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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. He never did cum. She had two orgasms but I agree this was no where near as good as last time. I think these two have been seeing each other since the last time and they likely have sex quite often now.
  2. Sergio, the cc site was down for some time this no comments. The three girls were preparing a joint dinner when Lima got a call that invited the girls out. They quickly showered and dressed and went out for about three hours. Came back with three guys. Talked for a while, Lima passed out. Then the other five left, Nicole came back with her boyfriend and they fucked for a while. She came twice that I know of but he was not able to cum at all. Nicole was a trooper and tried to get him to cum but he just couldn't. By this time it was like 0500 so I just think he couldn't pop due to being too tired. Jess did not come back until about 0500 and had a guy with her. They talked for a while then he left and she went to bed.
  3. And we should not forget the beautiful Leora has gradually began to even explore her sexuality. She has not always felt the need or desire to masturbate or dance seductively. If i recall correctly, her masturbating began shortly before they moved to this current apartment. Her dancing and masturbating has grown as she has decided to treat us to this wonderful display.
  4. If I had been gone from that sexual Zoya more than 24 hours I would be on top of her within a couple of minutes of arriving at the apartment. I did not see them even have sex. Did they?
  5. Wasn't Lev gone for a few days... and I did not see Zoya and Lev have sex. Did I miss it?
  6. Wow, powerful stuff. Its now 0430 and Nicole is the only one not accounted for in Barcelona. May RLC needs to send this beautiful young woman home as she appears to be living a lifestyle that is not conducive to having any friends in the apartments. Now, she may not even have Michelle as a friend. On another note, Michelle got dressed for what I assume is the same party Nicole was headed to, but after getting dressed received a very long call from a gentleman speaking Russian (well, not Spanish anyway). After the call ended she pretty much changed her mind and started talking and drinking with the other B2 girls. Could the man have been her husband? Just my own opinion. Thanks
  7. She is on the mobile with some guy. Perhaps she has some last minute concerns. They are definitely not speaking Spanish.
  8. Nothing wrong with Nicole being at B2 as her and Michelle really hit it off when Michelle visited B1 the other day. Nicole and Michelle talked on Nicole's bed for a couple of hours just the two of them. No hanky panky,, just girl talk on Nicole's bed. Hope they enjoy each other's company tonight.
  9. In my opinion, what makes Maya so hot is she takes charge of her own orgasm. She knows what her needs are and makes sure they are met by her partner. Nothing hotter than that.
  10. What a beautiful woman. I enjoy her masturbation sessions. She went so long without masturbating and now she has it down so well. Just wish I was there to clean her up with my tongue. Thank you beautiful!!
  11. Looks like Paul has started to cum inside Leora. I do not recall him doing this very often, but certainly more recently. Leora must be on some form of contraception.
  12. True about the phones. All over the world anymore. I have been to many countries and it is the same almost everywhere. But I feel badly as these are very expensive for many people. They can barely afford them so I feel for her. You likely see this Corboblanc, friend, more than I do being you are in Europe, where unemployment or underemployment is far greater than the USA.
  13. I understood your thought perfectly. And your English is much better than my Portuguese. Keep it up!!
  14. I saw it when they started. Bogdan turned his back when she took her bra and top off. She laid on the table then he turned and proceeded with the massage. Did she also take off her pants later as they were still on the last I saw?
  15. Have I told you all lately I would love to clean Leora after one of her masturbation sessions. She seems to have some fluids that would likely taste wonderful.
  16. Please can someone summarize what is going on with Nina and Kira? Has Nina strayed? I thought I saw a picture of Kira with the same girl kissing and massaging her back. I have enjoyed the romance between Kira and Nina and hope they can work it out.
  17. Sad to watch a relationship end, but I am so glad Kitek made it clear to us that she is in pain. Makes her even more human to me. Who hasn't suffered the same fate! Be well Kamilla!! Oh and thank you Kitek. You continue to amaze!!
  18. I was watching when Kitty got on her computer and logged in to some site it got upset at something she saw. She showed it to her friend who then went and started yelling at Smith, who was on the balcony. When Kitty got up you could see the laptop screen and it looked like Facebook to me. It has them upset. Kitty putting her head in her hands
  19. I think you are right. However, as people mature I hope they remember the Man is NOT responsible for the women's orgasm. My role, as a man, is to do anything she wants to assist her to achieve an orgasm. And I mean anything!!
  20. Rita exudes class even from the beginning. Just like Nora did (maybe occasionally bitchy class but class nontheless), and I do not recall anyone else near Rita's grace and class. Look at how she was when she visited K and K.
  21. I love all women regardless of country. They deserve to be put on a pedestal because they have been entrusted with the most important role of mankind, giving birth!!

  22. I agree. However, I believe we have all discussed the fact that birth control in Russia is still a bit behind the times. Abortion is still the primary form of controlling having a child. Too sad. This is why I feel badly for all Russian women. They appear to still be second class to the men. I personally worship all women.
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