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Everything posted by moules

  1. I think Karma and sara are going to have sex. Daytona may just watch, or join in. I am certain sara has explained all when she and Daytona were together for half the day.
  2. As Russian is apparently the common language, she probably arrived in Barcelona at 23:05, on a flight from Istanbul. She was at the villa at about 00:45. There are still commercial flights between Istanbul and Moscow and saint Petersburg.
  3. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Bogdan meets her. IMO, he knows who she is but they had not met before.
  4. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording They left before Cecelia moved her stuff. Svetlana seems to have befriended her.
  5. Did anyone hear what language Sara and Daytona were speaking when they talked with each other?
  6. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The arrival of the new tenant. I would say that Sara knew of her, but had not met her before this moment. likewise for the new tenant. She knew who Sara was. Unless the new tenant buys more clothes, that one suitcase would suggest the new tenant is not intending to stay for months.
  7. I believe the new tenant arrived with only one suitcase. I would be very surprised if the new tenant has a long-term contract. No value to RLC if the new tenant occupies a bed like Shantal.
  8. Sara and the new tenant went into Barcelona around mid-day. They were both dressed conservatively. In one way, it is unfortunate that Sara is hosting the new tenant on a tour of Barcelona. She will tell the new tenant all about Lacrim, and we may never get to see him trying to charm his way to pubic pleasure.
  9. Octavia has Radi's room, best cam angles in B-1. Worst cam angles are in Megan's former room.
  10. Several observations: The penthouse as an RLC AirBnB. In fairly quick succession, there was: * LiaLia stays there after leaving the project. She spends more time there then she did in her own room when she participated. True, I am exaggerating a bit. But she also has a volcanic sex session with Wolf and Margo, and to a lesser extent Sara in the spa. I would rate her orgasms a 5.5 on the VEI; (VEI is scale similar to the Richter scale for earthquakes.) And from the way LiaLia and Sara kissed each other when they first met in B-4, tongues down each other's throat, there is a previous history. * The Black guy. He seems not to be a friend of Sara. He is made to sleep in the LR downstairs, but she is a hospitable host. He leaves after 3-4 days. * The Quickie.. This is the thin, balding guy. He arrives while the Black guy is there. He is no sooner on the balcony when Sara is embracing him and kissing him. They soon are in her bed for a fuck. Whether they actually fucked cannot be determined, as they were under the covers the whole time. But he did ejaculate, because she helped him clean up after. He leaves after about three hours. What looks to be the same guy reappears in Harley & Fiora's apartment several days later. And sleeps with Harley. He is probably a Russian, who they know from Russia. * XX. I am naming her that because that is her Intersex classification. (The other classification is XY, and she is not that.) My guess is XX will get Cecelia's room. Does Octavia move and does Cecelia get Radi's old room?) ------------------------- Kink sells. RLC probably hoped the twins would have more sex on cam then they did. It would have been a gold mine, revenue wise. Now we have Wolf and Margo, who are into fetish and bondage. Other than Dick and Jane who were probably the first, I believe Wolf and Margo are the second couple on RLC where the female was [to be] fucked by a guy not her partner on cam. (Perhaps there were other swap couples in Russia before my time. And I don't include Masha, because Elvis is not listed as a participant.) I increasingly think Margo's guy was a candidate to succeed Lacrim in B-7, but he couldn't perform. And no second chances. And Karma reveals she has a fetish side as well. XX would potentially take kink to a new level. The great question becomes: who will have sex with her?
  11. Hermione the Hermie! (Hermie is a short form for hermaphrodite.) Because curious minds are indeed curious. [quote]46, XX INTERSEX The person has the chromosomes of a woman, the ovaries of a woman, but external (outside) genitals that appear male. This most often is the result of a female fetus having been exposed to excess male hormones before birth. The labia ("lips" or folds of skin of the external female genitals) fuse, and the clitoris enlarges to appear like a penis. In most cases, this person has a normal uterus and fallopian tubes. This condition is also called 46, XX with virilization. It used to be called female pseudohermaphroditism.[/quote] XY Intersex omitted, but described here. Intersex: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia MEDLINEPLUS.GOV Intersex is a group of conditions in which there is a discrepancy between the external genitals and the internal genitals (the testes and...
  12. Castrated or not. he does have balls to not hide his assets, such as they are. Introductions in the morning will be interesting.
  13. This may become the most watched replay in RLC history. He may be castrated. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  14. I thought it might be for a moment. Someone would need to look at replay and see if he has testicles.
  15. I guess since they are both going to sleep that we don't need to wake Noldus and have him start thread #67 tonight.
  16. First the Black Dude, now the Tranny dude. Maybe RLC is intending to open B-8, with participants chosen for a niche audience. I''d buy a 10 year subscription if he went over To B-7, and snuck into Lacrim's bed like Aziza did to Dylan after he arrived.
  17. Another bright side. He didn't hide from the cameras! Kind of strange, as he is so petite. Has to be a bottom given his physical size.
  18. Sara cuddling with Karma in Karma's bed. Guest girl by herself in the penthouse.
  19. If Fior delivered her, then it is likely she has some sort of relationship with RLC. Sara seems to have known her previously. Is she headed for B-1? or B-7? Fingers crossed for B-7. There was talk last week from a reliable CC source that The Child could be leaving soon. First the Black dude, now this girl. The penthouse is becoming Sara's AirBnB. I need to check the listings.
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