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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Looks like they've got a busted TV or bad signal... or am I the only one seeing their TV freak out every few seconds?? Audio seems fine, but the video is on crack. Doesn't appear to be an issue for either of them.
  2. Odd sweatshirt... ran the Russian translation and it apparently says "I DO NOT KNOW". Anyone know what that refers to? 🤔
  3. Well, as I said, the conspiracy theory (apparently, there IS proof, and I certainly wouldn't reject this as being true based on the history of the US "system") is that regardless of the ACTUAL cause of death, if COVID is present in the body, then some (probably not all) hospitals count the death as COVID "related", which counts towards the tally of COVID deaths in the US. I say, if you have preexisting respiratory issues, get COVID and die of complications, then I suppose that counts. However, if you say have COVID and do not have a foot already in the grave, yet die in a car accident, I say that had nothing to do with it. That person was just an infected person who died in an unrelated way. Imagine if all people that died who had colds (Rhinovirus) where considered "cold related deaths"... the numbers would be staggering!!
  4. Thanks Omedo. Nobody ever replied to that before, so I assumed it never happened.
  5. Here in the US, it's been a running scandal that hospitals are counting ANY death regardless of cause as COVID if they were positive when they expired. The theory is that they do this to get more government funding, because it's based on the infected fatality count. I suspect the death numbers in the US are inflated due to that, however, I don't discount the severity of COVID, especially C19.D. Many anti vaxxers claim it's no worse than the regular flu... ok, but how many people that you know, or people they know have died from the "regular" flu? Can't say I know ANY in my 50 years on this earth, but I do now know quite a few who have passed from COVID, so that's proof enough for me that it's more serious. That's all I'm contributing on this subject. Moving on...
  6. I've asked that very question a few times, Yelt. Apparently, nobody has ever heard it. Always found that curious... 🤔 I suppose there are couples out there that just don't say it, even though they do, but I find that odd.
  7. What little thing (looked like a pill) did Holly appear to just put in her puss? Whatever it was got her and her friend excited! 🤔
  8. I wonder... where might Martina be off to with a pet carrier? 🤔
  9. Ok, I apologize if it's already been asked and responded to... but someone mentioned a while back when Buffy moved in that she looked like the balcony thief "friend" from the apartment that got closed down... the one that ate all their food and put toothpaste on the camera in the bathroom. Now I can't get it out of my head... has anyone confirmed if that's her or not? 🤔
  10. So... when Martina closes her eyes and rubs one out (right now on the couch)... who/what do you think she's seeing in her mind? Thought I'd stir the pot today! 🤣
  11. That's quite a sparkly wart! Clearly you are NOT a fan of it, and I'm not entirely either, but the fact still remains that if we agree she doesn't need ANY body modification, that nose stud is certainly not among the worst things she could have done. Amiright? I'm just hoping she stays away from the ink.
  12. You can see it clearly now on cam 5_8... well... when she's sitting on the bed.
  13. She's in the shower now and if you look closely on cam 5-6, you can see light reflect of it. when she turns her head just right. It might actually be a small diamond, given how it reflects. It's hard to tell with the low res.
  14. It's a tiny gold or silver ball stud in her left nostril. Very small and unobtrusive. It's hard to see, given most of the cameras show her right side mostly or they're too far away, and all of the cameras are 1990 era resolution. Gotta catch her left side close up to see it.
  15. Ok, am I the first to notice that Martina got herself a nose stud piercing?? Not really a fan of those, but they're a SHIT TON better than the piercing through the middle with the bull nose ring! Those look like they need a lead rope attached to them. 🤨 This isn't that bad I suppose. I just seriously hope ink isn't the next step for her. I don't mind a LITTLE thing on one or two spots, but it's disappointing to see a fantastic body COVERED by ink, like say... Kitty. I'll I'm saying is that this girl is perfect enough and doesn't need any body modification, IMHO.
  16. Polya looks a lot like like Demi Lovato (in her thinner, long hair days).
  17. Guess he's not a complete derp... looks like he at least had the brains to kill the power to the switches before monkeying with them.
  18. Why are his fingers all black? Did he electrocute himself and I missed it or do you guys grease your outlets/switches over in Europe??? 🤔
  19. Looked up Christina, and yes, she does look a LOT like her! 😋
  20. Bog working on an electrical outlet... waiting to see him light himself up! 🤣
  21. My bad. I seen them both in bed and in the tub with a guy a few times. I guess I assumed.
  22. Well, I've got a question, given the massage... have these two ever literally gotten each other off? I mean full on with or without a guy (I do know they've 3-some'd a guy a few times). Their massage is pretty erotic for SISTERS, however, they are on RLC, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Just curious if anyone knows if they've gone further than that.
  23. Just kinda occurred to me that with Nelly gone, I'll be surprised if Martina ever goes to any other apartment, let alone B4. Nelly was her tie there, and she really seemed to care little about any of the other girls, so I think her days of visitation across the RLC "community" are over... unless Nelly comes back. Guess I shouldn't put that out into the universe though! 😬🤣
  24. Hope to god the one on the living room couch right now is NOT a replacement! 😬
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