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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Personally, I think Martina is just right. Not skinny like Nelly and not too much like Sarafima. Each to his own.
  2. Wonder if the sleeping "arrangement" might include Nelly, Masha (former fling) and Martina (current fling). THAT would be interesting, says I... but I doubt it. They do seem to be getting chummy though. 😜
  3. 4 EARS! 🤣 Wouldn't exactly narrow down the possibilities in this group, but yes, she is, although I'll always think Martina is the best looking... even if the costume isn't the greatest.
  4. Nelly and Martina MIA. 😜 Maybe getting a quick lick in some dark corner. Yep.... 1st floor bathroom.
  5. Albert is out. Said his 'sups to Bodgan and left through what I assume is the garage from the 2nd floor (2-9).
  6. I gather the garage is the room off the map, to the right of the front door in camera 2-9? A whole bunch just piled in there.
  7. Alberto, Martina and Nelly all MIA 🤔 Edit... never mind, on the terrace smoking. Motion sensor didn't see them apparently.
  8. The HARD part will be keeping track of everyone. I'm mostly curious about the sleeping arrangements tonight... or "tomorrow morning" most likely.
  9. Note sure. WAY too many people there. I don't she'll try with Nelly until: Aberto leaves Bodgan looses track or goes to bed They'd have to find a hidey hole in the attic or in the pantry again and lock it Can't imagine all of that working out for them. They won't do it with anyone else in the room, I guess unless they're COMPLETELY hosed... which I guess could happen. There could be a naked girl party later in Megan's room, but I think that's as far as it'll go.
  10. Alberto has definitely loosened up. Maybe if you can't beat 'em, join 'em attitude or he's just keeping an eagle eye on his girl with all this swingin' dick around. 🤔 I know I would be!
  11. Bets on who pops the big peacock floaty which I assume will not be in the pool given the temps outside. I vote for Gina, who will be completely hosed and riding the thing like Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball! 🤣
  12. So, is she making a custom shirt for said party? What would the theme be?
  13. Anyone know why Martina has been indicating that her bits are sore? Did she and Nelly get into it again and leave her with a raw puss? 🤣 She just had a shower (never get sick of watching her dance in the shower) and just before she acted like she was in discomfort there again.
  14. True. It's only my speculation based on how he appeared and acted. And VERY true that Martina's puss would have a high possibility of "converting" a gay guy.
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