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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Incidentally, Martina left the apartment with bags at 1:30am?
  2. Ok, first, it's a NAME. Translation isn't required. A name is a name. Martina called to him from the kitchen and called him Phillippe', so I only stated what I heard. Full transparency... I know a remedial amount of Spanish, but no Catalan or any other Spanish "derivative". As such, I do not, or never have I ever claimed to be a translator. Second, Noldus specified that we should not use real names on here. My response to that is... if the participants of RLC have guests whom are not technically "participants", and call them by their actual names, then what difference does it make if we call them as such or not? Not being defiant or anything, just don't see the point.
  3. His name is Phillipe'. Martina called him that a few times recently.
  4. So... about a half hour ago, I see Martina hide something in the guest room then leave the apartment without Taco. 30 minutes later, I discover B7 is UM. Coincidence? 🤔 Not that whatever she hid in the guest room has anything to do with anything... just thought that was odd.
  5. I zoomed in and it looks like a red bird of some sort in flight.
  6. Any ideas as to what the hell they've been assembling for the last few hours?? I assume it's a birthday present for Martina, whatever it is.
  7. Anyone know when she's leaving and/or duration?
  8. Speaking of vacations... wasn't Martina supposed to go somewhere soon on vacation? Just saw her pack a GoPro in her backpack.
  9. You must be paying for the top "tier" sub. I personally couldn't care less about the "benefits" of the premium sub. The only good perk is the replay videos, but I've heard a lot about others not being able to access them because the timing was off or they didn't sub in time or some other loophole. I got in to the standard sub when they had a sale, so $20/mo. (apparently locked in) for me is not that big a deal when you can still catch Venera or Holly riding a pole like a pro! RLC has added a LOT of players lately and although I find many of them not to my liking or still needing to loosen up, there's still action to be had that you'd absolutely miss out on without a sub, but no damn way is it worth $45/mo! Regardless, I understand why so many are frustrated with Martina after seeing that whole period of on-air sexual explosion. If you're subbing JUST to watch Martina, you could probably kill that. I don't see her getting crazy on cam again, but you never know. I don't think anyone expected her to cross over to B4 and fly her freak flag after years of mundane life just in her apartment. I'm not here JUST for Martina, but she's a BIG part. It's enough right now for me to just see her and catch whatever else happens with a few of the others, but if she quit, it wouldn't be worth it for me.
  10. Looking at pool cam 4-1, the short haired girl is also wearing a black dress and I keep thinking it might be Martina, but she couldn't be there so fast. She will match the attire though, so hmmm....
  11. I will add that if she DOES show up at B4/7 wearing that little dress, I suspect something will happen. That dress does NOT say "no touchy" in any way! Bog doesn't seem to be around either, so it could be a girls play time. Oh, never mind... there he is... fucking killjoy!
  12. Well, I see Gina at B7 with Nelly and Lilith... who I'm hearing is completely into girls also, so this could be a B7 visit. Just looks "over dressed" for what everyone else is wearing at B7. Who knows.
  13. WTF is with the living room cams? None of them have the night vision working, so the living room is blacked out. I assume she's sleeping there. Can barely tell on cam #2. Am I the only one seeing this? Makes the 3 living room cams worthless at night.
  14. Could be a UTI. Seriously doubt it's flo. She's expressing a lot more pain and discomfort than her usual period.
  15. Well, one thing's for sure... from what I just saw in the bathroom, I think our girl has herself a yeast infection. That or flo's in town for a visit, but it didn't look like a tampon. Ether way, she's out of commission for a bit. If the initial theory is correct, gotta wonder how she might have gotten it or from WHOM. 🤔
  16. Who's in the living room on the couch right now? Blue yoga top. ... now in the kitchen... well in B4.
  17. Holy balls... too many arriving and leaving, changing rooms, changing locations... Naga, PLEASE sort this on the overview page for all of the "vacation" groups, if you can. Much obliged.
  18. Who's in Zara's bed and Dana's bed. I can't tell, but there's 3 of them.
  19. By the "one in the kitchen", if you're presumably referring to Martina, there are probably hundreds of videos of her on other sites. I suggest Spankbang or HotScopes... or just wait around a hot second and she'll probably get near naked. She doesn't stay clothed for long at home, especially during the summer. I don't believe they have A/C, or don't want to pay for it.
  20. Oks needs to understand that when your legs are all bruised and cut up and you generally look like a meth addict, you just AREN'T that hot. Karen, however, is a total smoke show, IMHO. 😜
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