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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. I am incapable of getting off from watching anything on a cell phone. It's like impossible.
  2. Oh for sure! I'm not saying that he is abusing her in that sense. I'm just more curious from inside her mind if it makes her pussy wet or is she really thinking, "fuck this uncomfortable as hell, but oh well, he likes it". For example, George did this stuff and more to Serena, but for her it took her to another planet. She was squirting all over the place like a popped water balloon from that rough sex. I just wonder if Lisa enjoys it or not. I hope that she doesn't respond here. I'm just curious.
  3. I think Leah needed Ana more then Ana needed Leah. This place never seems to hold my interest.
  4. Liza is on top and Lazy is at the helm of the Twitter account.
  5. I've never had anyone do this to me, but I have to wonder is this enjoyable for Lisa or is it just the price of sex? Like, is she thinking, "fuck this hurts, I wish he would stop, but I guess i he likes it, so I guess I'll suffer though it".
  6. Pretty sure adding the date to the watermark was my idea. Anyone care to challenge that?
  7. When I saw that pic of Lisa, this came to mind immediately. 😍
  8. Good to see you around again @waldi! Thx for the pics.
  9. I never was able to figure out what position they were in. 😁
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