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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Can't tell if she's watching a movie or reviewing an ad video for a class.
  2. Long conversation in the guest bathroom again, then to the couch huddled over the laptop so nobody could see the screen. Very suspicious!
  3. Our girl got another new top, me thinks. I don't recall ever seeing it before.
  4. Looks like she's progressing quickly on that VW bus. Honestly, am I missing something? WHY a VW bus? Is it just a simple affinity for them or is there something more poignant that I don't understand? Just seems an odd subject for a large lego project.
  5. Yeah, the top definitely shows under-boob and gives VERY easy access to them. She bought that for the Medusa concert she went to, but got cancelled due to a major weather incident that killed someone and hurt a lot of people. She was showing Alberto just how accessible the girls are in that top before they left this afternoon.
  6. Alright... FUCK that damn little light in their bedroom. They're doing that on purpose and for WHAT? ๐Ÿ˜  These fucking cameras suck ass and they figured out how to blind them. Covering cameras (BIG no no), hiding from cameras and now blinding cameras are all the same damn thing!! This is complete horseshit.
  7. Looks like Martina is prepping to go back out in her sexy black dress.
  8. It wasn't that. It was a toy on the floor in the living room and he kicked it with his foot walking to the backpack by the TV. After he did that he picked it up and threw it down. It wasn't "playful" and Taco wasn't there to chase it, so if that wasn't an irritated fit, I don't know what is. ๐Ÿ™„
  9. Alls I know is he was watching something on his phone and it appeared to really irritate him enough to have a mini-fit and trow dog toys.
  10. I knew what SHE did today. Just wondering if that's why he is/was upset after he got home.
  11. Alberto clearly upset about something he saw on his phone. Maybe saw the replay of Martina with tits out at B7??
  12. Back in the garage... for WHAT? Not to smoke. They can do that outside. Hate the blind spaces!
  13. Nope... Bog was there. Probably getting another eyefull!
  14. Big question now... will Martina's top stay on?! ๐Ÿค”
  15. Guilty as charged! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. Sorry, I may have missed that Scots! Wasn't trying to step on any toes. I would have agreed with you bud!
  17. I can't stand cig smoke either, but in my mind, being able to just smell the perfume would be fantastic, knowing what she smells like BEFORE the cigs. ๐Ÿ˜‹
  18. Yeah, I'd still love to know what perfume she uses! Anyone got a clue???
  19. Yeah, I agree the "hours" and inclusion of the dog complicate the idea a bit, but while also "working" for RLC, I'd bet she doesn't NEED to work, so she might have a job with that in mind. I've known quite a few who didn't need to work, but had jobs with fluid hours to work when they wanted. Certainly plausible. Maybe even just for the money to drink after... can't be cheap. As for the dog... I dunno. I've even worked at a place where the owner let the employees bring their dogs in, but I'd say that's rare... at least here. Besides, if she did have a job like that, I can't imagine Taco, being the little dog he is, would be able to handle such an environment, but stranger things have happened.
  20. Here's a thought... what IF, rather than going out to party every night and given she's not in school right now, MAYBE she has a night shift JOB at a bar or night club. It would make perfect sense. I mean, I get she's 26 and likes to party, but who goes out EVERY night to party. That just seems a bit excessive to me. Granted, she comes back and forth, changing and clearly drinking also, but that could just be after work and hanging out... side effect of the job and being nocturnal for that job. I dunno, but I would be pissed if she was going out every single night JUST to party, but maybe just as irritated as Alberto if it was a job and he was concerned about what happens after work. Aaaaaand... discuss. ๐Ÿคฃ
  21. As with conversations in either bathroom or the balcony, if you view the camera closest to the area and crank the volume, you can hear pretty clearly even with doors closed. I, however, have my audio piped through an amp, so I can get a LOT louder than basic PC audio. Balcony use cam 3 or 4 depending if they're by the door or the kitchen and if the kitchen window is open. Main bathroom use can 10. Guest bathroom use cam 5.
  22. Thought it could also have been Taco's toenails when he jumps up. Looked as if there may even be a bruise forming.
  23. I noticed the scratches on her right shoulder. I don't remember seeing those prior to last night's activities. Maybe a consequence of the "balance issues"? ๐Ÿ˜…
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