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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. If that is the case, and it is stated in the rules, then Lora and Max will have to move out before their child is born.
  2. Then don't record it, or you could be in trouble too.
  3. I tried them on another ISP with faster speed, works every time. Normally the new apartment wouldn't load.
  4. He's hardly fat, and not representative of males in general, that was a generalisation on your behalf. I'd say he's immature and a bit self centred.
  5. I've seen him eat, sleep, study online and never smack Leora around, not once, but then I don't watch them 24/7. I'm not sure if either of them work anymore, Pretty sure Leora did work at one stage.
  6. They've already moved, the problem with the cameras IS IN the new apartment!
  7. Not a problem, we just watch them fucking, really fast :o
  8. Yes, they're off since this morning. What's wrong? :-[ And I could actually connect this morning (2.20pm CC time). 2nd time it's actually worked for me.
  9. Yep, women sure can be frustrating. I'd rather he throw his phone than throw her of the balcony.
  10. He's ham fisted, he rubs at her like he's trying to remove a spot. He needs to learn to be gentle, use light touches and tease her.
  11. She was kneeling down, so was lower than a person normally would be in the shower.
  12. I think they have new H.D. cameras which require more bandwidth, this slows it right down, and possibly makes it inaccessible to those with a slow connection. Just a theory.
  13. I can't open this apartment either, I think it has to do with the bandwidth requirements for the new cameras. My internet has slowed right down as I have reached my limit, Hopefully it will open as soon as my connection speeds up again.
  14. And I bet Kiko has the skirt that matches the duster.
  15. But you did, three times. Maybe you can't see it until you become a payed member.
  16. She's probably letting off some steam, because she's frustrated by him lot.
  17. It's not just about us not wanting to pay, it's about scum using us to make money. Besides, downloading using the free option takes over an hour if you have very slow internet speeds. You really are a wiseguy aren't you!
  18. I'd have to say Maya and Stepan, they are playful together.
  19. I was just thinking the same thing before reading this post. I wonder how many negative Kharmas they have to have before Admin speaks to them or bans them.
  20. It depends, I found once I left school I lost contact with so called friends, and found it hard to make new friends. The internet is my refuge.
  21. He must have seen the fat chick waddling around half dressed.
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