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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. I cannot speak Russian but do you think the continuous stream of visitors you talk about could be something to do with photographic modelling.Why did all these girls have sex with him?.Did he lure them with promises of some sort of career.He knew a few moves in bed but I can think of quite a few others on here that were much better lovers than him.The girls could maybe go down the lesbian route(invite yuppi) of course.We will see.
  2. Mummy must have told him he can't have another sweetie.Fucking grow up!!
  3. Is that a GIF.Does that stand for Girlfriend in France😟
  4. Does that mean you think I am Weely,Weely intelijunt.😀
  5. I see the couple who visited early on in the week are with Henry but no Mira.Is she ok.I sincerely hope so?
  6. I believe something kicked off at H,R&R's place but I didn't see it.However I get the feeling Herman thinks that Red and Romina are his exclusively.Fuck that,you go gals is what I say.
  7. Hi Rob,Nobody should be "dictating" policy to anyone we live in one of the most democratic countries in the world.I think your "snowflake minority"remark is a bit OTT as they clearly do not dictate in all walks of life.I admit the prudes should go fuck themselves and join the Amish but dictate Nah. As for people being offended well nothing new their then.So fucking what!!let them be offended I personally couldn't care less. Now as for Mr Manning,MrDavidson and let's add Mr R,C,Brown to that.If you think that 3 were funny then comedy is fucked.Blatant racism and sexism is the most unfunny subjects I can think of.Oh sorry if I have offended anyone.👎
  8. He has lost some weight has he not,ithat's what threw me.Are him and Candy history?
  9. Yeh the bear has a hopeful look on his face,fuck knows what the cat's doing😀
  10. Hi Jabs,is that Dean with the union jack T shirt?
  11. I am an absolute red arse compared to you guys,Nov.18 when I signed up.I am a time served Joiner and I.T. Techy stuff scares the living shit out of me so when I joined I was almost frightened to do anything in case I embarrassed myself to which I might add I have done numerous times but hey so fucking what.The reason I joined CC was through pure chance.I sub.on VH and have done since mid 2017 and being a nosey bastard it bugged me rotten that I didn't know what was being said(cannot speak Russian)and I thought how can I sort this.I thought about Twitter but I would have ended up sending messages to the Pope,the Queen,Trumpy boy.and god knows who else so I ditched that idea till somewhere along the way this website Camcaps popped up and with some info on VH people and I thought yes!!I've cracked it then the fucking thing timed me out.I did it a few more times but was getting pissed off being timed out(you now see the level of my I.T.skills)when I noticed 20 bucks non-recurring and the rest as they say is history.I love the crack on here allsorts,moaning faced bastards,smart asses,comedians,interesting people,helpful people(you know who you are)and in my humble opinion some real arseholes.It has got to the stage now that I look at CC before VH.However looming over us here in the UK is 15th July when things could change but we will just have to wait and see.Hope this hasn't been too boring.
  12. Yes he did get a bit closer to her,he gave her a lift home in his car😀
  13. My mantra is the 3 A's,Assess,Adapt,Apply. Assess the situation and how to deal Adapt to the situation as in making sure you can actually do this thing Apply yourself and fucking do it to the best of your ability. it could be In any area of your life.sport,manual work,even good old luvvin😀Nevertheless I still cast an envious eye around and see all these young ones doing the do just like we did and good luck to them.I have a large family around me and a good lady wife and they keep you on your toes physically and definitely mentally the little fuckers but I love them all to bits.I'm lucky that I keep good health.Oh sorry I've been banging on
  14. It's a bit like Brexit,we are about to sail in uncharted waters.When we log on to CC we are able to see pictures from the various "voyeur" sites which HM's government are deeming pornographic.What I don't get is CC is a chat forum and VH is pornography but they appear on the same page.Miscvoyeur said they are not linked ,fair enough but they both are on the same page.The people bringing in this legislation are simply going to say "you can access porn via CC" so do you think our CC membership will come under this.Sorry to go off point a bit I think we will just have to wait and see.
  15. Thanks for responding but I am as wise now as I was before.
  16. Hi Buddy,What bothers me is VH could be next not that that would be the end of the world.I suppose us here in the UK should be thinking about how the 15th of July will impact on us.As you know I'm hopeless with this stuff but CC is linked to VH so does that mean we lose access to CC because VH is a "porn" site.I personally don't want to not be able to chat with you guys.Unfortunately VH is the common denominator.Is that a load of bollocks,no doubt you will let me know. Cheers Bud
  17. I would like to see Yuppi(their recent visitor)stay more often.I like her.
  18. Intimidation,Confinement and a slap are abuse and therefore totally unacceptable,but we have been over and over this before.If guilty the solution is simple.
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