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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. Smells like a fishing expedition, maybe to see what the reaction to a pretty face would be.
  2. That was probably about the time I gave up the smokes for good too. It's been a while, maybe closer to 10 years, can't remember exactly.
  3. I don't wait in line, and far from being a Baboon, I am a gentleman. To get my attention you need to stir some interest, try PM.
  4. You make the assumption people here use a static I.P. address.
  5. Oddly enough, I have not seen anyone bullying here except yourself Bobby. Your attacks on others here is noted.
  6. She's still there, dressed the same as yesterday and playing with her pussy...I mean cat, last time I saw her.
  7. Did you know, Grumpy Old Man syndrome is a genuine medical condition? Apparently it has to do with ageing and the reduction in hormones. I recognize myself doing it, and it's scary.
  8. Smoke Camel filters this time?
  9. Maybe American Football where they have to wear padding so they don't break a nail, or Soccer, where you cant play until you've mastered ball handling skills, and that's just in the shower.
  10. Reading it, and understanding it are two different things ;)
  11. There's a thread for this already! http://camcaps.net/alma-stefan-new/the-%27%27omg-looooook-there-are-having-sexxxxxx%27%27-topic-1739/
  12. Perhaps she does not want to be like Lora. She made a pregnancy test about two and a half weeks ago. Looking at her as she was packing in the kitchen, it appeared she had the beginnings of a small stomach bulge, maybe she is pregnant already.
  13. They were in the kitchen for hours wrapping and packing stuff. I think the apartment was furnished and they have left the original items there and only packed what they brought in. The Hallway wardrobe is pretty full of stuff packed up and all the hanging clothes from in there are gone. I do find it odd and sudden though, makes me wonder why the rush to go.
  14. Alina's still packing with the help of her fat friend, they're doing the kitchen now. Chubby must be staying the night as she is in her nighty already. According to the time on the RLC site, it is almost 10PM there.
  15. I get that message when I am not signed in, I don't know if it is there when I sign in, as I am a paid member here.
  16. Have you felt the sphincter muscles squeezing down when your partner coughs? ;)
  17. Thank you, I wasn't able to log in or even find the site for 2 hours here. I knew it wasn't my connection or links.
  18. Teufel, you don't have to quote a whole post just to give a thumbs up, just hit the "like" button. 8)
  19. Awwww, rose petals on the bed, how romantic. I wonder if that was her idea or his, and was it one of their birthdays or a special occasion?
  20. I note a few aspects of Aspergers in his behaviour. It would explain his dedication to game playing as well as the physical oddities he displays.
  21. She may be Thai, or the result of one of the stolen generation from Korea used in China or Japan as domestics.
  22. I'll have to disagree with you there Van. Leora is the closest to perfection RLC has at the moment. Nora may be the most sexual, but physically she does nothing for me, from the back she looks like a young man (no shape), her face is very plain and from the latest pictures I can see hips poking out and inverted nipples. I love nipples that stick out, and I dislike banging bones. As for Kiko being a man, that was good for a laugh. I reckon he's gay, but hasn't realized it yet.
  23. Very nice Pics, but I still prefer leora, now if only we could see her like that .....
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