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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Did you not know that hot tubs are invisible in Nevada?😀
  2. Well, Well I did not see that one coming !!Onesie boy should be kept busy now
  3. George,Giselle and a whole load of bags and stuff have just arrived at Alan's.Giselle moving in?
  4. Hi Jabbath,Sorry but I missed out an important part of the Auld Reekie story.At the base of the castle rock on the north side there was a loch called the nor loch back in the 17th century.It was actually a giant cesspit used by the locals to dump toilet and domestic waste,even dead bodies which obviously together with the air pollution caused the smell.Eventually as we became more environmentally aware this"loch" was drained and in its place we now have Princes Street gardens.The gardens and Castle rock are bang in the middle of Edinburgh and very popular with tourists.Sorry to go on about it but I completely forgot about the Nor loch.
  5. He is in a house with lesbians or maybe they don't want to have sex with him.Who knows!
  6. I would imagine that gay guys find it difficult to get an erection for women,not that I would know I hasten to add.
  7. You maybe have heard of the three Stooges,I think this was the three bamboozled bi-sexuals☺
  8. I am trying to work out what the point of that was.Conan in the bedroom jerking off and Jessica is fucking around with two Guys who don't know whether to fuck her or each other.Strange one.!!
  9. I quit 10 years ago.I smoked mini cigars but whilst on holiday in Florida I caught double pneumonia and was hospitalised for eight days.I told my wife to throw all the cigars in the rubbish bin and said that's it finished.My rationale to stop was what would be my opinion of someone who continued to smoke after a bout of pneumonia.
  10. Right here we go.Edinburu.Edin is how you see it,burgh is buru.You might be interested to know that Edinburgh is also known as Auld Reekie.Auld Is old and reekie is an old Scottish word for smelly.The reason for this name is because in olden times everyone had coal fires(no smokeless fuel back then) and on a windless day there would be a huge pall of smoke over the city obviously more so in winter hence Auld Reekie.Hope that helps.
  11. Poetry,pottery?I'm sorry I'm confused.Question:Why does the text in a post sometimes change.It looks as though I have written a load of nonsense(that is up for debate).Clicking on the avatar shows you the real text.I know I am just demonstrating my lack of tech.skills.As for the poetry I assume you know about the novel The scarlet pimpernel.There was a poem about the novel and I merely quoted a famous few lines from it.I worked as a delivery driver as part of a large team that covered Edinburgh and parts of Scotland and as you would expect some drivers would disappear and dodge there duties and that's when we would Quote that verse.In other words where is that lazy workshy bastard hiding.I hope I am not insulting your intelligence and that you know of this novel.?
  12. I wish!!!!!I just thought it summed this pair up,very difficult to catch.
  13. They seek them here they seek them there they seek them everywhere are they in heaven or are they in hell that damned elusive G&A😋
  14. He might have succeeded if Betty had stopped fucking singing😀
  15. Hi Let's,great to see your back on the scene.I assume you have been ill so I hope you have fully recovered.Look forward to hearing from you.
  16. Here endeth the first lesson is something a religious leader or preacher would say possibly after a sermon.Is this what you were meaning?Rob was preaching about doughy products.I know we have lost the plot!!Well I thought it was funny.
  17. Thanks for that Rev,Father,or is it Mullah😀
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