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Everything posted by moules

  1. I think there are two different base salary levels. One level is for those on vacation. Another level, probably a lower amount, for those on long-term contracts, Masha for example. But there is only one pool of bonus money. And the base salary of those on long-term contracts is adjusted by location, for cost-of-living differences. Rome is more expensive than Montenegro.
  2. After more thought, I have revised my thinking . Maybe the bonus pool of money for Barcelona was increased substantially for the November 25-30 period, but not through January 2. We should know more about the size of the bonus pool after this next weekend. As for November 25-30, among the extra-ordinary events compared to what typically happens on weekdays in the Barcelona apartments. a,) From replay, unless my eyes deceived me, Nadia's ex used what is called a penis extender sleeve to fuck her while was restrained with minor-level bondage. If Nadia likes size, how long before Massi visits B-2? (I will be shocked if Massi doesn't soon take Ulyana to bed. His reputation will precede him.) Several more examples of hired talent appearing for a fuck party. First, several weekends ago, the guy who was supposed to fuck Margo but could not perform. (As he re-appeared in B-4 over the weekend, he may yet get a second opportunity.) Second, the guy who fucked Lali and Sabina yesterday as if he was on the clock. Either a hired fuck, or a customer receiving a discounted price for appearing on cam? Third, Daytona's fuck boy. Almost certainly, a hired fuck probably arranged by Sara's civil partner. Fourth, Massi and Ney fucking in the living room, and not in the relative privacy of either her bedroom or his. Much higher cam score in the LR, particularly if others join. Sara's civil partner could have easily joined in, but he might have encountered the wrath of Sara if he did. (IMO, Sara's participation this week is constrained by her having to be hospitable to her guest friend.) Ans an axiom about cam scores: Two participants are better than solo. Three are better than two. Four are better than three. Five are better than four. Six and more are better than five. ++++++++++++++++ Thinking pack to a post of some weeks ago, regarding Megan. Megan apparently was overheard complaining that she was only making 4,000 euros a month compared to 7,000 euros a month when she participated previously. My belief is the reduced amount probably reflected a lower payout from the bonus pool. During her most recent participation, Megan did very little unless her boyfriend was visiting. When her boyfriend was not visiting, she was a second Shantal. Taking her pay values as being true, 4,000 euros a month is nothing to sneeze at. They are not paying taxes on this money, and they are not paying for Barcelona lodging. So a free bedroom and no taxes is probably worth the equivalent of at least 2800 euros in additional income. Six months x 6,800 euros is over 40,000 euros. And when she was making 7,000 euros, a month, that was really the equivalent of 10,000+ euros a month, or over 120,000 euros a year. And if my belief is correct that a significant part of Megan's monthly income came from the bonus pool, one can understand how RLC promotes and rewards certain behavior, including being on cam nearly constantly. See Leora, see Radi.
  3. Karma, Sara, and guest girl falling asleep in karma's bed. I think this will be the last night on this visit to B-4 for the civil partner.
  4. Sara's civil partner is iced out of the penthouse it seems. No sex as long as Sara's guest is present. IMO, RLC increased the bonus money pool for Barcelona starting Nov 26. Probably the increase will last through January 2. Bonus pool increase coincided with departure of Lacrim. Also, Shantal and Megan were sent on their way. And all Barcelona beds filled.
  5. Green pants guy found a fuck buddy for Daytona. Hide your eyes!
  6. Seems to be a tat session featuring the green pants guy. Somewhat OT: Daytona has piled all his clothes into his suitcase. Is he moving elsewhere?
  7. Sara gave him the green pants again. I think these are Sara's PJs. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Maybe he should be nicknamed Verde. (Spanish for green). Sara planning / organizing some sort of special show in the LR, involving the massage table. Maybe an edible show where naked girls are covered in chocolate and whipped cream (crema batida). If there is a cherry, this might mark a virgin girl. Maybe Dakota is the cherry???
  8. I think RLC dusted the euro notes on RLC pay day in Barcelona with an aphrodisiac. So many horny participants. I also now think Neytiri, Wolf, and Margo have an understanding. Wolf and Ney will not fuck unless Margo is present. Massi is not Lacrim, and Neytiri jumps his bones. I also note the acrobatic moves by Massi early on in the sex. Replicating Wolf's similar moves with Neytiri, but without the sex.
  9. My recollection: The guy who Sara gave the ring to first arrived at B-4 with LiaLia, a girl, and a fat guy. LiaLia had left the project, but now returned with a large suitcase which she kept in the hall outside the penthouse. I think this guy went swimming in the pool, because afterward he he was given a pair of green trousers to wear. The fat guy left. This guy then did LiaLia on the LR couch. LiaLia went up to the penthouse to Sara's bed. This guy then fucked the girl. This was in the third or fourth week of October when LiaLia returned for a week or more to stay in B-4. Someone can check the CC archive threads to read the contemporaneous accounts. (When LiaLia left the villa a second time -- after the night of sex in the spa with LiaLia, Sara, Margo, and Wolf -- she was returned to B-7 semi-comatose several hours later. The guy who brought her suitcase may have been the same fat guy referenced in the paragraph above.) The green trousers guy arrived in B-4 again about two weeks ago. IIRC, Sara even pulled out the same pair of green pants from her wardrobe for him to wear. They had a laugh over this. This time he stayed two nights, fucked Sara repeatedly. She seems to enjoy him, and his talent. This visit occurred before there was discussion on CC about the visa. To me, this guy seems more of a funky, fuck-buddy than a bf who she is romantically involved with. I recall someone posted on CC that Sara told Daytona (?) that she had a boyfriend and a girlfriend. She appears to have two boyfriends, because the boyfriend she seems to have a romantic interest in refuses to visit the villa. (According to her statements as reported by a CC translator). ---------------- Okay, checked the archives. First appearance in B-4 of the guy who received the ring from Sara was Oct 16 -17. Reported in Thread #52.
  10. Nadia and her guy preparing to fuck. Three-ring carnal circus on RLC tonight.
  11. This guy with Sara, the one she gave the ring to, is a friend of LiaLia., On his first visit to B-4, he fingered and licked LiaLia on the LR couch, then fucked a female friend on the LR couch. This girl had accompanied him . Several weeks ago, he visited Sara, and spent 2-3 nights in her bed, fucking her among other activities.
  12. Repeating what a CC poster who is pretty good at translating Sara. On several occasions, Sara discussed that her visa was expiring, and that she needed to become a civil partner with someone who is a legal resident of Spain, and who has a job, so that the visa could be extended.. I will give a hypothetical, illustrative example of how a visa can be extended through a civil partnership, using Ulyana and Radi as examples. Radi is a legal resident of Spain. Let us assume for the purposes of this example, that Radi works in an expensive fashion boutique in Barcelona. She can demonstrate to the civil authorities that she is employed, and makes sufficient money to support herself and a partner. Ulyana is a resident of Russia. She arrives in Barcelona with a 90 day Schengen visa issued by a consulate in Moscow. She and Radi became lovers during Ulyana previous visit to Barcelona. Ulyana returned to Russia, but now has returned to Barcelona on a 90 day visa.. Ulyana and Radi want to continue their relationship and maybe even get married at some future date. Ulyana and Radi go to the authorities and ask to be registered as civil partners. On receiving the registration, Radi and Ulyana go to the immigration authorities and ask that Ulyana's Schengen visa be extended. This registration as civil partners for the purpose of immigration and border control is limited. This registration is not the same as a civil partner registration for two legal residents of Spain, or between a legal resident of Spain and a legal resident of another Schengen country. This hypothetical illustration is likely not 100 percent accurate. It may be only 75 percent accurate. That is why i characterized it as a illustrative hypothetical.
  13. The gift of rings from Sara. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  14. It is a friend with benefits. He is her civil partner for the purpose of meeting Schengen rules.
  15. To extend her visa, she needed to be a civil partner of someone who is legally residing in spain and has sufficient employment income to provide for them both. ^^^ This is a supposition based on a CC poster who posts reliable translations of Sara's conversations. Her Schengen 90 day visa expired a few days ago.
  16. The guy may be her civil partner. I think he may have visited before.
  17. So Sara just gave a ring to the guy (her civil partner?) and Karma, as if they now have a bond as a threesome.
  18. From timestamps on replay, Sara left B-4 at 12:35, about 25 minutes before returning with the guest. So no opportunity to see how she greeted the guest. Also replay shows B-4 as U/M ending at about 12:06, with Bogdan standing by the front door of the villa. Did they put B-4 U/M because they thought this was the time that this guest was arriving?
  19. Suitcase with a baggage check tag. Plus a backpack. I think this guest is good for at least a week's stay. Once again, the penthouse is RLC's AirBnB. Daytona appears to be dressing for a trip into Barcelona. He preens himself like a girl who wants to attract guys This is leading me more and more into thinking he is interested in having sex with guys, and that could explain why he did not even touch Sara or Karma during their casual sex right before his eyes. Unfortunately for Daytona, Lacrim has left the building.
  20. B-4 went U/M at about 12:00. Likely for technical reasons, as nothing was happening (at least from replay). ++++++++++++ I see that B-7 is also U/M
  21. My thoughts on Daytona. He is like a little boy lost. An English word for him is scatter-brained, defined for the non-English speakers as a person having or showing a forgetful, disorganized, or unfocused mind. Forgetful: he is repeatedly forgetting where he put things, his phone for example. Disorganized: His suitcase is prima facie evidence of this. Prima facie is a legal term meaning based on first impression, accepted as correct until proven otherwise. Unfocused: His second night when Sara and Karma had a little lesbian show right in front of him. He would leave the room, return, leave the room, return, until finally going to the balcony and freezing. Casual is the default clothing option for the villas; most of the clothes he brought are girlie clothes. dress-up for parties. Is he hoping to have sex with the girls, and did Sara test him with respect to that? Or is hoping to have sex with a guy? Good luck with that. At this point, he is a fifth wheel, unneeded. I don't know what his English or Spanish language skills are, but I doubt there is a significant Russian-speaking trans community in Barcelona. But then again, there is Lacrim, who brought male strangers to the villa and invited them to sleep in his bed. It appears that Wolf, Margo, Karma, and Neytiri have connections with the fetish, kink, queer community in Barcelona. Perhaps one of them can make introductions. If not, RLC and he should quickly end his voyage of discovery into life as a trans for the mutual benefit of both. Otherwise, this could become a grotesque drama. My suggestion: let him sleep in B-6. away from the cameras, and let him find himself.
  22. Yes I did. But Bruno was not a tenant in B-7. IMO, the majority of the male tenants in B-7 can be characterized as failures, ---if judged and compared to the three I would characterize as successes (Wolf, Dylan, Samson). And success as measured by RLC, ---by what I think RLC hoped a male would bring to the project. Engage the girls, but also respect them. Subscribers aren't subscribing because of the male participants, or any male pretending to be a girl.
  23. The short answer as to why Miron occasionally re-appears in the villas is that the girls don't dislike him the way that many subscribers do. He had a sexual encounter with Lilith in her bed before the evening with her on the LR couch. And no one knows how he fits in within the Russian-speaking community of Barcelona. He might be quite popular. And IMO, Miron was not the worst male B-7 participant. My bottom four: 1.) Lacrim. Hands-down winner. Too many personality flaws. 2.) Tim, manipulative and controlling. Interested only in Tim. 3.) Miron, though his time at the villas too short. 4.) Thor. Too intense, too anti-social. Too possessive.
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