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Everything posted by JoJoGunne

  1. When Win8 was released, I got it for $40 in October and then bought it in December for the same price for my son. All of the updates were free to me. I don't know what the offer will be for Win10, but I expect to get it for free or cheap.
  2. From what I understand...I could be wrong, though...this will last till they release their consumer preview. That should be sometime early next year. Later, in 2015, will be the full release. I like Win10, too. But what I'm really looking forward to is Cortana. That's rumored to be part of Win10. I'm hoping they put it into either the WTP consumer preview.
  3. The only program you need to see the cams on RLC is a browser. Since you are posting to this forum, you are already using some kind of browser. So, other than trying other browsers, there's not much you can...or need to...do with that issue. As far as cams taking too long to load, there's a lot of factors that could be in play. The browser you are using. Your internet connection speed. RLC might be having issues on their end. Your Flash might not be up to date. Your computer just not being powerful enough for whatever load you are putting on it. Without knowing more detailed information about your system and internet service, I have no way of helping you. (and, frankly, I don't WANT to know more of that kind of information about you...kind of "too personal" in my opinion)
  4. Ummm... I thought I'd bring this to the attention of anyone who is or is considering checking out the WTP.
  5. Microsoft will generally have a free download trial version directly from their site if it's available. If it comes from a Third Party at this stage more than likely a fake and mess up your computer. The Maximum PC link I gave is for an article about the preview. In that article is the link to the MS page to get started on the Windows Technical Preview. Here it is: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/preview
  6. No VM. I have an 8 y/o laptop that I hardly use anymore...had Win7 on it. I installed the WTP and it replaced Win7. It was quick and painless to do and I didn't lose any programs or files. Just like when I upped my main computer from Win7 to Win8. When I'm done with the WTP, I'll just do a fresh install of Win7.
  7. The major factor that will make me decide to move to Win10 next year will be cost. Right now, prices are only rumors. It has been said that Win10 will be free or really cheap for those who have Win8/8.1. If that's the case, I will certainly upgrade my main computer. I already use Win8.1 on that machine. I'm running the WTP on a laptop that had Win7 installed. If upgrading from Win7 to Win10 is free or cheap, I'll go with Win10. If not, I'll stay with Win7. I won't pay full price to move from Win7 to Win10...or even to Win8/8.1.
  8. Which one have u tried in Parallels Desktop I haven't really done much with additional desktops. I did create a couple...opened some windows on them...switched around...but that's about it. It is easy to use that feature. I don't do any gaming on the machine that I set up Win10 on, but I can see myself using multiple desktops more on my gaming rig.
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by "cartoon-ish"...unless you are talking about the tiles. Or maybe the fact that Aero is not available. You don't have to use or see the tiles and I do wish Aero was available. I think it looks pretty good and, with the improvements over Win8.1 and the stuff that is new to Windows, I think pretty much all the objections...especially from the business community...should be silenced.
  10. Windows 10 (Windows Technical Preview) http://www.maximumpc.com/try_out_microsofts_windows_10_technical_preview_today_2014 Anyone here dare to take the risk, download this thing and try it out? I have. I like it.
  11. Very possible. Hmmm.... Brings a question to mind, though. When does he find time to work?
  12. Ahhh.... Yeah...I guess some of these new people might think a captcha is a puzzle. Lord knows their posts here are not very intelligent. As an old fart im not into every word you use for things these days..whatever word i use does not matter..it is still a little thing you need to 'puzzle'. And i dont see you as the most intelligent person here. Im not even sure you have passed the puberty yet, and might be too young to be here. LOL!! Yeah, I've run into "old farts" like you before. You don't know a thing about the Internet, yet you insist on playing here. That's kind of like a person who doesn't know anything about football...but insists on playing the game...and wonders why he's always eating grass. Now...I've never contended that I'm the most intelligent person here, but at least I know how the game is played.
  13. Ahhh.... Yeah...I guess some of these new people might think a captcha is a puzzle. Lord knows their posts here are not very intelligent.
  14. women on cam =jojo= chat = jojo nocam = troll ??? I really don't know what all that means, but I'm guessing it's some kind of weird logic...maybe it's European. If you can not figure that out, how could you manage to solve the little puzzle to register here, LOL Puzzle?? LOL!! Do all you new people have to figure out some puzzle to become a member of CamCaps?
  15. women on cam =jojo= chat = jojo nocam = troll ??? I really don't know what all that means, but I'm guessing it's some kind of weird logic...maybe it's European.
  16. More nattering from the peanut gallery.
  17. Oh...I admit I'm curious, but believe me, I'm not quite as obsessed about all this as you obviously are. But I can't help but wonder...if you can't be bothered with me, why do you constantly respond to my posts? And why do you get so upset at me that you use crass, disgusting language toward me? It seems to me that you pretty much LIKE being bothered with me. LOL!! From previous posts here, you say you are not bothered with camarades and people there. Why on earth are you staying in this forum then?? Why bother to reply to posts here? Or do you like the fights, lies etc? Do you feel a need to have the last word? I comment when I feel like commenting. Does that bother you? Do you think I shouldn't be here? Is that more of that "deny freedom of speech" that seems to be going around? One thing you won't get from me is disgusting, crass, insulting language...unless you fling that sort of thing at me first. You guys speak so much about the freedom of speech..yes, thats true...but it is not OK to use it to hurt people, and dig into their personal life for posting. I don't speak to hurt anyone and I haven't dug into anyone's personal life. Everything about Ann that I've commented on I've gotten from her own cam or from her own website. I've also gotten information from other people, but I generally question such information and ask for proof. Oh...and before you start talking about "you guys", be aware that "I" am the only one who has been talking about freedom of speech. You would be less cowardly if you referred your remarks directly toward me. btw, frogger, whenever I see someone who has just created an account and jumps into a thread with his first ever post on this forum, I tend to think this is someone who has just created another sock puppet. Now...I don't know for sure if that's the case with you, but I thought I'd just toss that out there.
  18. Oh...I admit I'm curious, but believe me, I'm not quite as obsessed about all this as you obviously are. But I can't help but wonder...if you can't be bothered with me, why do you constantly respond to my posts? And why do you get so upset at me that you use crass, disgusting language toward me? It seems to me that you pretty much LIKE being bothered with me. LOL!! From previous posts here, you say you are not bothered with camarades and people there. Why on earth are you staying in this forum then?? Why bother to reply to posts here? Or do you like the fights, lies etc? Do you feel a need to have the last word? I comment when I feel like commenting. Does that bother you? Do you think I shouldn't be here? Is that more of that "deny freedom of speech" that seems to be going around? One thing you won't get from me is disgusting, crass, insulting language...unless you fling that sort of thing at me first.
  19. Veronica hopefully doesn't like playing with knives like Isabel had done. Or like Gia. This apartment has a history of knife-wielding women.
  20. Oh...I admit I'm curious, but believe me, I'm not quite as obsessed about all this as you obviously are. But I can't help but wonder...if you can't be bothered with me, why do you constantly respond to my posts? And why do you get so upset at me that you use crass, disgusting language toward me? It seems to me that you pretty much LIKE being bothered with me. LOL!!
  21. blah blah blah Don't you have anything intelligent to say?
  22. Well, besides the fact that I don't even know who "anna maria" is, I haven't even seen any kind of proof that private1 is that person either. Heck, I'm suspecting that YOU are really vision1...and that BOTH of you are J...but I don't have a shred of proof so I haven't mentioned it. You guys, on the other hand, see no problem with tossing around accusations and declining to prove your contentions. Looks to me like y'all are just throwing bombs here...stupid bombs, if you ask me. LOL!!
  23. Now, that's the difference between you and I. I admit when I know nothing. I ask questions when I know nothing. You spout stuff. You provide no reasoning or proof. When someone disputes your blather, you vomit up a bunch of crass language. That's why I discount just about everything you say.
  24. You really don't know the definition of "stalking", do you? Maybe English isn't your first language? In any case, we have a situation in which one person says one thing...another person says that isn't so. But you both agree that Ann was banned from ww/camarades. That, alone, is news to me. Now...as to why she was banned, without proof I don't accept either of your reasons, though I tend to discount pretty much everything you say anyway. Saldo is more believable in my opinion. But, as I said, without proof... shrug... Anyone who believe saldo...i mean renzo, shows the level of intelligence. How can anyone believe a stalker, AND a pretender..?? But, some people believe what make the best story, no matter what the truth are. 1. I haven't seen any definitive proof that saldo is renzo. 2. Making assumptions and decisions without any justification strikes me as the epitome of lack of intelligence.
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