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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Nelly and Martina in the kitchen seem to be a bit anti-social with everyone outside. No contact between them. You can cut the sexual tension with a butter knife! 🤣 I wonder how long it'll take before they disappear into a bathroom/garage/pantry to have at it.
  2. Must be difficult to be on the trampoline with tits as big as Martina's... even worst if she (most likely) doesn't have a bra on. 🤣 Yep, no bra... just saw underboob in the kitchen. 😜
  3. I believe that's Karol. Martina and Alberto aren't home, but I can't find her at B4. I'd assume she'd be hanging around Nelly, who's in the kitchen alone. Whoops! Nope, you are correct sir! Just spotted her in the back yard.
  4. It's not a party outfit. She got it a few years back for valentine's day. haven't seen it since, but it was fantastic then and is fantastic now. Glad she didn't get rid of it. She is sexy AF in that thing! 😍
  5. So, what's with all the clothes on the bed? Martina going on another trip?
  6. No biggie, but I guess I called it though! Guess who showed up at B4?!? 🤣
  7. Wrong area, but yeah, it appears so. Maybe she's replacing Vivian at B4?
  8. Nope. Guaranteed. You could still see the aftermath of the cuts on her legs.
  9. I'd love to know what perfume she uses, just to know what it/she smells like... before she rolls a cig and bathes in "ode de tobacco". 😜
  10. Actually, Google street view caught a photo of Martina outside her building. 😜
  11. Ok, here's a random suggestion... the camera in the bathroom (11)... there's literally NO point in having that one showing the tub that will never be used for a shower/bath. It's merely a basin for a DIY water filtration system. Hows about RLC at least turn it to show the sink or something. I'm sure they don't want to show anyone sitting on the crapper via the mirror, but there's got to be better angle, otherwise kill the cam. No biggie, just seems like a waste. Maybe take it out of there and put it back over the dining room table like before.
  12. Where the hell is Alberto at 1:30am anyways? Martina home alone in the middle of the night for a change. I suppose he may be on the balcony. Can't see out there, so I have no idea. Edit... never mind. He's on the couch now.
  13. I can say that I highly doubt either Nelly or Alberto would let that happen. Regardless, if it does happen, does anyone really think it'll happen ON camera to show proof? I think that's even less likely IMHO. 😕 On a personal level, not that it matters, I hope it doesn't happen.
  14. So, leg/butt bruise is the fall while skating and the coccyx is from a fall today? What in the arse?!? 😬
  15. It's possible she bruised her coccyx or broke it. The latter should be confirmed by a doctor, but I'm not sure they do anything about it aside from pain meds and foam doughnuts.
  16. I suspected that. He was "dining at the 'y'" last night, but it was a table in the back... ifyouknowwhatImean. 😜 Hope she didn't prolapse! 😬 He's not that big, but there's other factors that can cause that to happen. If there's an infection, she best deal with it IMMEDIATELY.
  17. I guess she found something soft/inflatable to sit on. 🤗
  18. It's rare, but I can say I've seen backdoor with Alberto happen. Couldn't reference a precise time/date at the moment. I can imagine she would be reluctant to let Nelly (in her excitement) use her finger with those long nails. I'd be concerned having a little dagger in there! 😵
  19. I figured it was something regarding that. She was just showing Alberto what looked like what happened when she fell. I hope she didn't break her tailbone. Either way, the sex last night MUST have been painful!!
  20. Looks like only tissues, no ice or anything. Very odd. I don't understand why holding tissues on the area would be any "relief" unless they're loaded with Prep H. 🤔
  21. Come to think of it, after their shower and prior the sex last night when he was rubbing something on her back and bruise, I could have sworn I saw a box of Preparation H on the bed. She may have an issue there, but then who would have rough sex with a hemorrhoid issue?? 😵
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