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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. You don't have to sign up to view it. Select the free user as an option to download. That's why I use PL not UL. I would use Mediafire but my uploads don't seem to work on that site. I selected free user as the option, but tried to watch it on the site, it then wanted me to sign in. I prefer not to download to my computer.
  2. I'd watch that, IF I didn't have to sign up to a site to view it!
  3. Jelly donuts on Mars? Anyone else think someone has dropped their tinfoil hat?
  4. Scharfer translated basically means sharp, me thinks not :P
  5. I don't think it is her, some people say they all look alike, but it's not that hard to see the differences. I think Alina's facial structure is more defined.
  6. Oh well, he chose the right spot to be random .....
  7. It's his user name. The he says... Hello Maya good morning.
  8. Another one that thinks RLC tenants read these threads.
  9. There's instructions? REAL men don't notice those things :P I clicked on the payment link, it brought me to my Paypal account, and all I had to do was confirm and accept.
  10. I wouldn't mind checking the future with Alina, she's a hot little cookie
  11. Hahahaha, that comes with age, apparently it's all to do with hormones, or lack of them.
  12. I had a Zippo years ago, pulled it apart and never got it back the way it should have been :'(
  13. not many rules that I know of, except they have the off side rule, like soccer does. Agreed it is or can be violent, that's part of the fun of watching it.
  14. That's alright, I'm sure most mechanics don't fix things anymore either, they just replace parts. Everything is made to be disposable.
  15. Depends on what brand they are, some of them are real buggers to tune.
  16. I try to avoid politics, and nearly all sports. I like most kinds of motor sports, and don't mind watching a good game of rugby, because my girlfriend is a fan of that code.
  17. True, they don't get up to much in their home lives. I wouldn't mind if they had a few parties to spice things up, more friends sleeping over etc. Christ, If I wanted to watch someone sitting in front of a computer monitor most of the time, I could record myself when I'm home from work, and watch me watching me. ???
  18. My Girlfriend has a chocolate allergy, so Nutella and all other chocolate body spreads are out :(
  19. Hmmm, so that's how Mermaids came about :o
  20. Google translate doesn't have an option for dyslexic....anyone? ???
  21. True love is an Aussie kiss in the morning, it's like a French kiss, but "down under" ;D
  22. Call it an Aardvark if you must, but I prefer "Natural protective layer", it keeps the nasties away and helps keep it clean. 8)
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