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Everything posted by JoJoGunne

  1. JoJoGunne


    Yeah...and it's all my fault. LOL!!
  2. http://chezmoi66.webbase.fr/ Some of you might recognize this couple from ww/camarades. Well, they have their own website and they broadcast their own cams. Here's a video of their recent activity. (Before anyone...like J...gets excited, rest assured this didn't come from ww/camarades. Heck, from what I've heard, J won't allow this kind of activity on his site anymore.) https://www.firedrive.com/file/D261288406904AD3
  3. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    I have to wonder, vision1, if you are really so unintelligent as to think my statement is strange. Perhaps you should consider that, while I won't and can't visit camarades, that doesn't mean that I haven't or never visited the site. Now, I won't say I know ALL about the site, but I will say that I know a LOT about the site and, if you've bothered to really read this thread, among others, you should know that I am perfectly capable and willing to ask questions about the site...with a resulting increase in knowledge about it. Frankly, vision1, this post of yours has only reinforced my previous suspicion that you were a crass, uncouth idiot to the point that I can just about say it is a certainty that you are a crass, uncouth idiot.
  4. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    The new rules are interesting. No nudity, etc, eh? And, let's see, about 30 cams. My guess is that around 20-25 of them are the usual scenery/pets/interior shots virtually devoid of people. Another 4 are probably people like Elke who don't chat. So that leaves maybe a handful who might respond if someone says something to them. Oh...one of those would be Caerwyn, of course. Yeah...sounds like an exciting place. btw...since there is no more nudity, I'm curious how Ann is reacting. Does she open her cam? Does she do her morning ritual with the lotion? How about her hula hoop? Or is she exempt from the rules?
  5. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    No. I won't repeat myself. I made my statement a few pages back in this thread.
  6. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    On the surface, your suggestion has possible merit, though ultimately I think it would be a waste of time because of two reasons: 1. J has never struck me as the kind of person to listen to or consider the opinions of others. (except, maybe, Caerwyn). It's his way or the highway. 2. Most people really don't care enough about the site to take such an active part as you suggest. They just want to be able to go on cam, have fun (however they personally define that) or to watch and chat with others. If the site makes that difficult, they would just rather move on. For me, personally, your suggestion is a non-starter because I won't ever visit that site again...no matter who asks me to. (and, frankly, J won't allow me to do so even if I wanted to)
  7. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    Regardless what J has said in his rant here, you have almost exactly identified his problems with his site and CamCaps is not his major problem. Where CamCaps made things hard for him is in regard to people posting pics and vids. All the stuff he was saying about stalkers and such never happened here. And when you get right down to it, only one person from ww/camarades really had any heartburn about the pics and vids: Ann. Of course, she and J have a history together that goes way back, so I can understand his irritation at CamCaps for that. But I think he is going way off the deep end by tossing all his problems at the feet of CamCaps. Now...let's talk about J's real problems: Stalkers and Stupid People...and his own mods. Stalkers: I applaud J for the help and support he's given Ann and others when they've had problems with stalkers. As you say, ron48, there are crazy people out there...and there always will be. The first line of defense, though, must always lie with the individual on the cam. Stalkers can't do anything unless that individual reveals personal information. The best thing J can do in that regard is educate people who open their cams and chat on his site. Stupid People: J already has the best tools to combat these people built right into his site. Anyone with a cam has the ability to /ban anyone from their chat. They also have other tools to filter out those they don't want to talk to. But, again, his problem was educating cam owners. I probably instructed more people about how to use their /ban ability than HE did. In my opinion, all the changes he made...preventing non-elites from using the guestbook...preventing non-elites from chatting...preventing non-elites from seeing selected cams (without even telling the cam owner he was doing it or why) only served to hurt his customers: The people who had cams and who wanted to chat with people. His own mods: As individuals, I liked his mods. They were fine people. But they were given the task of doing their jobs while working under vague, ill-defined and downright discriminatory rules. This required them to operate using their own personal, subjective interpretation and impressions about what was going on. (I had one mod tell me privately that she didn't agree with what was happening to an Elite member...but that she couldn't do anything about it.) Add to that the virtual impossibility for a person to mount an appeal concerning an action taken or a decision made against them by a mod and the result was a lot of people just getting fed up and leaving. As I've said to J a couple of times, instead of coming here with his threats and rants, he would be better served by taking an honest look at his own site and his own actions.
  8. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    I don't know, bluto, if you are trying to be sarcastic or not. After all, it was you who said the following about J. yes i did,and i wish i could delete that after giving some thought about the site (ww) and what he has done to protect the woman on there,,i admit the making anyone a mod thing sucked,but it was fixed.I guess anyone can run a website from there comfy couch,and some booze,,lol. Fair enough. I agree that anyone can have a change of heart and alter their opinion. On another note, you've implied that there has been a problem with mods and some sort of action taken to resolve that problem. I really don't know what you are talking about and I wonder if you could give the full story about this. I know that, in the past, there was a set of mods...Jeannie, Penny, Craftsman and Caerwyn. Then, I found out that Jeannie wasn't a mod any longer...Penny dropped in once in a while, but didn't seem concerned with what was going on, so perhaps she is not a mod any longer...and I don't know anything about Craftsman. Caerwyn, I assume, is still involved with J in running the site. So, what happened...what changed? I'm not trying to be confrontational. I really am interested in knowing about this.
  9. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    I don't know, bluto, if you are trying to be sarcastic or not. After all, it was you who said the following about J.
  10. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    Yeah, yeah...we get it. You don't like CamCaps. Your first post to this thread made that quite clear. But do you really have to keep repeating yourself...instead of answering questions that are asked?
  11. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    This brings up something else I'm curious about. I know why you don't like me and we have come to our agreement. I know you think Renzo is saldobraso though I haven't seen any evidence from you or from anyone else that they are the same person. But what's the deal with this Anna Maria person? Do you contend that she has been vocal on CamCaps? That name is not on this forum's member list. Do you allege that she uses another name here? Or is your mention of her just some sort of smoke screen? btw, you'll excuse me, I'm sure, if I hold your promise of a free Elite Membership (not for me, of course, but for anyone else) as a dubious promise. I've seen your free elites taken away from people for unknown and unexplained reasons before. I guess it just depends on your particular arbitrary mindset at that particular moment, eh?
  12. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    I seriously doubt you have the ability to determine who owns the accounts of Herkanerker and sylphia here on CamCaps...unless you've intimidated Admin into giving you that information. If that's the case, then you know I don't own those accounts. If that's not the case, then you are obviously clueless.
  13. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    I have never posted here under the names of Herkanerker or sylphia. Actually, I suspect one person from YOUR side of the tracks has posted here under those names. Perhaps one of your underlings is doing something without your knowledge? Do you deny that many established members and users of your site abandoned you when you formulated and enacted your inconsistent and arbitrary adult conduct rules...when you ended the ability of non-elite users to post to a guestbook...or when you ended the ability of non-elite users to chat at all? None of those actions addressed activities that you have laid at the feet of CamCaps...posting pictures and videos, that is. As I said...you really should try to be honest with yourself.
  14. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    Well...J has spoken! I really have only two comments: J, if you think I post to this forum under multiple accounts, then you are even less perceptive than I though. J, the problems you've had with your site...the dissatisfaction your members and users have had with your site...all go back to long before I or CamCaps ever heard of your site. You can blame the people here, but if you were honest with yourself, you would look to your own actions and attitudes for the causes of your problems.
  15. I haven't watched these two, but are you saying they haven't bathed or showered? If so, perhaps they are shy about appearing nude.
  16. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    You bring up a number of points here that I think need to be addressed separately. 1. ...as they are meant to be used... I think the problem is that, over the years, what the owner feels how the site is "meant to be used" has changed...and changed in what appears to be an arbitrary manner. I think people get used to how things are being operated and get irritated when that operation changes suddenly, without notice or seemingly with no consideration for the members and users of the site. 2. ...use sites to harass others... "harass" is an ambiguous term that might mean something to one person and something totally different to another. I've seen where the management think of a person as harassing particular people, and yet those particular people didn't feel they were harassed at all. I've also seen some in the management not think that person was harassing anyone. Kind of makes it hard for the members or others using the site to know what to do or how to act. 3. ...but at the same time you all complain. LOL!! It is in people's nature to complain about something they don't like. 4. why not just move on to another one ? Well...that's seems to actually be what is happening with this site, don't you think?
  17. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    Don't forget about the people who run the site. They have a bigger effect on how good a site is than the people who are on it.
  18. The short answer is: Because the site just isn't worth the money.
  19. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    There really isn't much of a mystery about this whole thing. private1 originally presented the code in a post to this thread. Unfortunately, there was a problem doing this and the code would not work correctly. private1 then offered to send the code, in an email, to anyone who sent him a PM. That's how I got it and it worked correctly. I don't know if private1 is still send these emails...that's his decision...but he also posted the code here in that picture format for those who wish to type it out themselves. Seems to me to be just another alternative. Look, camarades has always been able to see the code. Heck, it comes from their own webpage. For sure, it can be expected that they will take counter-measures. So it goes.
  20. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    Not covering my ass. Trying to be precise. Anyway, nobody owes you "proof". If it doesn't work for you then, as I said, sucks to be you. My "quarrel" with J goes way back...long before this current state of affairs. Private1's script has nothing to do with it. Now...it's time for me to take my own advice and ignore you. Buh-bye
  21. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    I will amend my confirmation that Private1's script does work. I haven't used that script since my run-in with the owner of camarades. Before my run-in, the script worked as Private1 says it does. Any cam could be seen. I agree that it is possible that camarades has taken steps to defeat that script...or maybe not. I don't know anything about html so I can't say that's happened or not. @Dijkstra: I'm really wondering why this is such a big deal to you. That's why I suspect you are someone from camarades trying to entrap people. Let's face it...if the script works for you...as it did for me a day or so ago...cool. If it doesn't work for you...hey, sucks to be you. But there's no point coming here and tossing slurs at people...unless, of course, you are trying to goad them into doing something that provides you...a camarades operative...information that allows you to punish them for making that script available or for using that script. On the other hand, you might just be some idiot who can't use a working script. You might be taking your disappointment at not being able to see all those cams out on others. If this is the case, I advise you to look to yourself...correct your own deficiencies...heck, learn some manners. In any case, my advice still stands: People should ignore you. edit: Dijkstra, I see you mention repeatedly that you "typed" that script. DING! DING! DING! Sounds to me like your typing skills might be the culprit. Check your work, eh? ;D
  22. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    Dijkstra needs to be ignored by everyone. I think that person is someone from camarades who is trying to entrap Private1. I confirm that the script does work and that you can see any cam. Even the Elite-only cams.
  23. Since she is Russian, my guess is Mongolian.
  24. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    Under threat of dire legal action against me by the owner of camarades, I have deleted all media I have that concerns content from that site. I will not visit that site again. I have extended an apology to the owner of that site. However, I will read these forums and comment as I see fit. I just will not post any pics or vids.
  25. JoJoGunne

    ww.com Split#2

    No he was asking for $3m this not mean it sold for that much. He could have talk an over for half of it :) That said he has said many times he did not want it to be a porn site. Well now it is not. It is a dead site. http://www.domaininvesting.com/ww-com-sold-private/ Thanks for that link. So that actual price J got was $1.05M. Not quite the $3M he was asking for, but a hefty chunk of change, nevertheless.
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