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Everything posted by moules

  1. No, I am not familiar with XX with a one fragile X. Where does one fragile X fall in this taxonomy? FMR1 Disorders WWW.NCBI.NLM.NIH.GOV FMR1 disorders include fragile X syndrome (FXS), fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), and fragile X-associated primary...
  2. Based on their attire at their apartment last New Year's, I wonder if Martina and Alberto (and Marta and Marta's bf) attended fetish parties such as the ones held this year?
  3. There is a photo up-thread of Daytona in the shower on Level 3. It is much clearer than images of Daytona stepping out of the penthouse bath. Based on the penthouse imagery, I and others thought he was Intersex Classification XX, which would be female assigned at birth, and with a very large clitoris, clitoral hood, and partially fused vulva. XX also have small breasts, and they don't have feminine curves. I no longer think he is Intersex XX
  4. ChatGPT must be having trouble creating a bio for Daytona. ddhm suggested up-thread that Daytona was a friend of Sara's, I don't think so. Sara had a visa issue under Schengen rules (she was already in the penthouse for 90 days before the arrival of Daytona) so why would she being a supposed friend into the project under such circumstances. (Apparently Sara's visa issue is now resolved, with her having a civil partner.) As for Daytona, I have no idea how he will participate in the project. Perhaps, he is a short-term participant and will soon move on to another venue. The link below is to the party last weekend that Karma attended. (Likely that Wolf, Margo, and Neytiri attended this party as well. They were dressed for it. See the dress code. in the link. https://feverup.com/m/143307/en I am beginning to wonder if Lacrim is somehow associated with this party scene. The guys who he brings back to the villa..... and his clothes. The New Years Eve party. Tickets are available. KINYXX pres: Fet!sh New Year Edition at Abaixadors10, Barcelona · Tickets RA.CO Last minute surprise! Many of you were asking us for one last date this year and it couldn't be other than the end of the year. Put on your... Instagram has images from last weekend's party, and other parties. https://www.instagram.com/kinyxxbcn/?hl=en
  5. IMO, the arrival of Daytona reveals or confirms several things. Sara made an extraordinary effort to welcome Daytona, and to try and integrate her into the Barcelona world. (I use the pronoun "her", because I believe female was her assigned sex at birth, and she is not trying to be a male.) Sara was helped in her efforts by Karma. Karma is becoming more and more open about her sexuality, and sexual exploration. Svetlana also spent some time talking with Daytona. Sara currently is a key player in RLC Barcelona. (And it seems that she has found a a Span-residing, civil partner, thus allowing her to remain in Barcelona under Schengen rules.) Bogdan and Nelly are out the picture when it comes to hiring new participants. If they had a role, they would have welcomed Daytona when she arrived. RLC had Fior pick her up at the airport. The daylong visit of the mysterious couple to B-7 to meet Wolf and Margo was probably in part to discuss content programming in Barcelona. (Nelly and Bogdan were apparently not part of the conversation.) Wolf and Margo were given the okay to produce content that pushed boundaries, --> into kink and fetish. (I firmly believe the guy paired with Margo in the foursome was hired and paid by RLC to be the fourth participant. He simply couldn't perform, and Wolf, Margo, and Ulyana improvised., and very successfully.) IMO, the arrival of Daytona from Russia suggests that the Russian owners of RLC continue to be interested in pushing boundaries, and that they have managed to re-establish a conduit for Russian participants to reach Barcelona, and elsewhere. I suspect the owners all have golden visas, given by certain Schengen countries (including Spain, Portugal, Italy).
  6. Sara does not have the patience of Wolf. See Wolf and Shantal. If Megan was not monogamous, maybe she might have helped Shantal leave the Abbey of Saint Virtue.
  7. Sara and Daytona spent eight hours together by themselves in Barcelona. I am certain this was not time spent discussing Gaudi or feeding the animals in the zoo. I am also certain that Sara explained to her how RLC works, what goes on in the villas, and what is expected of participants. She probably told her about Lacrim, Wolf and Margo, Bogdan and Nelly, and the Russian participants in the other apartments. As I wrote last night, it seemed to me that Sara and Karma were testing her. To see whether she was willing to participate in even the slightest way. They never touched her, and neither did Daytona touch them in the time I watched. Daytona seemed conflicted, nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof, and went out to the balcony and stayed there. We will see if Daytona becomes more comfortable about participating. If she doesn't, I don't think she will be a participant for very long.
  8. Rachel held back. She was more receptive earlier in her stay. It was she who gave Wolf his injection in the bathroom of the penthouse. She also joined Wolf and Sara in the penthouse bath, when Wolf fucked Sara almost right in front of her face. She tentatively touched Sara's pubes several times during the fucking, but did not go further. On the night of the butt injection, it was Aurora, Sara, Wolf, and Rachel in the penthouse. Who knows what was planned, because unexpectedly, who arrived in B-4 but Tereza and Timur, and then Bogdan. And Timur and tereza insisted on going up to the penthouse until they were chased away by Fior.
  9. IMO, RLC told Sara (and Karma) to test her. For them, she is an unproven talent. And she seems quite uncomfortable about interacting. She does have this habit, not just tonight, but also yesterday, of forgetting where she puts things. From what I have seen, she is as much of a space cadet as was LiaLia. She now out on the balcony freezing. I don't think she is long for the project.
  10. I think Karma and sara are going to have sex. Daytona may just watch, or join in. I am certain sara has explained all when she and Daytona were together for half the day.
  11. As Russian is apparently the common language, she probably arrived in Barcelona at 23:05, on a flight from Istanbul. She was at the villa at about 00:45. There are still commercial flights between Istanbul and Moscow and saint Petersburg.
  12. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Bogdan meets her. IMO, he knows who she is but they had not met before.
  13. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording They left before Cecelia moved her stuff. Svetlana seems to have befriended her.
  14. Did anyone hear what language Sara and Daytona were speaking when they talked with each other?
  15. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The arrival of the new tenant. I would say that Sara knew of her, but had not met her before this moment. likewise for the new tenant. She knew who Sara was. Unless the new tenant buys more clothes, that one suitcase would suggest the new tenant is not intending to stay for months.
  16. I believe the new tenant arrived with only one suitcase. I would be very surprised if the new tenant has a long-term contract. No value to RLC if the new tenant occupies a bed like Shantal.
  17. Sara and the new tenant went into Barcelona around mid-day. They were both dressed conservatively. In one way, it is unfortunate that Sara is hosting the new tenant on a tour of Barcelona. She will tell the new tenant all about Lacrim, and we may never get to see him trying to charm his way to pubic pleasure.
  18. Octavia has Radi's room, best cam angles in B-1. Worst cam angles are in Megan's former room.
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