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Everything posted by moules

  1. Sara's guest friend packing her suitcase. She also understands and speaks English, but less fluently than the other four.
  2. I need to listen to it again with better headphones. Part of the problem is there were simultaneous conversations happening. I was very surprised by Daytona's fluency. The type of fluency you have if you spent considerable time living in an English-speaking country. Karma talked about a nightmare of a wardrobe falling on her. Massi's girl talking about living in a tall apartment and having to take shelter. As she did not try to speak Russian, I wonder if she is Israeli.
  3. the conversation between these four girls and Daytona is worth listening to on replay. Partly due to the fluency of Daytona and Massi's ex girlfriend, and Sara stepping up her English fluency. Karma is also quite fluent. Sara's friend appears to be less so. It is also American English.
  4. Massi's girl speaks very good English. Daytona speaks very good English. Almost native fluency for both.
  5. After a quick review of replay from last night, Margo is the alpha. Wolf couldn't get an erection when the three of them were in the shower, when he and Ney were in the bath together, when he and Ney were massaging a naked Margo, when a naked Ney crawled over him in his bed. Near the end of the Margo massage, Ney twice pokes his soft penis, appearing to make fun of its flaccid condition. She also appeared to be pissed that he wasn't trying to fuck her, and got out of bed as if to head back to Massi's room which she had visited earlier. Instead, she simply climbed back into his bed. She also seemed pissed that he was more interested in reading and watching what was on his phone than in her. When Wolf does get an erection this morning, he immediately goes to Margo's room and fucks her. And leaves Ney lying in his bed. It was as if Wolf needs Margo's permission to fuck Ney. Maybe he does. (The first hint of Margo being the alpha was their first 'sex' on cam, when they both bated separately, and she wouldn't let him touch her.) Margo made no attempt to cover her bare pussy when Massi cam into the room for the brief conversation. Was she advertising her future availability? Would she fuck The Stallion and make Wolf watch? Also, Neytiri appears to be a sub. She deliberately wore a choker collar to her night of fucking with Massi and Sabina. Massi recognized it right away.
  6. From St. Petersburg to Kaliningrad? From Kaliningrad to Vilnius?
  7. Thank you for this post. Very interesting observations, particularly the St. Petersburg references. In 2023, Lithuania has approved the highest percentage of Schengen visas of any Schengen country, nearly 99 percent. So from the banks of the Neva to Lithuania? And onward? Somewhat rhetorical question. Might Sara and LiaLia berm friends, or even fellow students, in St. Petersburg? I am also struck by Nadia's high skill in sketching fashion design. I wonder if her origins can be traced to St. Petersburg?
  8. Sara's friend leaving with her Kenzo backpack. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording She had emptied the backpack of what appeared to be textbooks which she had placed on a shelf in Sara's wardrobe. Perhaps she is here on a Schengen student visa.
  9. Regarding Daytona, Yesterday Russia's Supreme Court ruled that the International Gay Rights movement to be an extremist organization. From the New York Times, So perhaps he will now seek a new class of visa to allow him to stay longer. This ruling may also affect other participants who hold Russian passports.
  10. In her first several days, Sara's guest friend appears to have has gone into Barcelona for much of the day. Perhaps she is dealing with certain administrative matters. When she arrived, Sara went outside the villa to meet her, so no way of determining how well they know each other,from the nature of the greeting. She has a small Kenzo backpack in Sara's wardrobe room. That backpack cost between 150-200 euros. Kenzo is a high end, luxury brand. And we don't know where Sara was between the last time she was a participant, and now. Other than Sara seems to have met LiaLia wherever she was. IIRC, when Sara and Bruno were a couple, they communicated in English. Has anyone heard Sara speak Spanish?
  11. When I read about the civil partner process for a visa extension, there was no condition that the person applying for an extension find employment. The employment requirement -- actually, it seems to be more of an income requirement -- is to ensure that the non-resident partner does not become dependent on the state for support.
  12. There was a site in the United States with a similar concept to RLC but which existed before RLC. The girls who worked at this site sued the owners of that site for not paying them overtime, because they worked more than 40 hours a week. I do not know how the lawsuit ended. It was a tricky case under United States employment law because I believe the girls were employed as independent contractors, and not as employees of the business. But their lawyers apparently found enough merit to their claim to file a lawsuit. (independent contractors in the United States are not covered by overtime laws.) I suspect that the PLC participants (except Bogdan) are not considered "employees" in the traditional sense. And it certainly to the participant's financial advantage not to have a record of employment that would lead to their being taxed Regarding pay for RLC participants. I think participants are probably given a base compensation amount. I hesitate to call it a salary, because salary often is associated with certain classes of employees, For example, workers who are paid on an hourly basis, or for piece-work, are not considered salaried employees. Added to the base pay is the bonus money. This money is distributed based on cam scores, and probably uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine the rankings. Participants can game the algorithm, particularly for shows that are not spontaneous. If a participant wants to receive bonus moneu for a bate, do not do it under a blanket. I do not think the cam scores are based exclusively on sex, but most are. For example, if Martina and GF-4 were to sit fully clothed on Martina's bed for an hour, and talk, and hold hands, and so forth, with no nudity or sex, I believe that would result in a high cam score. If Martina were to take a shower while GF-4 watched, that would result in a very high can score. When Harley, one former participant, and the former participant's bf traveled to B-2 several days ago to do a 'show' in Ulyana's bedroom and bath, they almost certainly decided to do this show in B-2 because there is a bath in B-2, and a bigger bed. The setting in B-2 would help generate a higher cam score than if the same three had done the 'show' in Harley's apartment. Finally, the compensation of Russian participants in the Russian apartments was quite likely significantly lower than the compensation of those on vacation in Barcelona. They were also paid in rubles, not euros. In 2021, one ruble was worth on average 0.01 euros. (About 75 rubles for one euro.) That is about the current rate today.
  13. I think there are two different base salary levels. One level is for those on vacation. Another level, probably a lower amount, for those on long-term contracts, Masha for example. But there is only one pool of bonus money. And the base salary of those on long-term contracts is adjusted by location, for cost-of-living differences. Rome is more expensive than Montenegro.
  14. After more thought, I have revised my thinking . Maybe the bonus pool of money for Barcelona was increased substantially for the November 25-30 period, but not through January 2. We should know more about the size of the bonus pool after this next weekend. As for November 25-30, among the extra-ordinary events compared to what typically happens on weekdays in the Barcelona apartments. a,) From replay, unless my eyes deceived me, Nadia's ex used what is called a penis extender sleeve to fuck her while was restrained with minor-level bondage. If Nadia likes size, how long before Massi visits B-2? (I will be shocked if Massi doesn't soon take Ulyana to bed. His reputation will precede him.) Several more examples of hired talent appearing for a fuck party. First, several weekends ago, the guy who was supposed to fuck Margo but could not perform. (As he re-appeared in B-4 over the weekend, he may yet get a second opportunity.) Second, the guy who fucked Lali and Sabina yesterday as if he was on the clock. Either a hired fuck, or a customer receiving a discounted price for appearing on cam? Third, Daytona's fuck boy. Almost certainly, a hired fuck probably arranged by Sara's civil partner. Fourth, Massi and Ney fucking in the living room, and not in the relative privacy of either her bedroom or his. Much higher cam score in the LR, particularly if others join. Sara's civil partner could have easily joined in, but he might have encountered the wrath of Sara if he did. (IMO, Sara's participation this week is constrained by her having to be hospitable to her guest friend.) Ans an axiom about cam scores: Two participants are better than solo. Three are better than two. Four are better than three. Five are better than four. Six and more are better than five. ++++++++++++++++ Thinking pack to a post of some weeks ago, regarding Megan. Megan apparently was overheard complaining that she was only making 4,000 euros a month compared to 7,000 euros a month when she participated previously. My belief is the reduced amount probably reflected a lower payout from the bonus pool. During her most recent participation, Megan did very little unless her boyfriend was visiting. When her boyfriend was not visiting, she was a second Shantal. Taking her pay values as being true, 4,000 euros a month is nothing to sneeze at. They are not paying taxes on this money, and they are not paying for Barcelona lodging. So a free bedroom and no taxes is probably worth the equivalent of at least 2800 euros in additional income. Six months x 6,800 euros is over 40,000 euros. And when she was making 7,000 euros, a month, that was really the equivalent of 10,000+ euros a month, or over 120,000 euros a year. And if my belief is correct that a significant part of Megan's monthly income came from the bonus pool, one can understand how RLC promotes and rewards certain behavior, including being on cam nearly constantly. See Leora, see Radi.
  15. Karma, Sara, and guest girl falling asleep in karma's bed. I think this will be the last night on this visit to B-4 for the civil partner.
  16. Sara's civil partner is iced out of the penthouse it seems. No sex as long as Sara's guest is present. IMO, RLC increased the bonus money pool for Barcelona starting Nov 26. Probably the increase will last through January 2. Bonus pool increase coincided with departure of Lacrim. Also, Shantal and Megan were sent on their way. And all Barcelona beds filled.
  17. Green pants guy found a fuck buddy for Daytona. Hide your eyes!
  18. Seems to be a tat session featuring the green pants guy. Somewhat OT: Daytona has piled all his clothes into his suitcase. Is he moving elsewhere?
  19. Sara gave him the green pants again. I think these are Sara's PJs. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Maybe he should be nicknamed Verde. (Spanish for green). Sara planning / organizing some sort of special show in the LR, involving the massage table. Maybe an edible show where naked girls are covered in chocolate and whipped cream (crema batida). If there is a cherry, this might mark a virgin girl. Maybe Dakota is the cherry???
  20. I think RLC dusted the euro notes on RLC pay day in Barcelona with an aphrodisiac. So many horny participants. I also now think Neytiri, Wolf, and Margo have an understanding. Wolf and Ney will not fuck unless Margo is present. Massi is not Lacrim, and Neytiri jumps his bones. I also note the acrobatic moves by Massi early on in the sex. Replicating Wolf's similar moves with Neytiri, but without the sex.
  21. My recollection: The guy who Sara gave the ring to first arrived at B-4 with LiaLia, a girl, and a fat guy. LiaLia had left the project, but now returned with a large suitcase which she kept in the hall outside the penthouse. I think this guy went swimming in the pool, because afterward he he was given a pair of green trousers to wear. The fat guy left. This guy then did LiaLia on the LR couch. LiaLia went up to the penthouse to Sara's bed. This guy then fucked the girl. This was in the third or fourth week of October when LiaLia returned for a week or more to stay in B-4. Someone can check the CC archive threads to read the contemporaneous accounts. (When LiaLia left the villa a second time -- after the night of sex in the spa with LiaLia, Sara, Margo, and Wolf -- she was returned to B-7 semi-comatose several hours later. The guy who brought her suitcase may have been the same fat guy referenced in the paragraph above.) The green trousers guy arrived in B-4 again about two weeks ago. IIRC, Sara even pulled out the same pair of green pants from her wardrobe for him to wear. They had a laugh over this. This time he stayed two nights, fucked Sara repeatedly. She seems to enjoy him, and his talent. This visit occurred before there was discussion on CC about the visa. To me, this guy seems more of a funky, fuck-buddy than a bf who she is romantically involved with. I recall someone posted on CC that Sara told Daytona (?) that she had a boyfriend and a girlfriend. She appears to have two boyfriends, because the boyfriend she seems to have a romantic interest in refuses to visit the villa. (According to her statements as reported by a CC translator). ---------------- Okay, checked the archives. First appearance in B-4 of the guy who received the ring from Sara was Oct 16 -17. Reported in Thread #52.
  22. Nadia and her guy preparing to fuck. Three-ring carnal circus on RLC tonight.
  23. This guy with Sara, the one she gave the ring to, is a friend of LiaLia., On his first visit to B-4, he fingered and licked LiaLia on the LR couch, then fucked a female friend on the LR couch. This girl had accompanied him . Several weeks ago, he visited Sara, and spent 2-3 nights in her bed, fucking her among other activities.
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