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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Ahhh... she's wearing what has to be my favorite dress of hers. Obviously going to be inside wearing something like that. Sexy AF!
  2. Gotta wonder if her friend gets ANY attention from guys/girls when she's out on the town with Martina looking as hot as she is. 🤣
  3. Just MY opinion, but looking at the two of them on the couch right now (22:40 their time), I can't help but feel that if they don't love each other, it's one hell of an act. Again, just my opinion.
  4. UM lifted and as expected, no Martina. I'll throw my bid into the pool at she'll be back at 5:46a tomorrow morning. Anyone else wanna throw in a guess?
  5. Thanks. Just thought it was curious that all three apartments went UM at the same time, knowing two were in the same building.
  6. When did they go UM? I see that Karol is also UM in the same building... so is Lavika/Anya/Polya in the same building too??
  7. She hasn't left yet. Just makeup in the bathroom. Seems she waited till the last minute to get her stuff together.
  8. Looks like Martina is prepping for an overnighter tonight. Packing clothes and her toothbrush. I suppose after she leaves, we won't see her till tomorrow evening.
  9. Yeah, sure... he's not passed out on a couch in his boxers. Practically unrecognizable!! 🤣
  10. The thin guy in the black jacket with the super short hair IS Alberto. He's been there the whole time and I highly doubt she'd be roaming around randomly getting felt up or kissing anyone else at the party. she probably kissed Alberto and wasn't recognized. It is very rare that his stays at parties with her this late with this many people.
  11. New situation though... she's home at 2:30a, but Alberto is not. 🤔
  12. It's craft time with Nelly, boys and girls! What will we be making today? Could it be bright colored bondage straps or maybe snazzy bejeweled blindfolds? Whatever it is, I'm sure our friend Alberto will never see them after they're finished!
  13. My god, her ass is BUILT for leggings! SEXY AF! 😜
  14. I know, right? Don't get me wrong, I don't like to see them fight. I just want to know what it was about, given she was so upset.
  15. Jeebus, I can't figure it out. Now they're both smiling and kissing like nothing happened. What the actual fuck??
  16. Whatever it is.. she is PISSED OFF! She's in the shower and he was giggling in the bedroom like he got his way about something. Now arguing about razors in the bathroom???
  17. Heated argument. God I wish I could understand what the hell they're saying!
  18. As expected, Alberto at home (Bodgan and Nelly too) and Martina still out partying.
  19. Bogdan is apparently dressed as a... ummm... a Bodgan? 🤔
  20. Party clearly isn't AT B7. They leave, we won't see them till 7am... well, maybe Alberto at 11pm. 🤣
  21. Well, you didn't really miss anything. As usual, it was clothed and on her chest... nothing visible other than motions.
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