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Everything posted by moonlight89

  1. really sad that it had to go this way.unfortunatelly i lost hope, who could imagine that so many wanna be porn stars would pass through vhtv yet not one of them could get even close to be succesfull. @Voyeur House TV SHOULD GET RID OF THE MR SHITTY CAM !!!!
  2. so any speculation of something interesting will happen today? my guess is. Harley and Freddy will have an awesome party without any drama that will lead to a great endgame πŸ™‚ Rejolda and Christina will have their first threesome πŸ™‚ Brok and Lia will have foursome with full swapπŸ˜‚ Barbie will have sex with Bradley and will be shaking for an hour, while Ken will cum the moment Jen will touch his dick. also Vall with have a gangbang πŸ˜‚ and i heard from insight source that tomorow will be even more glorious 🀣
  3. no , the guy who fucked the guest was not in the picture on the time of the phone call.Stevie might left in the morning but he returned with the girl and the guest N02, than he left again.i be live he has no interest fucking Kathie. guest that is sleeping want to fuck Kathie.
  4. for sure there would not be violence violations, drugs maybe, but every apt takes drugs πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ if i would see Scott fucking Dalia also i think would be the worse day in vhtv as i have become disgusted by his pressence, i have sent twice a ticket to vhtv for him being violent and abusive but vhtv supports him witch is shamefull!!!!
  5. the boyfriend of Kathie is coming with a girl for a foursome,the girl never meet the guest and the guest just heard " Stevie is bringing a girl will you fuck her in a foursome?" he said yeah. but will not be interaction between the couples. at least thats what they agree, Stevie even was relucant for a groupie so it might seperates rooms πŸ™‚
  6. she was super angry cause the bf sniffed some white powder πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ but in a way was very funny ( i saw pure love, and who is the boss in this realithionship) she- why did you do it? him-i didnt do it. she-you are lying to me. him-(siting quiet looking down) sad cat face or something πŸ˜„ she- why are you lying to me? you will keep lying in the future (she means like super long term) him-i'm not lying. she- you are not lying like the last time you lied? him-i'm sorry she- why did you do it? him- i wanted to, it was stupid, i'm sorry. anyway i didnt follow up after here πŸ™‚
  7. when ever i was passing throught the apartment people was fighting, after so many hours pass still people are fighting,and the reasons is the most retarded of all, in the last 2 parties that Harley and Freddy had there was constantly fights, i can say that now i'm 80% sure they are staging all those fight.
  8. its organized,they are all aware of the tease πŸ™‚
  9. @life+90 do not worry you wont miss anything interesting, its a MAJOR teasing, even she was impress from how well this shit is working πŸ˜„
  10. ok never mind i just saw a video of her, she is not that pretty as Mr Shity cam trying to make her look like πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  11. hei Rejolda can you ask Mr shity cam (the old guy that is in your apartmen now if ADEL BYE maybe can join the project? πŸ™‚
  12. soon Christina will arrive, after an absens of almost a week, and me ready to give up on the apartment πŸ™‚
  13. in my opinion if it would not be staged every logical person would do it in the bathroom, and not next to your sleeping boyfriend , yet indeed was interestingπŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  14. @ELON please make something hot happen with this girl 😍 or at least if its super imposible, upload photos or videos of her in the telegram πŸ™‚
  15. i completelly do not suport what Jakar does lately, not only lets any trash in, but it is a mess, no matter where you look , some bodies infront of cams, in a way ti feels what Sirius was doing he does the same. πŸ˜•
  16. @bluewinner are you sure they are swingers? more looks like softer version of Ambar πŸ˜„
  17. @Folivora is there any plans to interact with the couple or you just gonna play the tree till they move to their own place? πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„
  18. Hello! Thank you for your email. Thanks for the report, we have already passed the problem on to the responsible people. Dwayne Warren thats the responce. as i have a very bad impresion for this support guy, i have lot of doubts if he gonna take it seriously.
  19. maybe if a lot of people will send ticket they will consider to remove him?
  20. if you consider that they are friends of Ian and Debi definetelly more than expected πŸ˜„
  21. As i have said, i'm not following this apartment and have zero idea what is happening in it, but from bit that i read here and there, i think there is a lot of people complaining about place being borring or something. so let me put it in simple way, so you will understan how it works and how much your complains have copletely no impact at all. right now this apartment make 250-300 $ PER DAY they know cant get much higher than that.you all can whine-scream-yell as much you want,till income wont drop nothing will change.why would it? put your self in their shoes πŸ˜• this apartment has its own style and wont change cause of some complains, the only thing that change things is money ok drama too but thats not the case here. this apartment is not like Jakars place where you can ask something and it wil happen because they are comfortable and used to do extraordinary things. this place is ok lets drive some attention, lets play for a millionth time strip card game till undrwear till 5 in the morning, and is working πŸ™‚ so my fellow guys who is complaining YOU SHOULD KNOW YOU ARE THE ONE TO BLAME,cause like a sheep you keep watching the millionth strip to underwear card game πŸ™‚
  22. hei Rejolda why dont you make an account here and join the pervert squad πŸ˜„ would be nice to get information and sometimes explanations, i know this forum is a place where negativity thrives, but i hope you are a big girl and can deal will criticism when time will come.
  23. Candy Red πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ other than jokes is Joanna.
  24. both of them are not very active and i think this will be the reasson this apartment will not succeed. few days ago Rejolda had a job interview,now imagine if she gets the job we will almost never see any of them in the house.but anyway i hope things gonna work out well for the girls.
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