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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. In that case he should maybe consider moving to another website where he could significantly increase his earnings.This is after all about making money.However if this situation suits him who am I to say.
  2. Referring to your line "Alan has his own way"do you not think that is just a little bit disrespectful to the girls that they need to be "directed".I would have thought the girls reply to that would be "I am perfectly capable of having sex in whichever way I want" without any direction from Alan.I admit he is good at it though.
  3. We are thinking 7/10 days,a lot depends on available holiday dates from work.It is all still on the drawing board but a definite.
  4. Hi Ash,how's things, I have been at another pub quiz in my local pub and have been ridiculed by my teammates.The questions was what is the capital of Pennsylvania and I jumped in and assured them it was Pittsburgh Wrong,Wrong,Wrong.It is Harrisburg Yeh.I have taken pelters for that as it would have got us second prize(2 bottles of wine)Need to double check my USA state capitals in future.Myself and good lady Son and wife are planning a trip to the big Apple later in the year.Never been before.Hope you and Guy are fine.See ya.
  5. I really think that Giselle has her own life,wants nothing to do with VH on a permanent basis,likes Alan and has sex whenever possibly at her place when he does his disappearing act and occasionally at Alan's.What I don't get with Serena is she was so sexually active with Alan,Nina,Edda,Joe etc,etc.now she is living like a nun.Where does she go everyday,college,a job,to someone's flat.As for these guys you refer to I must have missed that bit.
  6. I have watched Lisa and Grant for a long time now and in my opinion they are consistent and as natural a couple as you could find.How many different ways are there to have sex.After a while it becomes repetitive but it is what it is,and as for saying she does it for the money isn't it what VH is all about.This subject has been done to death anyway but you are entitled to your opinion which I don't agree with.
  7. Gawd now that you have told me you do DIY as well do I have to actually finish Computer for Dummies.No pressure Eh.☺☺
  8. Please don't think for a moment that I doubted you,I was only joking about the fact that I do not have a clue what all of that stuff is about.I have said before that I will stick to making and building things.I was once doing a maintenance job in a college and it involved new ceilings,partitions,doors and windows in the IT Dept.and i was watching the techs.writing that computer language. Wow.I asked them some questions about what they do and it might as well have been Chinese.However I felt a bit less inadequate when one of them asked me to fit a new up and over garage door for him.Each one to his own I suppose.
  9. Gee,your not subbing anymore,really!!I didn't know.😉Anyway,I think I get the message on your opinion of Kira but that photo doesn't do her friend justice.Honestly she is quite attractive.BTW I don't use Specsavers.😝
  10. Hi Jabs,Give me a shout if you need a hand.😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
  11. I think Jessica is a beautiful woman,up their with Piper and Paisley.Just wish this place had a bit more action though.
  12. WHAT?That's one of my good ones,you have not suffered nearly enough yet buddy.😀😀.Off to work now hear from you later no doubt.
  13. Is that the sperm advance guard Grant has painted?
  14. I would love to expand on this one Amy but it is too gross😷😷
  15. This body painting lark is catching on is it not.I would pay to be able to paint Lisa's butt.
  16. If Chester's second name is Carr and they marry that will make her name Laurie Carr.Sooo bad but cannot resist.😀😀
  17. No your right,as long as you got it.So you have got a nags head Doon your way.You should really see your Doc.about it.I'm saying Nehhhhh mare.Gawd that's bad.😀
  18. It's a fairly common thing to say here for instance,"was anything happening "no SFA actually.It is just a way of not using the F word in front of people who do not like swearing.So in A&S Apt.thats exactly what's happening Sweet Fuck All.I don't think I should have bothered with this line.Apologies for any confusion.
  19. Is that the body part that sits on top of the bosses shoulders😀😀BTW my PM??????
  20. Just a piece of useless information:There is no Phobia for a fear of foxes.Just thought I would mention it.!!
  21. If Catwoman finds out she will scratch her eyes out.😀😀
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