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What a GREAT nickname Harley! I haven't posted anything about Nana yet as I don't find her interesting, although she seems like a nice person. But if I do post, it will probably be due to something she does or is part of that crosses the line, and I'd like to borrow that nickname...just hilarious.
Martina and Alberto - home activities #32
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Hi Jen, Well, well...seems like I might have started something here that I really didn't intend. But now that its started let me make a clarrification. For quite some time now I have used the word "soap opera" to describe what the hell was going on primarily with the Martina/Alberto and Nelly/Bogdan thing. I meant that in a good way actually because I really, really thought it was fun to watch. And like you just said, these two couples seemed "authentic"...even though some here don't really like any of these four people. I still believe that the Martina/Nelly thing is authentic, even though I still profess it was an accident RLC didn't expect. What a great opportunity for a "real live soap opera" without a script...at least for a while. I mean, Hollywood writers could not have done better. So my attitude has always been to sit back and enjoy it for what it is...a real life drama. I get your point about how very few people have experienced the kind of stuff Martina and Nelly have gotten into so maybe it seems less "real" . But that's exactly the reason people seek what they don't quite understand. Its what creates drama. Its what creates food for the voyeurs like us. Now do I think there is a possibility that RLC could have already gotten involved with "scripting out" the Martina/Nelly affair? Sure, and of course, we the paying customers would suffer most from that. I want this "authentic" drama to continue because as a voyeur, its more than fun...semi-addictive if truth be told. So thanks again for your great post. A lot of us here are on your wavelength. Keep them long posts coming...they're really fun to read on a rainy September day. -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #32
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Thanks Harley. And you too bring up some interesting questions on your post. Its all one big soap opera. The big question has always been "is it real" ? -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #32
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Thank you. Its always nice nice to hear posirve respsonses here. -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #32
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Hi Jen Mom, Well, I read this earlier today and wanted to think it through before I put in my two cents worth. You are clearly one of the most thoughtful and insightful folks involving anything Martina. And you are respectful of people, which I'm sure many of us here appreciate...for the life of me I just don't get why a few people decide to just trash others on any of the threads...I just don't get it. Anyway, I almost always agree with everything you post... and your last post is no different. But, there is something that caught my eye. When you questioned was it possible for two women who previosly were friends, then became lovers, then friends again, well, I can tell you from personal experience that can happen. I'm going to get very personal here and in God's honest truth, give you my story. Here goes, My wife and I have been married 53 years...I know, a long time. We experienced the 60's and 70's and all that brought. My wife and her best friend along with her husband and myself experimented in "swinging". After that my wife and her best friend took it a step further and became lovers, with both husband's acceptance, although it did not happen more than a couple of time a year after that...this went on for 4-5 years. Then my wife's best friend got remarried about 15 years ago...no sexual relationship since then, BUT, they are still best friends and I'm a close friend of her best friends new husband, although he does not know of any of the past activities...three of us promised to remain silent and we have kept our word. These are secrets of our past, as all of us have. But, I just wanted to show you that this kind of thing is not really that unusual for some people that lived through the 60's, 70's and even the 80's. Not really common, but not really rare either. I don't mean to ramble here but I think that what Martina and Nelly are going through is a very difficult situation as you have consistently pointed out...but it might be even more difficult than we all imagine. The bonds of true, deep love beween two lovers, male or female, is genetic, and impossible to stop. My wife and her best friend are still "lovers", in the truest sense of the word... just not sexual, and I'm definitely ok with that as I love my wife dearly and accept everthing she is. Thanks for listening. By the way, Can we all call Jen, , or still must it be Jen Mom? I know, probably silly question, but at my age, every keystroke ? -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #32
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Jennifer Mom, I'm sorry I very chose that username... kind of dumb actually. DWI are actuallymy the three initials of my name. I've never been arrested for Driving While Intoxiicated ... I have never drank alcohol nor ever been arrested for Driving Under the Influence. But I clearly should have done a better job thinking the username through a bit. -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #32
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Hi Jennifer Mom,DeepDave and Girlsfun, I think all three of you have made some very insightful remarks here. I basically agree with everything you all saw last night. Here is my additional take on what happened in the backyard last night. I was moved emotionally. To me, I think these two ladies are still deeply in love with each other still. The genuine tenderness was a beutiful thing thing to watch. There was no sex, but the long hugs and gentle kissing was as real as it gets. I am both happy and sad at the same time for both women. I am happy because for the first time in a while they were able to break through the sexual tension since they stopped having sex together but still sad for them that for some reason the sexual aspect has been put on hold. What I do know is that their love for each other is real and not a "staged" event. More and more I'm leaning toward the belief that Bogdan was involved in the sexual curtailment of their love-making. I do know that last night was as "real" as it gets on RLC. This is the type of thing RLC needs desperatly. In some ways it was as sensual as them having sex...sometimes showing genuine tenderness and emotion between people that love each other can be just as nice to watch. Once again thank you three for your excellent posts. -
Hi ddhm, I think you're right about her. To be honest I never paid much attention to Radi, not because I didn't like her, but I was just into other apartments more. But then I watched her interaction with Martina at a party in Radi's apartment and was pleasanty surprised that they seemed to get along fine...lots of convsersation between them. I'm sure her ability to speak Spanish helped. I think Radi can be a bit shy or introverted but I think someone like Martina can "open" her up a bit. i think of Martina as a "classy" woman also so I think there could be a possible friendship there in the future...but of course that is pure speculation and probably not going to happen as that would require Martina to travel to B4, and or course with Nelly there, well, that would make things tough. I just think that Radi needs some simply nice, decent, caring, and classy women to help her through these tough times for her as she does seem to be a bit overly sensitive. It really did bother me that the current B4 women did not even seem to take time to welcome her yesterday...they actually appeared to "shun" her...that just seemed very rude to me. Hopefully that changes. Anyway, thanks again for your insight.
Martina and Alberto - home activities #30
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Ah yes. I remember them well. But don't forget about Eva and Sam. I think they were the kinkyest RLC couple ever...even more than Dick and Jayne...but both couples are EXACTLY the type that RLC needs right now. I still don't know why RLC won't go back to their original formula for success...makes no sense to me. Oh well, at least I was lucky enough to watch the golden age of the Russian apartments and the Rome apartment with Masha, Sasha and Dasha. I just wish more of the newer RLC subs could have been able to witness the Russian apartments. But then of course they would be even more disappointed in today's crop of RLC performers...so maybe its best that they never experienced couples like Eva and Sam and Dick and Jane along with several more like couples. -
Hello Mark. I understand your frustration and many others. At this point the current RLC lineup of 95% of the participants is more than boring. I will say that the only three participants worth keeping are Martina / Alberto, Nelly / Bogdan, and possibly Leora. The Martina / Nelly soap opera is clearly still interesting to many viewers as it still represents what was normally occuring during the Russian "golden days" of the site...there were during that time at least 4-5 appartments with similar content as the current Martina / Nelly situatian...it was actually hard keeping up with it all...a good problem to have if you were a subscriber. But I know that most new subscibers will say "so what, that was then, this is now". And they're right. What is required now is a complete overhaul of the current lineup of particapants othe than the three I just mentioned. RLC needs to hear from current subscribers by cancelling their memberships until RLC revamps their participant line to reflect what they had in the earlier Russian days. I do not blame RLC for what they had to do because of Russian government intervention...they had no choice...its a reppressive communist state. But, I do not believe similar participants cannot be found in free European countries and even in the U.S and Canada...come on, exhitionists are all over the place if RLC is willing to look. One of the biggest weaknesses of RLC has always been the lack of English speaking participants in the project and RLC's refusal to allow Russian / Ukranian translations, we all know why...they want to keep all their subscibers guessing what's doing on. That is NOT real life.That worked for a while because the daily content didn't need translation because subscibers were overwhelmed with fabulous amateur content that no translations were needed...it was the universal language of real sex.The only way RLC is going to change is through the pocketbook. In a capitalist society, that's what works best..."put up or shut up". If a company refuses to listen to it's customers, it will go under. I am sorry for this rant, but as a long-term subsciber, I think I know what RLC needs to due to for newer subcribers to re-live the glory days of RLC. Of couse, maybe the newer subscribers don't really enjoy bisexual women engaged in that type of thing, along with their male partners and I'm certaintly ok with that. But for me, bisexual women are a complete turn-on. I think that the Martina / Nelly thing is real and is, as I have said many times, is a soap opera RLC needs big-time to continual. After all, what better thing could they ask for? But they need to make conversations more public or translatable into othe languages, not only English. Or they are doomed!
Thank God for a new topic!.Please do not allow any more posts here about Leora...this is not her posting site. In case nobody noticed, there was some type of conversation between Martina and Bogdan in the last couple of hours at B4 on the terrace. What was really intriguing to me was the fact that initially the conversation was audible on the terrace...then all of a sudden the microphone on the terrace as turned off. I didn't see Bogdan leave the terrace to turn off the mike, but maybe I missed that. Did anoyone see him leave temporarily leave and when he returned there was no sound of their conversation? And another question...all during this, Nelly was nowhere to be found at B4...but maybe I missed that also. I don't know for sure but it seems like something is going on here. I do not want to speculate but for some reason the microphone during the Martina / Bogdan conversation was turned off so we cannot get any translations. This is bullshit! If the conversation between Martina and Bogdan was supposed to be private they could have gone to the terrace outside Bogdan's and Nelly's room. Does this mean that RLC has the ability to turn off private conversations between project members? I never knew that and that does suck for subscribers who are paying for the salaries of all the RLC participants. We deserve better.
As an American, and a life-long Rebuplican, I find your comments are racist and most Americans do not subscibe to them. You are apparently part of the 35% of Ameriacans who feel as you do... you don't want anybody that is not a white European allowed in... and thankfully the American voters regected your philosophy in the last national election. Most Americans still feel that America is a land of opportunity if you work hard, believe in yourself, and believe in the American form of democracy. America is not perfect...no country is or has ever been. But most Americans are kind, decent people, who are not racists, and without regard to their politics, do not agree with your view. I know, I know, you believe the last election in America was "rigged". Get a life! To all the folks on the other side of the oceans, you built America by your faith in a better life away from tyranny...whether political or by religion. The vast majorty of Americans believe in welcoming all people to our shores to build a better life...do not believe the Amerian right wing press or the "crazies" on Facebook...they are racist and believe the only "good" Americans are white. I'm sorry for this diatribe but I can tell you America is still one of the "lands of opportunity". Again sorry for the length of this but someone needs to stand up to Howard's un-American beliefs.
Not sure what to say other then I was on both sites yesterday...maybe your browser is blocking them. Both sites are not easy to navigate due to constant pop-ups, but they are still online. I did notice yesterday that joyshub.com couldn't be searched on Google...no listing, but did come up with just entering wwww.joyshub.com.
I'm sorry Daniel I don't have any videos. But if you look carefully on the internet, you can find videos of Eva and Sam in some threesomes and Eva in some lesbian stuff. I think I would start with joyshub.com , then try reallifecam.club.com...but on both sites you'll gave to navigate through a ton of pop-ups. To find threesomes with Dick and Jane, well, that's really tough as RLC really worked hard to delete all those videos to great success.
This is exactly what the good old days of the Russian apartments were all about...bisexual women and their male partners willing to participate. Dick and Jane and also Eva and Sam did this kind of thing A LOT! And as always it never seemed fake even though it might gave been planned. There were three other women that Dick and Jane also got involved with in bisexual threesomes including the infamous visit to Masha and Sasha's apartment in Rome. Us older subs really, really miss this kind of stuff. Almost nothing like this ever happens with the post-Russian apartments, with the exception of the Martina / Nelly affair. Such a shame RLC is incapable of finding real bisexual women and willing to experiment male partners.
Ah yes, Dick and Jane. I remember them well...their visit and subsequent orgy with Masha and Sasha. Then their visit to Masha after Sasha and Dasha left...that was one hell of a night. Of course, don't forget Eva and Sam...they were equally gifted in projecting an open relationship. And of course, both Jane and Eva were bisexual. So, today, RLC from what I see, has only two "proven" bisexual ladies due to their actions, Martina and Nelly, although the lady in B5 might be, but no explicit action yet. And look at all the attention Martina and Nelly get if you're into bisexual women having sex with each other which I think many, or at least some of us, do enjoy, The Martina / Nelly thing is the closest thing there is right now to the old Russian apartments...couples who are ok with each other's sexuality... and in fact thrive on it.
Hi JenMom. Well, it seems like you and I are on the same wave-length again. It's nice to see someone who is not a Nelly hater. I've been saying for quite awhile now on my posts that the Nelly/Martina thing is exactly as you also observe...it was an accident that RLC did not see coming. I bet RLC has been jumping for joy ever since. Nelly and Martina have maybe created the greatest ever soap opera in RLC history...what more could RLC ever ask for? Although I'm not sure that first evening with Nelly and Martina at that party was "staged" or even planned, it was clearly genuine. They were both "feeling no pain" as we Americans say, so the alcohol certainly lowered their inhibitions. And I think you're right that it was Nelly who last night gave a command performance for sure...if her behavior was a "show" she deserves an Oscar. Like you said, sometimes all it takes is for one person to take things into their own hands to get a party moving. Lets face it, Nelly has more experience, other than Masha and the Russian based version of Leora, then all the current crop of women put together. I remember those old Russian apartments and uneqivocally can say that she is a real pro. Now, of course, the new segment of the soap opera is possibly how Martina will react to Nelly's performance. In my mind, I'm guessing she'll be disappointed in Nelly but also compassionate in recognizing that Nelly has not really beat her alcohol addiction. I think it possible she might even convince Bogdan that Nelly needs some type of rehab., but of course I'm just speculating. I'm pretty sure that Martina really does love Nelly as both a lover and a friend...I remember after the party a few months back, when Nelly got shit-faced and Martina and Bogdan had to put her to bed, that Martina stopped drinking alcohol in front of Nelly for quite some time...true compassion I think. I guess the soap opera continues. Thank you for your insight as usual.
Gina and Bruno - Home activities #8
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Gina & Bruno (04/23/21 - 11/29/21)
Thank you ddhm. I know there is a little bit of an English barrier here, but, your words make me understand what I don't know about the Russian/Ukranian experience and culture...it leads me to believe that all of us here have to be very, very careful of OUR words, because those of us in the West, including those of us in the U.S. and Canada, do not have a real appreciation of the Russian/Ukranian mindset...which just might be a long way from ours. Your words, on this subject, are compassionate and revealing about something we don't really quite "get" here. Thank you for your insight in helping me understand some things I really haven't paid enough attention to. You are quite eloquent in yor words...we need more of that here. -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #27
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Sounds like a car dealership...or police at the end of the month needing to issue more speeding tickets! -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #27
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Hi JenMom. The for one thing, and probably the major reason was that the Putin-led government decided to end most pornography being produced in Russia for whatever their reasons...I can't comment on the intentions there. But secondlly, it was also reported by RLC that one or more of their apartments had been invaded and the identities of RLC participants compromised which set up an untenable situation for RLC and its apartments all throughout Russia. There have been all sorts of other conspiracy theories but I can't speak to those as like others, I only know what was said on Google search. Sorry I could'nt be more help. -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #27
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Hello ddhm. Just to clarify, I've had a full suscription to RLC for over 7 years and CC for over a year. I guess the reason for my post is that I am finally tired of the lack of the Russian/Ukranian translation shown by RLC. The amount of fabulous amateur content during the "golden years" of the mostly Russian apartments was so far above what is being offered now. I would guess most of us on this forum who lived through the Russian years would easily agree. We put up with the language barriers because the content was so terrific almost on a nightly basis...more sensual, more sexual, more kinky and just plain more interesting couples for the most part. So, I guess we were spoiled before the expullsion from Russia. But like many, I've hung in there hoping for better things which overall, haven't happened. I kind of feel what might have kept my interest is for more English to have been spoken or much better and frequent translations of Russian/Ukranian. I believe RLC could have done that when the current dry spell of "talent" began...they certainly could have afforded a full time translator for $1000 a week. But of course that was their call, not suscribers. I've heard it suggested that the reason for RLC not wanting English-speaking apartments or English tranlations is that RLC is worried about certain "private" stuff being talked about in the apartments or occasionally calling other participants by their real names...I don't buy that. We all know the real names of maybe 2 or 3 of the participants and I don't think that's caused any issues. And of course, each residence has a few off-cam places or microphone free areas to speak privately. The talent pool over the last couple of years in the apartments, certainly not in every case, but generally, could have been improved by at least knowing what the particpants were saying. At the very least it would have given all of us a "real" insight into the participants personaliry and character making it worth watcing RLC. Sorry to be so long here. -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #27
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
Again, I agree with you JenMom. Reallifecam can really only be "real" if subs can be given true translations by accurate, independent Russian/Ukranian and Catalan/Spanish translators. It drives me crazy to sit and watch RLC apartnents talk and I don't know what the fuck they're saying. As we all know, RLC doesn't want us to know...keep our "addiction" going. I expect RLC has legal contracts with other sites, like CC, that don't allow almost all English conversations between Russian/Ukranian participants on-camera to be allowed. And that's why there are no only English-only speaking participants. Now, that being said, if there are situations involving real, unsripted erotic sex, we really don't need a translator do we?...the language of love prevails. That's really what the RLC "glory" days in Russia/Ukraine/Rome with Masha were all about...things were so naturally "hot" among the true amateur apartments, we did not need any translations...those days are gone and that's why I will not be renewing my sub after 6 years. RLC is a shell of itself from 6 years ago... it is no longer a true, sexually erotic amateur site... other than the Martina/Nelly thing. I have a feeling you've missed out on those original apartment sites...although some videos can be seen online... just be careful though...lots of spyware, -
Martina and Alberto - home activities #26
DWI replied to Noldus's topic in Jade & Alberto (04/15/17 - 03/01/25)
I agree with all your points except one...there are some men who don't look at the Martina/Nelly thing with disdain...I for one still enjoy watching them. Yesterday I submitted a rather long post on the B4 thread, Topic 77, page 22. Its all about the top apartments during the "Russian" glory days of RLC before they had to to leave Russia. It basically recounts the fact other than Leora back then, the top Russian apartments, out of all 20 of them, were Eva/Sam and Jane/Dick. What those two apartments had in common was that both women were bisexual and both of their male partners knew of their bisexuallity, welcomed it, and on ocassion took part in female-female-male (FFM) threesomes with their female partner and her female lover. Those situations were always filled with red-hot eroticism and sexuality. They were probably planned but they never, ever seemed fake or "staged" as almost all are now on RLC. My point was that RLC got very lucky when the Martina/Nelly thing occured...it was really an accident that caught RLC off-guard. It also brought in a huge number of new subsciptions and intense interest. Maybe RLC should go back to the "goldmine" and remember the popularity of the Eva/Sam and Jane/Dick apartments and recruit more participants like that. It will definitely liven things up a bit and make RLC a lot of money. -
So ddhm, after reading your post it trigerred a thought. With so much chat about the new participants RLC chooses, I began thinking about what is missing now that we had more of during the "Russian" days before RLC had to leave. I thought about what apartments were at the top. Certantly Leora, Annabelle and her man, and of course Masha, Sasha and Dasha although I believe even back then those 3 were in Rome. The couples that came to mind and who always generated a large following were couples where the woman in the apartment was bisexual...especially Eva( Eva and Sam), Jane (Jane and Dick), and I think Ulyana also. They brought to the scene a whole lot of unexpected, serious surprises...lesbian and FFM threesomes with other great looking women. I could never really figure out if these instances were planned "shows" but they never seemed "staged" and were always natural and damn sexy. I know today we have Nelly and Martina, who I still enjoy, and Masha although now she seems less into other women. But I think that Nelly and Martina are a bit different from the Russians in that I think their relationship was an accident RLC didn't see coming...they got lucky. The three couples I mentioned were consistenly erotic and fun to watch. I'm thinking RLC might have forgotten about that previously successful formula of bisexual women in heterosexual relationships. Maybe RLC should go back to the "goldmine" they once had. Thanks for your post that that spurned me to write this.
So I think the question here is this: seeing that there are many Engish speaking subs here, with the most coming from the U.S. and the U.K., why does RLC insist upon mostly non-English speaking tenants? For sure we've always been led to believe RLC does not want us to know what the cast is saying...in Russia/Ukranian. Great...that makes a lot sense if what they're talking about on cam doesn't accidently reveal the real names of the other participants. Ok, so here's my next question: Does RLC think that English-speaking subscribers like watching people speaking a foreign language they can't understand? It seems to me that RLC loves to keep English-speaking subscribers guessing what's going on and think they'll live with it and continue to re-subscribe. So far RLC has guest right. But the Nelly/Martina issue might change things as no Russian/ Ukranian translatiion is allowed apparently on any other website. After all, Russian/Ukranian subscribers are a tiny portion of their members on CC and RLC. I think moving forward, RLC should require all new participants to be able to speak English and their homeland language. And as part of their contract with RLC, they have to limit their conversations that are in areas with no microphones..that should still give them some privacy. I just think English-speaking subscribers are being treated unfairly,