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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Maybe the sex last night was anal (couldn't see clearly), and he was a little too rough? Gotta be careful with the arsehole! 🤣 Even if it is someone who likes it a bit rough like Martina. 😜
  2. It appears she may have changed her mind about going out with that huge bruise on her arse. Must have taken a spill while rollerblading. 😬 Although, I didn't see anything where she's holding the towel. The bruise is on the bottom of her left cheek.
  3. Appears they ransacked a farmers market on the way home. 🤣
  4. The notice that they're on vacation has been removed and the fish lights are on. Have they been home, because I don't remember the fish lights on while they were gone?
  5. I see no dogs and everything shut down. Did they already leave?
  6. I'm aware that Megan sucked on her tits in the tub early on, and then danced naked with her for a while later, but I'm not aware they fully "connected".
  7. UM again. That "dishwasher" is sure a piece of work to keep "breaking down" like this! 🤣 Not sure what breaks down more often now... their dishwasher or Kitty.
  8. I noticed that Martina, Nelly and Bogdan are not at home. Maybe out in "negotiations"?? 🤔🤣😜 RLC maybe the arbitrator. M&N "breakup" would threaten revenue after all. Gotta get the "employees" in line. 🕵️‍♂️
  9. 🤣 M & A Listening to Jive Bunny!! 🤣👍 Used to play that at weddings when I was a DJ.
  10. And Kitty's crying... again. Anyone know what set it off this time?? 🙄
  11. Short of a SUPER reliable translation of a conversation explaining what happened, I think we'll never know if she did it or someone else. I'm leaning towards self-inflicted given the damage to the wrists. Abusers who would go after the legs like that wouldn't really bother with the wrists. Aaaand to nip it in the bud... no, I'm not a psychologist, however, my sister has her PhD in psychology and deals a lot with these types of issues. I actually find it interesting, so we have many discussions on the topic and I try to learn what I can. I do retract what I said earlier about if someone else is doing this to her... he/she shouldn't waste the space in jail... that person should be beaten to a pulp and left for dead... IMHO 🕵️‍♂️ Whatever the cause, I hope Martina steers her to see a professional, given she's probably the only one she'll listen to.
  12. HOLY SHIT! So, It's PAINFULLY obvious that Martina's school friend is a cutter! Her legs are all cut up with what look like words carved into them. I guess we know now what at least one of her issues is! 😬 Wrists too apparently. The girl needs SERIOUS professional help! Thinking about it, I suppose someone could be doing that TO her, and if that is the case, the mutherfucker needs to be in jail!
  13. Gotta say, I'm LOVING Martina's new tan lines! Always had a fetish for that. Darker the better! SUPER sexy, IMHO. Actually, one of the few times I've seen tan lines on her. Also noticed they're only on the bottom, so she's clearly tanning topless. 😜
  14. Ok, never really paid any attention to these ones. Stupid question... who's the one with the ink on her ass?
  15. OMG! Kitty is having a meltdown! That NEVER happens! 🤣 Geez, that is it THIS time?!? If Smith isn't careful, she might throw a plugged in toaster in the tub with him and be done with him!
  16. Over THREE days??? Guess I'm just unclear how the process is in Spain, but in the US, that would all be done in a couple hours. Now, Noldus, if that was a joke, I do get the funny, because it is ridiculous that it would take so long. Personally, I doubt it's the damn dishwasher... at least not every other time but once.
  17. Oh, look. What a surprise... M/A are UM... again. 🤨 This would be the 3rd dishwasher being replaced?
  18. I agree. No possible chance we could TRULY know what all is going on off cam, unless one of us was some sort of insider mole who could follow and watch their every move like a stalker. For fucks sake, it is what it is! What I have trouble understanding is that it appears their speech is SO difficult to understand for basic Spanish speakers. I get they (or she) speaks a specific dialect, but is it really THAT different from basic Spanish? I wouldn't know. I took German and French in school. 🤣 I just think, as "translation" goes, this should be easier and MUCH more definitive. Makes me think that there are moles in CC, put here to throw us off. Who the fuck knows. I only believe what I can SEE and HEAR myself. Given how little we can actually SEE and HEAR, I don't bother with any of this speculative crap. Just watch it for what it is... a "semi-live" show, probably choreographed to a degree depending on the location, for entertainment purposes.
  19. Martina left with her rollerblades, but apparently not to meet with Nelly, who is buck ass nekkid on the patio trying to tan with the last of the day's sun.
  20. AGAIN? If memory serves, wasn't it just a few days ago the apartment was down for hours for the same reason?
  21. Now... as a paid sub, apartments constantly going UM for hours is complete bullshit and a legitimate complaint. This apartment has been UM many times recently and it's unacceptable, especially when it seems to conveniently happen with guests over when it's more interesting. 🤨 I don't know if there's a guest right at the moment that just arrived, and didn't see one, but it's bullshit regardless.
  22. I agree. I sub, so it doesn't affect me at all. My post wasn't a complaint, just more of an observation. Yes, suffice it to say, they could make EVERY camera a sub. Subs are how they make their money. I just thought it was curious how some of the cameras seem to be quite indecisive about their free/sub status.
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