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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Maybe he just came over to share his snot with all of the surfaces and air in the apartment. 🤮
  2. Alberto home. Anyone translate anything she might tell him about who the friend was or what they were doing?
  3. Maybe when she had Alberto trim the back of her hair, she saved it and gave it to him for "personal use". 🤣
  4. Not at all, but just makes it slightly more interesting knowing their real names. Makes it slightly less fake.
  5. He's rocking quite the effeminate little "man-purse" too. It would be quite entertaining if they ended up at B4! 🤣
  6. Well, if today is a holiday, it seems highly improbable that wherever they're going has anything to do with work or education, so must be a social event of some sort. Alberto is probably biking again. Let the speculations fly! 🤣
  7. Looks that way. Seems very indecisive with her wardrobe choices. Even asked his advice. Somehow, I doubt they're going to classes, but that is where she would normally go on a Monday night, right? Have to see what she takes with.
  8. He just said hello to the camera in the living room. 🤣
  9. Seems confident (or doesn't care) that the guy won't walk in on her changing with her door open.
  10. Agreed. We've seen her brother, and he's a short dude with a beard (at the time).
  11. Or wave it around in front of her. Conventional wisdom would say that this is NOT the best time for him to pay a visit... but it's quite clear that conventional wisdom is lost on much of the world right now.
  12. Appears to have MAJOR allergy issues. Also, and I may be completely wrong, but appearance and demeanor lead me to suspect he plays for the "other team"... but that may just be how guys over in Spain are at that age. If I'm right, I suppose Martina doesn't get him too wound up. Doesn't look at her when her back it turned. I think this one is "safe". 🤣
  13. Who... the fuck... is this cat? New guest at Martina's without Alberto. Another "study partner"? I would have loved for some of my "study partners" to wear see-through pants when I was that age!!! 🤔 When she went to the door to receive someone, I guess I was expecting Nelly... guess not.
  14. Could be about the trip (defensive) or could be about the dog (concerned/confused).
  15. She sort of seems like she's on the defensive, but I'm not sure.
  16. Lots of words form Alberto. She doesn't look happy. Anyone translate??
  17. Listening to her dance around and sing in ENGLISH is awesome! 😍
  18. Would Martina be heading to B4 for the apparent party tonight? Nelly seems "dressed" for it.
  19. Does Martina even have a sister, or just a brother? If so, has anyone seen her and did Martina bogart all the hotness genes or what?
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