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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. Two of them are definitely bull dykes, the one with long hair is ugly also, I'm still waiting for the cute one someone mentioned earlier to walk in. I don't want to see girl on girl action if it involves women that look like ugly guys.
  2. Looks like you have competition, a couple of the "women" visiting her have more male hormones than Paul.
  3. should, should, should stop wasting our time posting shit. This isn't a cam chat site ffs.
  4. I was watching them, Kiko lay a jacket down on the lounge room floor for the dog to lay on and Nora put on a new jacket as she had taken another off, they then turned out the lights and headed in the direction of the door. This was while Themightyrasin says they were making sex noises. ??? Maybe they are showing different footage from cams to different areas, one may have been delayed, or a repeat?
  5. Yeah,.. I have a screw driver. And she'll bang it like a hammer.
  6. Pretty sure it's been mentioned in other threads, he cheated, they broke up, he moved out for a few days then came back, they argued, she took him back like the needy thing she is. She is the one showing affection, clinging to him, he sits at a distance and keeps to himself, unless he wants sex. She still does everything for him, he's a lazy slob that needs a mummy to look after him.
  7. At least dental floss is long enough to pull out again if you accidentally swallow some :o
  8. We are having the same issue in our Country, laws are made to accommodate them and their religion, but they wont change to fit our lifestyle, or respect our religions when they move here. >:(
  9. It's good to see a woman that's good with tools ;)
  10. The whole point of RLC is it is as close to real life as people can be under 24/7 scrutiny. They're not performing monkeys or tarts on a paid cam site.
  11. Lol, it's an aquired taste, and definitely not to be spread thickly. The thinner the better.
  12. I've always found it very odd when seeing an English kitchen and they have the washing machine in there wtf :o
  13. Same in Australia, most dwellings have a separate laundry, or they are built into the back of an attached garage. Most modern units and apartments have them built into a nook separately also so they are hidden from view by a door.
  14. I find it annoying and narrow minded of them to lock all the rooms in that apartment, but I don't miss what I can't see. I'm not going to pay just to find out I don't like what is in there.
  15. The problem is, embedded pictures and videos can be seen by anyone, so anybody can look at this site and see the content without signing up or paying. Solution, crop out the RLC code from the pics and videos.
  16. Excuse me! You don't pay jack squat for me! You pay because you want to satisfy your cravings, not mine. All apartments should have free rooms, that way they will entice more people to pay to open up the locked rooms. Locking all the rooms just makes people look elsewhere.
  17. I get different codes all the time in different rooms or apartments because I'm not a paid member of RLC, I guess that's why his code changes too.
  18. Why move to England when the weather there isn't much better, I suggest Australia, just for the better living conditions, not because I want her here for myself, hell, our beaches are full of gorgeous women already. ;D
  19. The dog looks a bit freaked out, wonder what he'll put in his report about their activities....
  20. I'm not out to get anyone. I just found it ironic you post about retards and "there" ignorance.
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