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Everything posted by moules

  1. Regarding Sara being a drama queen, and creating drama. That is exactly what the owners (producers) of RLC want. That has always been the case of reality television, https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2016/11/128007/reality-tv-shows-producer-behind-the-scenes Whether it is Big Brother, Real World, or any show in that genre, it is drama and conflict that attract viewers. Normal people living normal lives are boring to watch. Girls lying in their bed looking at their phones all day are extremely boring. I recognize there are RLC subscribers who watch Leora faithfully, but IMO, she leads a boring life, from a viewing perspective. How many subscribers would watch RLC if all that RLC offered were 30 apartments with Leora''s living in them? How many watch Karol and Kos, who live quite normal lives on-cam? Do more RLC subscribers watch Karol getting a massage from a masseur than watch Karol and Kos fucking? On two separate occasions early in their relationship, Sara slapped Massi, and she didn't hold back. From an RLC standpoint, great drama. Now if it had been Massi who had struck Sara with the same force, he would be gone. Drama has its boundaries.
  2. As two of them are again bathing in Sara's spa, while she is over in B-7 sucking Massi's cock on the terrace, I am now thinking that their appearance and subsequent actions was more calculating than spontaneous. Perhaps RLC is thinking about opening a gay apartment, and is testing response. If one is to believe posts on CC, then there are numerous gays watching the villas, and such an apartment could be quite popular! I checked replay, and the DJ with his equipment and the tall guy in shorts with tats on both legs left together with Nadia The DJ is either a good friend of Nadia and/or Sara and did the gig for free, or was paid.
  3. Somewhat OT. Nadia now back in B-2, and in bed. She will probably sleep the rest of the day/
  4. Some observations, mostly based on replay. 1.) Nude model girl. She and Sara have had sex before. But I don't think that Massi was part of any earlier sex. She left abruptly, not clear whether she was upset about the sexual progression, or whether she needed to go home because she is working today. She did make her own personal video of Sara and Massi having sex, probably something to watch when bating. 2.) LiaLia disappeared. Her luggage is still there. I assume she arrived specifically for the birthday party. Massi quickly played with her pussy on Sara's bed. Sara sucked Massi's cock while LiaLia watched. If she is staying for a few days, she will have more time with the stallion. When Sara initially arrived at B-4 from Russia, she and LiaLia had a very passionate kiss (LiaLia was already a tenant.) So I think LiaLia is a good friend of Sara's from St. Petersburg, and she may also know the owners of RLC. 3.) No Nelly or Bogdan. 4.) The gay boys were there in numbers. Someone posted that two were friends of Nadia. I don't think Nadia is inviting gay guys who are not friends of Sara to Sara's birthday party. I don't know about the DJ though. Nadia seems to have spent a lot of time with him, and he arrived with her, with her carrying a synthesizer. 5.) Nadia is queen of the rave. 6.) As for the relatively large number of gay guests, is Sara a bisexual queen in the Russian-speaking gay community of Barcelona? And after Massi was complaining about her fucking a 'gay' guy, was she sending a not-so-subtle message to Massi: 'I fuck who I want when I want.' They are both addicted to sex with each other. 7.) Mati wants very much to fuck Medusa. He fingered her last night while Amalia was sleeping. 8.) No Wolf, no former participants other than LiaLia.
  5. Sara and the nude model friend must have a history.
  6. LiaLia arrived with several suitcases, including the large pink one in Sara's wardrobe. And she put some stuff away, also. She is either in transit, or will be staying for a while. If she is staying, I will bet Sara offers her to Massi. When she is not drunk or drugged, she is capable of titanic orgasms.
  7. From replay, M&A seemed to have a mutual understanding from the start that they would only go so far When Medusa is lying on her back, and with one hand, she is rubbing Mati's cock through his underwear, and with the other, she is trying to play with Amalia's pussy, and neither of them react sexually to what Medusa is doing and signaling. That was the point where the hot threesome should have started. Instead they pull out the toys, and each his own. And they basically then just go through the motions. If Mati does indeed have a rule about only fucking Amalia, that rule does not stop him from doing other stuff. And Amalia was tentative the entire night. Perhaps she had expected Medusa to stop and put her clothes back on, and leave, like others did recently. Perhaps Amalia is insecure that Mati and Medusa can converse in a language she does not understand. ----------------------- Alexandra and Lucien's rule seemed to be that the only on-cam sex that was off-limits was Lucien fucking the other girl(s). No other prohibitions. Wayne and Wednesday did everything with their friend, but then the friend stopped visiting.
  8. True. But the reason I don't think so is that for Nadia, she was udder dressed for a wealthy client. Far too casual. Replay from when she was leaving B-2 for wherever. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  9. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Nadia arriving back at B-2. I had checked replay for when she left to see whether she had gone on another trip to the City of Light. She hadn't. Not wearing the same clothes she was wearing when she left, so probably a visit to a good friend, or one of her ex's. And the clothes she wore on her return were either newly purchased, or she has clothes in another apartment in Barcelona.
  10. If Maddy lives in Ukraine, then I agree with your point of his being in the military. I was going to speculate that his pale skin could be an indication that either he has been in combat for two years, or in prison, but thought better of it. As you suggest, he is probably on leave. And Madison living in Ukraine would be consistent that she doesn't seem to know the local people that her sister knows.
  11. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The boyfriend's arrival. Who knows where he came from, or what ha has been doing recently.. One thing that struck me is how pale he is compered to her. (See replay below.) And Madison is pale compared to other sun-worshiping participants. Leads me to think he did not arrive from Spain or any Mediterranean country. (And no faded tan lines from last summer.) Unless he is buying more clothes in Barcelona, his stay in B-7 will be short. Also, a fuck so quick in the shower that if you blink you will miss it. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  12. Well, I was wrong in thinking Madison might have suffered from sexual trauma and this was the reason for Wolf not getting very far, despite his persistence. No hesitation tonight in performing fellatio and fucking, and not using the sheets to hide.
  13. I do not think Nuni ranks high enough in Sara's allegorical world to make it into one of her paintings. The non-allegorical painting of Neytiri and Daytona that is hanging on the wall reflects the closeness of the two of them; for example, Daytona would caress a clothed Ney, and Ney never objected.
  14. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Sara's current allegorical painting. My interpretation: The girl is Sara, from when she had tinted her hair. Two alien creatures seem to be taking her to someone. The tentacle around one of the aliens is either Sara's arm, or a penis belonging to either an alien or Massi. In her previous allegorical painting, Massi's penis is so huge and overpowering that Sara, Nadia, and Karma (?) were able to ride and enjoy it together.
  15. Daytona and Nadia leave B-2 again at 02:53. Perhaps the original plan was for them to meet Massi and Dayana at a club, but Massi (especially) and Dayana had too much to drink and left the club for B-2. Daytona and Nadia returned to B-2, Nasia had several phone conversations, and with Dayana and Massi now asleep, both she and Daytona left B-2 for the same or another club. At 03:00, the night is still young in Barcelona.
  16. Massi has passed out in Nadia's bed.
  17. Dayana also seems to be drunk. Daytona and Nadia are back as well.
  18. Daytona and Nadia left B-2 at 01:15, for wherever. It appeared as if they met someone outside, who was joining them to wherever they were going.
  19. Daytona still there at the witching hour. Nadia has applied makeup, but has not gotten dressed. She is commando under robe, but I very much doubt Daytona will make a move. Are the two of them going to a club? Expecting one or more guests? Is Wolf still in Barcelona?
  20. Small guy is receiving cupping therapy administered by Masha. Wonder what ailment he has.
  21. I The bandage below her knee has doubled in size, and, with the cast removed, there is now another bandage visible on her lower tibia. Perhaps the cast was removed to promote healing of lacerations in those areas.. I think she probably now has what is called a walking boot (orthopedic boot) that she can remove when sleeping or washing.
  22. U/M Went U/M immediately after Nadia answered an intercom/bell and opened the door. She was wearing only panties, but quickly put on a robe, and stepped out into the entryway.
  23. Indeed! Hard to tell in night vision, but these look to be vibrantly colored tats on his legs,
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