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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Well, that's it folks. Nelly on her balcony and Martina took off with Taco. Nothing this time, but she's back into the group and I highly doubt, at this point, that this is the last we'll see her at either B4 or B7.
  2. Looks like she's prepped to go home. Figured there were too many people there to be screwing around in the down low.
  3. Nelly and Martina in Nelly's room behind closed door.
  4. Well, all is fine and good NOW. There are a LOT of people around. We'll just see if she ends up in a group hot tub later.
  5. Yeah, the 3 of them seem cordial. Martina doesn't seem to be giving Nelly much attention. Certainly not like it used to be.
  6. I knew it! Given the size of that party, I didn't think she could resist. I mean, really.. what better way to bring her back into the fold?
  7. Well, the party has migrated over to B7 and b4 has cleared out. She's gone to parties after dark many times. I still think there's a good chance she'll end up there. Either way, she seems to be in a particularly good mood and excited about SOMETHING.
  8. Trimming up the snooch, lots of energy and dancing around... if she doesn't end up at B4/B7, I'll officially be surprised.
  9. Anyone wanna place any bets if Martina will attend the apparently developing party at B4/B7?
  10. Martina is cleaning like mad. Any ideas as to why? Make me think someone's coming for a visit.
  11. From what the cameras that decided to connect let me see... looks like Martina left with an overnight bag again. Should I presume she'll be gone till the morning at least?
  12. They're getting my vote for the wrost and most boring couple EVER on RLC. It's too bad... she's cute and I would have liked to see her in a better environment. They look almost like transients with basically nothing to their name, but his laptop. It's rediculous 🙄
  13. I'm starting to think RLC is overloading their servers. More than half the time I click on a camera, I just get a black screen with the three loading dots. It's starting to get aggrivating. 🤨
  14. I will say that one of these days, Esenia is going to have to shower and/or change clothes. 🤔
  15. Yes, yes, the one in the black suit and thin shirt is my fav. The other has a fantastic bum, but too thin.
  16. Ok, to clarify... KAREN is in the kitchen right now? Thin shirt, black suit. Sleeps on the left (viewing the bed, on the side of the bathroom door)?
  17. Thanks and I regret I missed seeing that. I highly favor Karen over Oks.
  18. Noldus... humble suggestion... along with all of the excellent information you provide to sort out who is where and where they're from... might I suggest that a headshot of each be included as well, especially with all of the new faces? I would certainly do that myself if I knew how to post pics/pdf/xls.
  19. I agree with all. She's certainly a welcome addition, although I regret missing the action last night. I will say that I applaud their attention to dental hygiene, however, I can honestly say, I've NEVER seen anyone go after their teeth THAT much! There is such a thing as OVER brushing. 🤣
  20. I'm not sure. I think they left him for the doctor to test and those tests are what he was talking about on the phone. Alberto is pacing and looks miserable. I'd bet that was the last we'll see of Blackie. On a personal note, I'm glad we didn't have to watch the poor thing pass on cam. Alberto's going to be a wreck for a while. Is Martina still out with the dog?
  21. They're back, without Blackie, but I have no idea what was decided. I would think they'be a lot more upset if he was put down, so I can assume he's at the vet for analysis.
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