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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. cool, could you send it to me ? it wasn't archived. 😊
  2. did you save their sex session last time ?
  3. Bearded guy and his hot girlfriend. πŸ‘
  4. oh, yeah, that one was very cute and naughty 😜 hope she comes back
  5. the guests are fascinated by cameras 😁 they keep looking directly into the cameras 😜
  6. I think Anna gave a blowjob to a guy too. I wasn't a subscriber back then, but I think I have watched a video of it.
  7. They all seemed to enjoy their time, they drank, they ate, they swam in the pool, and they took some photos. it was an ok day.
  8. He has no chance with any of the girls in the Villa, so he is just useless, but I don't think he is there everyday, maybe one or two days in a week. seems like he is trying his luck with Radi now lol I be surprised if anything happens between him and Radi though.
  9. Yeah, thanks to the twins we didn't have to watch an empty Villa, all day today.
  10. When she had her apartment the first time around, she was doing ok for a few weeks and then she was just sleeping the whole time until she was kicked out. second time they just let her stay in that apartment because VH banned the original tenant and the same thing happened, she had a few Ok weeks and then she was MIA. why would a manager invest in a tenant for a few weeks or couple of months, it doesn't make much sense.
  11. Diana has had her chances ( 2 times already ) and both times she blew it, If I was a manager I would not trust her for the third time.
  12. They are both good looking girls. I just find Kira more attractive, I am sure there are some people who are more attracted to Nina.
  13. Thanks for finally making a comment about Gina πŸ˜„ last few pages has had nothing to do with this topic 😜
  14. good that it is gone. of course It'd be better if he was replaced.
  15. who has a pink hair ? I checked all the cameras, there is no girl with pink hair here πŸ˜„
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