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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. It's only your area of the UK that can't receive them😀😀
  2. Hi Sparkles,Since I mentioned about James and Chloe Apt.in a previous post my memory has been in overdrive trying to put people in APTS. At certain times but I have finally nailed down dates etc.(don't want to bore though).I will be honest and admit I watched VH on the free cams to begin with and what finally made me subscribe was Misty in her pokey wee flat Pre Kyle dated 29/07/17.She had two guys visiting and things were getting hot in the living room when suddenly they decided to disappear to the bedroom(no free cam in their of course)and that's when make your mind up happened.what was confusing me was that they moved to the flat with the Mickey Mouse picture on the wall where various people lived and I think that is the flat you were referring to,Lisa,Juliet and Pabloetc,etc,.It was interesting looking back in the CC archives,some of you guys have been here forever.Anna pregnant,Alice the same.Em and nyusha's flat where Em and Sid slept on the sofa before they got Rapunzel's room.There were some good times in the jacuzzi in that flat.I still remember the look on Em's face when Misty got in the tub and fondled Em's boob.I better not bore you any more but one last thing:It used to annoy me that I knew absolutely nothing about the participants mainly because of the language barrier until one day I stumbled upon Camcaps and I thought Hmm what's this,people chatting about VH this could be what I am looking for so I paid my 20 bucks and have never regretted it.Watching is only a part of it for me I love meeting new people(the anonymity bugs my head but I suppose It has to be this way).You are all very helpful and I really appreciate it.Being a computer dummy doesn't help(as Rob so pointedly put it).If I have bored you SORRY.
  3. Any left over I'm starving(the food I mean)😊😊
  4. A shortened version of dickhead,are u takin the piss😀I was actually expecting your reply to be"that's what Mrs Rob says"😀
  5. Yeh your right.After the J&C Apt.episode I had second thoughts,gay or Bi.At the moment one of them is getting a blowjob without a condom in Rosie's old room.Is that taking a chance of catching something or must you have full sex.As you have probably guessed I am completely ignorant of this subject.
  6. Who knows what the plans are for this place.Alan has fucked off again,my guess to Giselle's.Why Serena is here is anybody's guess.We need our Russian friends on here to tell us if they know anything,Groomy is excellent he might know something.You are right though this is not the Serena we know and love.
  7. Jessica and Conan plus the two gay guys are at Kira's at the moment plus some others.If it is going to be a repeat of that weird session at J&C' s Apt.with the two gay guys and Jessica I am off.I will pop in now and again just to check.Not my cup of tea.
  8. Hi Ash,It is nice to get some time off,as the saying goes all work and no play makes Jack a bored boy.I am sure it will never be boring with you around.What are you cooking for dinner?Not kielbasa by any chance.I pissed myself laughing at your post.I didn't know what it was.If you want a laugh log into G & A and look at Rob and I exchanging pleasantries.Just a pity you were not around at the time your input would have made it even funnier.Anyway enjoy the rest of your day.Bye for noo.
  9. Hi Arkay,Thanks for the info but I am now more confused than ever.I think some time in the archives is required.I may be back to pick your brains,is that ok?
  10. That is the Apt.Lisa shared with James&Chloe isn't it?They used to take nights about with the bedroom if my memory serves me correctly.Lisa&Grant sometimes or Mr Black.
  11. I think the bigger question is who is she going to do it with.I'm thinking it won't be Alan any time soon.Time will tell.
  12. Yeh your right,a chunkier Serena.Maybe some horizontal excercise would help.😋😋
  13. Re.point 1:To be fair lots of members post that they don't like an Apt.but are actually referring to the occupants not the decor but I take your point. Re.point 2:I admit that some couples can start brighter than others and therefore when they do decline it is more disappointing but it is still more or less what I was saying how couples can become. Re.point 3:The reason I used the negative word is because of a previous post I made and your reply:D&D's Apt.A member posted how ignorant it was when a couple are involved in sexual activity for one of the persons to pick up their cell phone.I basically replied in agreement.You came on with the reply that he was not on his cell phone and you were absolutely correct.The point I am making is that you were more interested in pointing out our mistake.It Wouldn't have mattered if he had been peeling an orange or opening a bag of sweeties the main point was he was being ignorant which you did not even comment on.Your post in this instance as far as I am concerned was completely negative.Finally I hope you were not inferring I made nasty and rude comments about anyone.If so would you like to point them out please.
  14. Hi welcome,Well Mary is really fucking us around cos Grisha is in her flat at the moment.I think ZE is bang on with his assessment Grisha is her true love and Tony is her wild side occasionally.I am surprised the guys are happy with the "arrangement".
  15. It is the nature of the beast,watching or doing the same thing day in day out.I have been a VH sub.for a long time and in the grand scheme of things nothing really changes.You will hear people on here saying " yes this is the Apt.to watch" and a week or two later the Apt.is now boring.Obviously there is a limit to what two or more people can do sexually but it is still the same stuff.What do you want to see,what can people on VH do that will never be boring ever.I know we pay money which gives us the right to comment but saying a couple is boring becomes boring to listen to.Don't watch them if you don't like them or do you prefer negativity to positivity.
  16. I would give Em.one more chance just to see and as usual if you don't want to watch then don't.I watched her for long enough and know all her failings but to me well!!!
  17. That could be seen as an insult to the monkey!!
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