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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. What's wrong with Nina being left alone for 12hrs. "Sloth" "arse" don't hold back whatever you do😉
  2. I don't know about Alan and Nina but the whole dynamic of this place changed ages ago as we all know.
  3. Serena has had a personality transplant.A different person altogether Maybe problems in her life,who knows.
  4. If Virgin boy returns to Nina expect fireworks,the only thing is they will still be in the box tomorrow at this time.Nina tempted him to hell the last time he was here and he wasn't interested.Expect more of the same.Happy to be wrong though.😀
  5. Nina has just had shower at 20.09 here in Alan's and at approx.21.25 had another one at Kira's.Strange?
  6. Pick up any decent sex manual and it will show you where the on button is😀
  7. Come in to my parlour said the two spiders to the one fly My version ok!!😀
  8. Surely not with Serena living their. I wonder if the Apt. Managers ever have the mattresses cleaned.When you think of all the sex action that goes on they take a hammering.If I had a room in a hotel with a mattress like some of them on here I would be off to reception smartish. Anyway no more domestic ranting
  9. Nina had a shower and slept on Alan's bed?.That mattress needs one of three things (1)Turning (2)A good wash (3)Or probably the correct one - dumping in a skip. I'm surprised at Nina as she is such a cleanliness/tidy freak. Yours sincerely Domestic Dave😀
  10. I have not been on CC long enough for Amy to know me but as she has been offline for a while I just thought I would say hope your ok so I probably won't get an answer.
  11. Is there another Apt.on VH where the tenant(Alan for instance) disappear for days on a regular basis.I think he is more away than home.George must have him doing extra curricular work somewhere else.☺At least Nina isn't a tenant so can please herself.
  12. Just recently she slept a whole night on the sofa with Alan and absolutely nothing happened.
  13. Jessica visiting without Conan.That's twice now.Have they split?
  14. Oh to understand their conversations,thoughts opinions attitudes etc,etc.Do you think Nina and Giselle know about each other.?Is the infidelity tolerated in the name of making money.?Or is it simply basic lust.?Serena certainly doesn't seem to be interested anymore and to think what used to go on with this three.
  15. I would love to see Giselle's reaction if she opened the bedroom door right now.!!
  16. Yeah,there is something about him I can't put my finger on,but Yuppi can stay forever.
  17. Your getting awfully proper and technical😀Do you mean "is the sun cuumin oot"😀
  18. An unbreakable bond no matter what.On this carousel of an Apt.it always comes back to this two.👍
  19. Trust me I won't be quoting you on anything pal😀
  20. Thanks Let's,I get it now but I will pass on third party host services.Is that someone you hire to make up a threesome😀😀😀
  21. You will be ecstatic to know I have finally got it.😀Thanks for being patient.
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