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Everything posted by Folivora

  1. Yea, my precious suitcase 😭 Hmmm , well, she said she had heart surgery, so, who knows
  2. Guys, I'm fine. Enough to build a theory on my account. Sometimes I get hurt by your words. I try to bring my physical and psychological state back to normal, it takes time . I love you, Sina
  3. I guess i scared her with special Chair 😅
  4. Wtf Emily have sex with guy???? We are all doomed . Asteroid will come or aliens
  5. Well, if no-one recognised her , so I don't have intentions to reveal
  6. Gosh, they two super shy . Keidns was virgin till 18 , she is now 18. And that hot blonde , u will not believe me but she was virgin till 20 , she is now 20
  7. Wow, if she finds out that, she will be furious.
  8. Unless she was a virgin till this summer 🌚
  9. Not a horse, but a immortal pony 😅
  10. there are many versions of this verse with different endings and there is also an anecdote. in general, we are talking about processing, more than 12 or 36 hours per shift. Although we are far from the Japanese in this regard, and in general, doctors have such processing for sure.
  11. I love my work with so much passion. I wouldn't miss a single session. Whether it's Saturday or Sunday Or better still long weekend Monday My work - best present on my birthday I'm here on Thanksgiving Thursday. During sunset or on sun-dawn. Would I be able to go on? Won't go wild, nuts or crazy. Or one day find that I'm lazy They say that horses die from work, But I'm immortal office clerk.
  12. Ahhaha, no, she lost her voice on the weekend
  13. Some health problems I will and for her friend too 🌚
  14. I know I look shitty, not funny and boring. I still can't believe that I have sex and still don't understand what girls find in me. Just night thoughts
  15. So difficult decision , sina or keidns ooooorrr 2 pretty girls that will come tomorrow (i wish) orrrr someone else special
  16. she went to her mother for winter clothes. give her some time, she's a little shy 😅
  17. She is like dark horse for me 😅
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