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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Well, how about that. Home with a shopping bag. 😉🤣
  2. Anyone aware where Martina went? She's not with Nelly at B4 or Gina at B2. LET THE SPECULATIONS COMMENCE!! 🤣 I assume she's out shopping or something, who knows? I'm sure she's just doing normal things off camera like a regular person. 👍
  3. Why is CC running like such shit?? Duplicating posts, rock slow to update... what's going on with them?
  4. I agree. If it were an engagement ring, she's be wearing it all the time, I would think. She's apparently not wearing any ring at the moment.
  5. Sooo... Nelly's packed bags are for nothing? Doesn't appear she's going anywhere aside from those bags she packed. 🤔
  6. Martina reacting to a great amount of pain returning to her right knee! She needs physical therapy badly!! ☹️
  7. Anyone know if she's out to just see the fireworks or is she headed to another apartment/villa? She grabbed her swimsuit last minute. Maybe meeting N&B? They aren't home either.
  8. Ok, this is new... sleeping on the floor of the guest room where the cameras can't see her? WHY in fuck's sake would she choose to nap there, rather than either of the beds or the couch??? 🤔
  9. All I get is ads... LOTS and LOTS of ads. Initiated a download ONCE and the zipped file size was too big. I suspect viruses embedded. Denied the download.
  10. I wonder if that's not a zit and actually a bite from a sand flea named Nelly! 🤣
  11. Martina NOT happy about the giant, angry, red zit on her ass. Saw that yesterday. Guess she didn't realize it was there.
  12. Others are claiming he's the fabled "Michael" that Martina keeps going on about.
  13. Where?? Did they immediately go back out or are they on the balcony?
  14. I assume there is still an active curfew in place, so I wonder where they all ended up given it's 2:40am. I'm a little surprised they left the dogs overnight on their own. Not that I don't think they can handle it. It's just that I don't think they've ever done that. Always one with them overnight. Maybe they went to the biking friend's place.
  15. Ok, who's the cat in the baseball hat and jean shorts? (Came in with Alberto, for all who are confused) Currently on the balcony.
  16. I know what her name and initials are, and "JUR" doesn't fit either of them.
  17. Actually, there is an "R" in her initials, however, they are not "JUR" either.
  18. Sure, but I didn't think they were good friends enough, that when she moved out of B4, she'd be invited to Martina's. I don't have an issue with it, it's just that she wasn't high on my list for possible attendees here.
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