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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. It IS hard, but you have to focus on the quality of life. I had a dog lose its leg and it cost thousands, but eventually he was happy and could run faster than my son, because he was young. For so many pets I've seen within my extended family, they spend enormous amounts to prolong the life of their dogs, and in too many cases, it's obvious to me that they're ignoring the quality of life. The dog is MISERABLE, but alive for the benefit of the owner only. It's clear they love Blackie completely, but he's an OLD pup and attempting to fix him now seems wrong. it's his time.
  2. Dogs, cats, rodents, birds... You want a pet that may outlive you... tortoise!
  3. Honestly, when my last pet died, that was it for me. I can't take the pain of watching pets die over and over.
  4. The way Martina is acting about Blackie... it sounds like it may just be ONE dog soon. 😞
  5. Now she seems fine and he's sleeping. He's probably just sick still. I dunno.
  6. What happened after Candella left? I was off for a few minuted and when I get back on, I see Martina in the guest room staring into space and Alberto on the couch with his head in his hands like he's upset. Did they fight about something? They seemed alright right after Candella left. 🤔
  7. Well, it appears the suspected precise location for their apartment that I was given is incorrect. Based on the reflection off their kitchen window this morning, the building across from them does not match what can be seen on Google. I do find it strange though that in the past year, direct views of the suspect building have been removed from Google, including the pic of Martina standing outside. Gotta think RLC may have had something to do with that. I also couldn't reconcile the fact that they had windows on both sides of the apartment with sunlight. This building I though it was couldn't possibly have that. And for those who feel the immediate need to jump on me as a stalker... 1. It's just a curiosity 2. I live thousands of miles away 3. I didn't find it in the first place. I was told. So, take a pill and move on. Just making an observation. 😉
  8. RLC still has not marked that she is away and for how long.
  9. So, she'll be gone for over a week? Easter is a week from tomorrow... at least here in the US. I assume ALL Christians celebrate Easter on the same day. Wonder why RLC hasn't marked her apartment showing she's "on vacation".
  10. Ok... obviously missed it... what the hell are the huge spots on Holly's back???
  11. Honestly, what we need is for RLC or someone else to establish some apartments in the US! I guarantee there are plenty of girls over here that would jump at the chance to be a participant in a nice place on a California, Florida or Hawaiian beach. Don't care if it's run by an European host, but if they're in the US, we won't have to learn Valencian, Catalian, Spanish, Russian or anything else. I, for one, would immediately switch to a site like that where I could understand EVERYTHING the participants are saying. Savvy? 😉
  12. 😆🤣 Alberto in the kitchen on the counter, LOOKING at the camera and SHOWING everybody his fucked up big toe! Don't see THAT every day! 😂
  13. Appears Alberto did some dirt surfin' earlier while biking. Guy's gonna kill himself some day. ☠️
  14. I get that... however, how then do you know this was about prostate cancer?
  15. Just lost mine in February. I feel her pain. 😔
  16. As you are new here... you will certainly find we have a serious lack of true translators. We have a couple we basically rely on, but if you are who you claim, any factual translation you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 🖕
  17. Thanks Jenn. Just noticed it today. Still doesn't explain what the tears were for.
  18. It's rare to see her stoic and not dancing around in the shower, which usually cheers her up with music.
  19. Yeah, I just noticed that too. Kinda missed what finger it was on. Could have just been any 'ol ring. Let the speculation fly as to if it's an engagement ring from Alberto... a promise ring from Nelly... whatever. Regardless, she was NOT happy on the phone at all.
  20. Martina on the phone crying? Anyone translate what it's about?? ☹️
  21. Looks like they're training Taco to perform for a circus. Taco tricks! Blackie is just laying there thinking "I'm too old for that shit!" 🤣
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