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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. I agree. No possible chance we could TRULY know what all is going on off cam, unless one of us was some sort of insider mole who could follow and watch their every move like a stalker. For fucks sake, it is what it is! What I have trouble understanding is that it appears their speech is SO difficult to understand for basic Spanish speakers. I get they (or she) speaks a specific dialect, but is it really THAT different from basic Spanish? I wouldn't know. I took German and French in school. 🤣 I just think, as "translation" goes, this should be easier and MUCH more definitive. Makes me think that there are moles in CC, put here to throw us off. Who the fuck knows. I only believe what I can SEE and HEAR myself. Given how little we can actually SEE and HEAR, I don't bother with any of this speculative crap. Just watch it for what it is... a "semi-live" show, probably choreographed to a degree depending on the location, for entertainment purposes.
  2. Martina left with her rollerblades, but apparently not to meet with Nelly, who is buck ass nekkid on the patio trying to tan with the last of the day's sun.
  3. AGAIN? If memory serves, wasn't it just a few days ago the apartment was down for hours for the same reason?
  4. Now... as a paid sub, apartments constantly going UM for hours is complete bullshit and a legitimate complaint. This apartment has been UM many times recently and it's unacceptable, especially when it seems to conveniently happen with guests over when it's more interesting. 🤨 I don't know if there's a guest right at the moment that just arrived, and didn't see one, but it's bullshit regardless.
  5. I agree. I sub, so it doesn't affect me at all. My post wasn't a complaint, just more of an observation. Yes, suffice it to say, they could make EVERY camera a sub. Subs are how they make their money. I just thought it was curious how some of the cameras seem to be quite indecisive about their free/sub status.
  6. Yep. It appears as of right now, there are only 7 free cameras across ALL of the apartments/villa. That's ridiculous, but like DDHotNot said, cameras have been going free and sub, back and forth for a few days now. It was changing every few hours for a while. Maybe they're testing to see which are the most popular, so they can make them sub from now on. 🤔
  7. She's gotten a lot more comfortable going out on the balcony in her underwear. I wonder if the apartment across the street on the same level is available? I'd live there just for that view! 😜
  8. Barcelona, Spain. There's a post somewhere here explaining who is where. I'd suggest hunting that down.
  9. Don't presume. I don't KNOW either way, but I wouldn't put anything past them. Basically, I'm neither saying it could our could not happen. I don't delve into speculation, but I do find it amusing. Each to his own brother. I'm Switzerland here when it comes to the unproven.
  10. Any Ideas what's going on? When did the apartment go down?
  11. Whole apartment UM. Wonder if they're putting the camera back over the dining room table in response to all of the recent comments? 🤣 ... or maybe higher res cameras? ... or maybe a new couch? Anyone know if the school friend is still there from last night?
  12. She's got nice little tits. I'd rather see what's under the shorts though. Looks like you could lose an eye bouncing a quarter off that ass! 😉
  13. General question... are the majority of those who are on camera for RLC typically awake at 3am (their time) and seemingly nocturnal? I can't imagine staying up so late every night. Granted they don't have "typical" jobs or any jobs at all, but still. Is it so the viewers in the US can see them more, since they'd normally be sleeping a good portion of the day most in the US are awake or is this standard behavior for those in the EU? 🤔
  14. Yeah, Nelly's cherry was destroyed a LONG time ago! 🤣
  15. Martina is so moapy! Did she really need to see Nelly THAT badly today??
  16. So, who is sleeping in their bed?? I thought it was Martina, but she's cleaning in the livingroom. Would that be the friend from school? Nobody mentioned she was over.
  17. Anyone know where her friend went? I still see the little suitcase in the guest room, but haven't seen her in days.
  18. Martina on the balcony completely bottomless. I wish I was her neighbor!! 😍
  19. Odd question... but, does anyone know what TV show/movie she's watching?? The lead actress is gorgeous!
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