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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. what the fuck is wrong with you? you come here and insult me and then expect me to not defend myself ? well, that's not how it works.
  2. He started it. so he got what he deserved. and yes, I can be very nasty when it comes to disgusting people like you, you got that right. now buzz off.
  3. you are right Harley. I don't know who you are. I can only judge you based on what you write here, to me it suggests that you are an angry and bitter person. but that could not be true, you might be a lovely person in real life and have just been playing a role here to get a rise out of everyone. I don't know what your goal is, but if you are kind to others, you will get kindness in return, and if you come here and insult people, you will get the same treatment. In an open forum when you write something and express yourself, you are inviting others to comment and agree or disagree with you, otherwise there won't be any conversation. we don't need to be nasty to each other if we want different things.
  4. @Yanaqwerty12y are you still friends with Val ? would you invite her to your apartment ? I think it be cool if you guys hang out.
  5. They all had a good time before the police showed up, there was no problem at any time. I quite enjoyed watching their party. I agree with you on one thing though, 1 to 5 is not a right ratio. RLC needs to cast more boys so it would be more balanced. things are moving in the right direction though, hopefully we will have couples or single men in B1 and B2 soon.
  6. I think you and him will be a cute couple. you may even wana join RLC as a gay couple 🤣
  7. Hi Harley, it's so nice to finally meet you, exactly fits the image of you that I had in my mind. suck on that lolly pop. when that's done you can suck on Lucian's dick that you loved so much. 🤣
  8. go on, give us your constructive criticism 😃 I am always in favor of that 😁
  9. she is a lovely girl 😍. she always had a smile on her face and she was kind to everyone. ❤️
  10. I don't know why they don't use the bedroom for sex. the cameras there are better fit for that purpose.
  11. so it's ok to call a man " little puppy dog " but it's wrong to call an unborn baby "creature" ? 🤔
  12. but they did not open the door. how did they fine him ? did they send a ticket through the letterbox ?
  13. Carlos and Taylor had laid down on the floor and they were trying to secretly see what's outside from the window. I am guessing they were trying to see if the Police car is gone. I don't think they would want to open the door to the police as they might be fined (or worse) for breaking the rules. also having cameras in there may raise some questions.
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