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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. whenever I see Stifler's name it reminds me of American Pie (the movie) and Stifler's Mom, which makes me giggle ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. @jabbath1987 may I join your club jab ? ๐Ÿ˜€
  3. nice, I like both Cori & Faye ๐Ÿคค . Melissa & Sergio still have the most interesting apartment on VHTV.
  4. Yes, the DNC and the Washington establishment are corrupt. Sander was cheated in 2016 and it will happen again, TBH I am not very hopeful, that he can overcome all the obstacles to become the nominee.
  5. I see. that's a shame. Emily has great body and it looks like she is open to the idea of having sex with Derek.
  6. just to name a few He has had Jordan Peterson ( he is Canadian but nonetheless conservative), BenShapiro, Sam Harris, Candace Owens, Steven Crowder and etc ... it is an interesting show as he gives plenty of time to his guests to express their views.
  7. has Emily ever been fucked ? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜€
  8. This impeachment is just a political show and a waste of time & tax payers money. the Republican majority in Senate is never going to convict and remove him from the office no matter what his offence is. they should have just let the voters decide about him in November.
  9. I watch Joe Rogan's show regularly, and he brings guests with conservative views all the time, I watch Ben Shapiro from time to time.and I also watch the Hill Rising that has a progressive & a Conservative host, so I am familiar with conservative point of view, I just do not agree with them on most issues. On your last point, I do not watch every single speech that Bernie Sanders make.
  10. haha... I do not claim to be the world statesman lol . I am just interested in news and politics, that's all.
  11. I read the intercept, Politico, Wall street Journal , NY times, etc. and for TV it's mostly stuff from youtube, clips from all major news corporation and the independent media.
  12. yeah, that's highly likely. He is doing better in polls recently, but it's not in the bag for him.
  13. well I understand Trump has lots of supporters like yourself, but more than half of the American voters did not vote for him, and the republican lost the house to democrats just a year ago. so, is it stupid to suggest that Bernie or any other Democratic nominee has a good chance of winning the election? I do not think so.
  14. I read a lot and I listen to a lot of US political shows. I watch all the debates and etc ...
  15. yes, guilty as charged. I never said medicare for all or single payer health-care system is my original idea. it has been tried and tested in many countries. you asked what policies he has that can help American people and how he was gonna pay for it, so I had to repeat his talking points, as I am not running to be President ๐Ÿ˜€
  16. yes, I am a political junky, and I follow American politics with interest.
  17. these are republican talking points which come directly from health insurance industry. anyway, I think it's for American people to decide for their healthcare system and the future of their country. I hope it works out well.
  18. you age and location has nothing to do with your political knowledge. you can be 1000 years old and know nothing about the world around you. that's why you are so much in love with Donald Trump, a trust fund baby ๐Ÿ˜‚
  19. I don't have any plan. I was just explaining Bernie Sanders' plan. you are just upset as someone has challenged your stupid talking points and you have no coherent argument against it. ๐Ÿคฃ
  20. I know more about your country and its politics than you do ๐Ÿ˜‚ you are just a typical Fox news viewer.
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