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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. She certainly is but extra awesome at lying about with her friends for days on end doing fuck all.just saying!
  2. Hi Ash,Fit like,Scottish for How ya doin.A dumb question before I have to run.What is UNO.Cheers the noo.
  3. Well thanks for that but we will just have to wait and see.I have absolutely no proof of anything untoward going on ,more of a gut feeling,but to me it just didn't smell right.Of course we may never see or hear of them again.Cheers
  4. we will just have to look out for something else invisible!!!😀I'm sure G&A have left rejoicing with your fond farewell ringing in their ears lol
  5. I think Lisa has been long enough in this game to know exactly what she does or doesn't want to do.I have watched her for quite a long time now and she has been pretty consistent and I am sure she has made sure Grant fully understands.
  6. If Mary continues to swap almost day to day between Grisha and Tony is there not a chance of an STD.I think she is playing a dangerous game.I would have thought the guys would have asked her to choose who she wants to be with.Maybe my paranoia with this situation is blinding me.Good luck to them though.
  7. Hi Rob,I have just noticed that we are losing our invisible hot tub.Aw,gee,shucks!!!!!
  8. I am surprised that they waited this long before packing it in.As people they were a nice couple but as participants this wasn't for them.What I don't get is that out of all the participants on VH they must have spent fortunes on moving between Florida and Nevada to only make minimal amounts on VH.I am still convinced there was an ulterior motive behind this.At least Rob and I had a laugh at the invisible hot tub.Good luck to them in the future in whatever it is they are up to.!!!!
  9. The day you hold back is the day I start worryingFuck the polite shit,with you anyway.Subtle as a flying hatchet.😀😀😀
  10. The only times I can remember Lisa ever doing anything with anyone else was ages ago with James and Chloe(no Grant)and i seem to recall her snogging Lexy in the Apt Em and Sid were in but there was maybe more.!
  11. Hi bud,I dunno where to start.I was poking fun at my phone as being old fashioned and needing batteries(which it doesn't).I was giving you the opportunity to call me a miserable Scottish Bastard for not buying a multi-pack of batteries instead only buying two and constantly recharging them.Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it😀😀😀
  12. Unless Giselle turns up which is usually once a week,her and Alan fuck each others brains out for a few hours and then she disappears again.Seems like Alan and Serena are happy with a platonic relationship so I wouldn't hold my breath for any action.The Marie Celeste was more exciting than this place now.
  13. Somebody has to have dared him surely.In this photo I am sure Mary is thinking Grisha WTF.😀
  14. Not all!! If you don't want to ask Ash Alaska.😀😀
  15. What I forgot to add to my rant was that I do recognise that not all Scots want Independence,the majority in fact.
  16. I'll poison dwarf you!!!!If you are Scottish,passionate,live up here,have the annual budget for Scotland voted on and approved by among others MP's from Devon,Cornwall,SOMERSET,Dorset,Kentetc,etc,etc,.Independence has been an issue up here long before Brexit.I f Scotland voted for Independence as a stand alone nation we can decide who we do or don't want to be"ruled" by,and it certainly would not be Someset or any other of Her Majesty's serfdons business pal.✊✊
  17. Would it not be an idea to suggest to VH and or the managers to say to any participants that can speak a bit of English to maybe use it now and again.Lexy and Pete did,Dana and Chris did,Evie and Mike do it but usually while camming so I don't get the benefit of them.I realise that this has probably been mentioned before but I haven't been on here long.Just a thought.
  18. It is just the hypocrisy of politicians that when you are in government you assume all your policy's and decisions are correct.once in opposition then you must criticise those in power as a matter of principle.Exactly the same scenarios happen in the British Government.That is why I would like an Independent Scotland.
  19. I'm not 100% sure but I think it is grisha with a complete new hairdo.Dunno though.
  20. Nope he got his cistern brother to help him😀😀
  21. I have just had a look and cannot believe he has that lot in the bath.I did that once when I was a lad serving my apprenticeship and the cement scratched the customers bath.I got a rollicking from my journeyman,my boss had to replace the bath and I worked unpaid overtime for months.A lesson learned for sure.
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