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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Awww... our girl is all tuckered out after rubbing one out. 😌 🥱
  2. She's out there sitting on the deck with her feet up on the railing.
  3. The lights strung on the balcony railing give seem to give some decent light. Let's see how it looks with someone out there. Of course that's if they stayed on. They were for a moment, then they were off again and nobody went near the balcony, so I thought they might be on a timer or photosensor. Guess not.
  4. Possibly, but the end result is the same. The living room light is on most of the time, so night time shenanigans will be extremely difficult or impossible to see.
  5. As of yet, it doesn't look as though the balcony camera has night vision, so anything at night will be pointless. 🤨
  6. One thing's absolutely certain now... the building I has seen Martina outside of on Google Streets is NOT where they're living. Balcony/exterior is completely wrong. I had doubts given the floor plan and the windows on the entry side of the apartment. Looking around the city, the vast majority of the apartments are back-to-back with other apartments on the other side of the building. Their windows indicate theirs is not built that way. Just observations.
  7. No audio of course 😏, but I'll take it anyway.
  8. Tereza playing a little with Holly on the bed. Oh god, if those two ever had at it, that would be AWESOME. Tereza has the hottest damn body. Too bad she's so dull. Holly has a fantastic body, but saddles up with a moron. Those two going at it like Martina and Nelly did would sell subs! IMHO 🤣
  9. I was just going to ask about the huge tattoo on Holly's arm, but that explains it!
  10. Well, I think we can all agree is WASN'T his apartment key. That would make no sense. You don't give that up till all your shite is out of the unit. No he/they aren't going anywhere me thinks.
  11. I hear you. I consistently find it AMAZING that, even though it's a specific Spanish dialect, hardly ANYONE on here knows what they're saying for sure. I get the Catalan/Valencian dialect, but the core is still Spanish and it's spoken by an enormous number of people. Only thing I suspect is that those actually living in Spain aren't allowed to see RLC, due to political restrictions or something, so they aren't on here to help. Just amazing, says I. 🤔
  12. Alberto is on a FULL blown rant about something! Talking to someone on his phone after Martina left.
  13. Not sure of the EXACT time, but it was as she was leaving with Alberto with the sweatshirt and leggins on, in the hall, she put a new key on her key ring.
  14. Our girl got herself a new key for something. 🤔 Off camera Nelly romp apartment? 🤣 On another note... I've said it before and I'll say it again... GOD BLESS the creator of leggings! The right body in those is SEXY AF!! Martina is a prime example. 😋
  15. Martina's acting a bit depressed. Father issues, Alberto, or what?
  16. Martina on the counter in the kitchen by the window in a discussion with Alberto out on the balcony. Doesn't look to be a happy conversation.
  17. Wow Chuck, you'd have to go back quite a few years to see the 1500th! I think she's up to about 12457! (Just an estimate 🤔😜🤣)
  18. The expressions on Alberto's face as Martina jerks him off are so weird! It looks like he's completely disinterested and gets repeatedly distracted by the TV and other things. Almost like he's thinking, "Go ahead and jerk my dick if you want, but it's boring." 😆 Of course, all that changes when she wraps her mouth around it!
  19. Tereza seems really upset about something, and it appears to be directed at Timur
  20. Other girlfriend in the black I haven't seen before. Pretty cute.
  21. Totally understandable. I'd be weaker than a foam bridge! 😜
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