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Everything posted by PollyFanat

  1. There was a blowjob with a new girl in a blindspot in loggia yesterday, what a shame vhtv! link removed by moderator
  2. Which girl has sex yesterday? Anyone have her foto?
  3. Приведи с собой нормальных парней для всех этих девушек)) Им явно не хватает мужского внимания
  4. Я так понял утром Барни приставал к девушке и что-то произошло - запись на этом моменте обрывается как раз
  5. Because he has his thoughts still in Fifa)
  6. I dont understand - why this guy is so popular? He has too much girls, but his interest is only playing a games.Why so much girls want him?
  7. Jeff drinks too much - it is a reason because Molly craying. He promise to her dont do this but drink again. Maybe spending their both money on this. That is the reason.
  8. Also I offer name "Veselina" because it comes from russian word "veselo" - it mean "funny". So this name mean funny girl. I dont have 'vaseline' in my mind(((
  9. Clay not only lazy and passive. He also told to Dana that she is fat and eat too much. And to Veselina that she is ugly. He is very rude to girls. Maybe it is just a humor but very rude and stupid humor.
  10. Lets give a name to a guest girl? If the name will be Veselina?)
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