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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Well this is awful news! Best of luck to Kalita and Brett! Thanks for sharing your lives with us. ♥️♥️♥️ @StnCld316 ...to the archives.
  2. Oh dear! A cell phone. Well, that's enough for me to stop caring. At least he looks different then all of the other guys. But, for a guy to use his cell phone during sex is about as un-sexy and un-passionate as it gets. ...and BTW, she needs to wash her hair very badly. AL should really provide a gift basket with some supplies when they throw people into their studios. Looks like they have nothing. #reallife
  3. Apparently it takes an act of Congress to change or add cams.
  4. It's not designed to succeed. It's designed to fail in about 2-3 months. That maximizes the money earned by the manager and creates a cycle of new faces to meet the demands of the subscribers. After the managers get the bulk of their money which is after the trial period and the subscribers have seen it all from the couple, the tenants are pressured into doing more and going farther sexually with other partner tenants, if they resist, the tenants quickly learn that they cannot earn enough to maintain the daily earning requirements and then out the door they go. NEXT! Lovely system isn't it?
  5. you are nothing! i am not, i’m 1, me! i can edit too 🖕🏻
  6. There was a day when they actually respected what we had to say and at least acknowledged our suggestions with a meaningful response. Yes, sure you can send a ticket, but all they do is say that they are working on it or some other cookie cutter means to just blow you off and then that’s it. In the beginning, what made VHTV so awesome and cool was that James was here, mixing it up with us. We were somewhat of a team in this effort. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way he decided that he didn’t need us anymore. Oh sure, he and the managers read our comments and follow the trends here and of course he has his feelers feeding him the news of the day, but they dont ever seem to clarify or defend their position anymore, they don’t share any rationale for why things are the way they are. I know how it is, sometimes moving a cam to a prime location is just plain not feasible when you look at the actual structure of the apt. That’s fine, then say so and we can accept that, but he and managers don’t do anything like that anymore. They hide in the shadows and lurk here too scared to say anything cause someone might actually engage them in a discussion they don’t want to have. This is a forum about a voyeur site. That entails everything about the voyeur site, not just the sex. The point is, they used to value what we had to say and now it seems that we’re just wasting our time speaking about anything that isn’t an expression of the sex. The complaints fall on deaf ears and nothing we recommend suggest seems to ever get implemented. You know how hard it was to get them to change anything. It’s a monumental effort that has to be pounded and pounded away before it sinks it. Recall what it took to get them to fix the previews so that 1 apt wasn’t filling up every slot. It’s ridiculous! So much of what is said here is a valid complaint about something and yet no one seems to be satisfied with the engagement of VHTV in doing anything. Remember, what made VHTV different than the other voyeur sites was their engagement with us here. If they won’t join us, then really any comments that involve any criticism of the site are an utterly useless waste of time. We are being ignored.
  7. I give the FUCK up! They will never listen to us! They don't give a fuck about the people on CamCaps anymore whatsoever! We are goddamned fools and idiots! Nothing ever changes and they don't listen! ....What in the fuck is the point of having a free hall cam? Is someone really going to sit there and wait for someone to fucking walk through the hall and think, yes, I want more, how do I join? NO! They are going to flip through the fucking free cams in the kitchens, the loggias, and the stupid fucking halls and not see a mother fucking thing and leave!
  8. Trust me, that doesn't work either. None of these sites give a rats ass what anyone here thinks. Everyone here could quit and they wouldn't blink an eye. RLC is just an ad or a re-direct away from their next victim and they will continue to do whatever they want to regardless what anyone on CamCaps thinks. They have no loyalty to us. These sites don't give a fuck about us at all. They live in the mansion while we stand in the cold and tend the fields.
  9. It's amazing to me, because when VHTV started, one of the great things about them was the connection they had with the people here on CamCaps, sharing ideas and status updates, and just mixing it up with us if we asked questions or had suggestions. There was a presence that was not here before. It was novel and we took to it like a moth to a flame we became part of something bigger then just CC. Even you understand that. Yet, as the mighty VHTV grew, he vanished from our sight and receded into the tower we helped build. Oh sure, the ever-seeing eye always sees, but he doesn't need us, he doesn't care about us, he doesn't listen to us in any meaningful way. He is in his tower with his crystal ball and his feelers, while we tend the field and keep watch. What a shame to be left standing in the cold after doing so much. Anyways, thanks for the information and for being here among us still. Very classy of you! ❤️
  10. That’s all. Why the hmmmm? That implies something unusual happened. Well, in my mind it does.
  11. Hey if a tenant is going to go for the in-cam blowjob, I want to see the creamy happy ending.
  12. Why would they add the apt to the list in offline mode? Way to go VHTV! Let me guess, the cams are setup like shit and maybe in a week Agatha will show up and in the meantime some random dude will be there doing nothing. Well, something like that.
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