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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. These hall cams irritate the shit our of me!
  2. Same back issues as Violet and Paisley. The bra just can't maintain itself. I guarantee you that the straps are too tight. She needs to loosen them up.
  3. Hehe! Lower bottom, right, on the counter. What do you see?
  4. I don’t visit her much, but if you want to see a very lovely moment, go to the kitchen cam at 07:29 on 25 Mar 2019. What a sweet couple. Thanks for the smile Veronika and Lucius. ❤️💋
  5. That’s it! You’re absolutely right. Amazing!
  6. Yes, for sure, it's due, but still, I am in awe! This lady is gorgeous. She can just come in her and hang out and do nothing and I'd be a happy camper!
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