex! Muuuuaaaahh 💋
  5. Just so you guys are aware, tenants have the right to request their content to be deleted. It's possible that VH could say no, which means that it may take a little more then just a simple request, but nonetheless, if things go missing, it's probably because the tenant asked and VH deleted it. Would be interesting to note all of the ones that have gone missing. I know about the Tim and Clara one and now the Sara ones. Does anyone know of any others that have vanished? Oh well, if they want to be forgotten, perhaps it's best to leave them forgotten. But, lastly, I will say this. I know that I'm right about the presence of the archives and that it really does diminish what the tenants are willing to do on cam. The price you pay for a somewhat permanent archive of one's sex life is that you are likely getting the rather plain, vanilla, sex life and not the truly raunchy one. One proof of this is the utter lack of male masturbation on the site. Oh sure, they have a lot of sex and they have to save themselves for that, but let's not kid ourselves. In real life, all of these guys would be beating it a lot while watching some kinky porn. As you yourself know, that's not the sort of thing most guys want to have saved in a permanent archive. This is just one example though, so even if this act is fine to let go, one has to wonder what else we're missing out on. Good day!
  6. To me this is an indication that the level of activity in terms of what the tenants are willing to do really is curbed by the existence of the archives. At least it seems that is was to Sara! INow, I have to wonder what that girl can really do?
  7. Love you Violet and Jeff! ❤️
  8. Lisa, I hope that you found the love that you were always looking for! Thx for the special birthday gift that you gave to me! ❤️❤️❤️
  9. Zabrina! Best car I’ve ever owned.
  10. You guys don’t deserve me!
  11. You got that right! It’s makes it a news channel. If that’s what some people want then perhaps they should be the ones forced into a sub-topic called NEWS ONLY, where no commentary is allowed! Viola!
  12. I’m not responsible for other cc members going off topic. Just so everyone knows! My usual form is to bank off of something that happens in the apt. When things go off topic, it’s usually because someone else posts comments or questions that steer the conversation off topic. But for sure, I am the one who always seems to get the blame for it! Guess what, what I do is good for CC and it’s good for VH. More hard pills to swallow I know!
  13. Always a very interesting read Groomy! I agree Budapest is a fail! Swimming pools don’t deliver like people think they should. Also, it seems the Russians are unable to win favor with the locals for whatever reason. Sex swapping with a constant stream of new people is required to maintain a high ranking apt. Plus, having some other “it” factor for the down time.
  14. Thank you very much! You get it! ❤️
  15. No, it’s a fact! Ask CC mods and admin if I’m boring and don’t belong here. For the record I simply made a personal comment about Noah’s tattoo. From that, people posted their own comments in response to that. Sure, it zig zagged away to some extent, but I’m the one who tried to keep eyes on the question at hand. If people ask me questions, I answer them. If people respond to the things that I say, good or bad, I respond to them as well as other cc members. It’s called a forum! This site is not the property of VHTV. If you want to define the boundaries on what can be said here, perhaps instead of insulting me you should talk to the moderators and Admin and have them crown you king!
  16. My boring self created a discussion that made 4 pages of comments in this forum in a day, which is about a quarter of all of the posts in this thread. If you don’t like it, ignore it, but don’t say that I’m boring, because that is factually untrue.
  17. Yes, I am a Catholic! I was raised as a Mormon when I was a kid, but we moved to a city that had no Mormon church and so the whole thing was abandoned by my family. I was never baptized. I chose to become Catholic in my late 20s. I very much enjoy and respect being a Catholic. I’m not perfect and neither is anyone else on this planet. I’m not a die hard religious person. I hope that people won’t beam everything I say through a prism of Catholic doctrine. And I certainly hope that people here won’t try to use my religion to attack me in any way. Like I said I’m not that religious, but I do try to be a good Catholic. I regularly attend mass and I think it makes me a better person. I learn a lot from it and I think the good it does far outweighes the bad. ‘As for the Catholic religion being evil. I don’t think so. The ultimate idea of the church is ideally good in nature, which can be set apart from the management by imperfect people. Humans are inherently not good and I think, in time, this world will regret throwing religion to the side like it was nonsense.
  18. So, you do agree that an offensive tattoo can be a call to remove a tenant. So, if someone else is offended by another tattoo, VH should be obliged to remove the tenant based on that offense or does this only action apply to a swastika tattoo or perhaps only tattoo that offend you. ‘Now, I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to explain that the tattoo on Eva proves that she is a horrible person. But, as I said in the other VV thread, you don’t know the circumstances involved with her getting that tattoo and yet you made the call to demand her removal. So, in other words the intent of the offending tattoo doesn’t matter. What matters is the VH members interpretation of offense. So, therefore, couldn’t a person just as easily say that an upside down cross is offensive without even knowing the intent and thereby demand the removable of the tenant in the same way Eva was kicked out? ...and before people start suggesting that I’m a snowflake and I’m calling for Noah to get kicked out because of his tattoo, try reading what I’m saying next time and you’ll realize I’m saying quite the contrary!
  19. I do think VH owes us an answer to this question about minors on cam and the rules. I’ll ask again, @Voyeur House TV has your policy changed? Would you expect your viewers to report the possible presence of minors on cam or have the rules changed you don’t want these things reported? Explain the rules so that cc members can help you monitor such things since clearly it’s not something that you can do on your own.
  20. Yes, I agree that seems reasonable, but there is a right answer to the question at hand and I for one would be very curious to know what that exact answer is. Perhaps someone on periscope or Facebook live broadcasting a party where there was under age drinking involved wouldn’t be such a huge deal, but perhaps a subscriber based company has a higher standard under the law when it comes to airing things that would be illegal to air in another country. I don’t claim to know the answer. I’m just asking the question.
  21. So, let’s be clear. You now agree that Eva should have been allowed to stay on VV? Or are you saying that you were right to ask for termination?
  22. What I want to know is this, if Eva appeared on VH, what do you think would happen? Would what happened on VV, happen here?
  23. Don’t be so easy to belittle religious people. It’s a very important and personal thing for many people and I wound think that someone like you would be more respectful of that. Can we get back topic? The issue at hand is whether or not a tenant could have an offense tattoo that would lead you to call for them to be removed. Ironically, it’s not me that has done this. Could it happen on VH?
  24. There is no outrage. It’s a discussion about symbols and precedents.
  25. So, you agree that you should not have called for the removal of Eva and if VH hosted a Nazi tenant you would be ok with it?
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