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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. Must not be TOO pissed at her... just kissed her before leaving to walk the dogs.
  2. I did notice that. From the way she's been looking/acting at home lately, it seems to me that she's viewing her home life as increasingly mundane. Just boring and completely lacking any excitement. Honestly, I defended Alberto early on, but I think now it's almost completely on him. He's not trying in any sense of the word. At this point, his only positive trait that I can see is that he doesn't slap her around or get violent like may of the other guys. Needs to pull his head out his arse!!
  3. I was under the impression that Alberto owed HER money she loaned him for a failed business startup. 🤔
  4. I saw the last "trimming" too. I thought it was for comfort too. Wasn't aware it was a lesbian thing. Regardless, I'm just glad she didn't do the side. You can't see it unless her hair is flipped up.
  5. OMG really?!? They were making dinner!! To my knowledge, he had NEVER been violent towards her. WTF?? Stop spreading bullshit.
  6. Sorry, but not buying it. I'm not going to guess what it was all about, but if THAT or her "bringing shame on family for acting like a whore" were the topic, then I would expect that the conversation would be MUCH more intense. Being called a disgraceful whore would set her off like a volcano and her telling him she wants other dick would fold him in half. I don't think either of those were the case. Money... I get it, and in that case, ALBERTO NEEDS TO GET A DAMN JOB! Besides, it's my humble opinion that Martina enjoys sex with women infinitely more than men (at least Alberto), so if she were to completely leave him for someone else, I think she'd fully "change teams". Could be wrong, but she's got to know that going after another guy is NOT an option, unless of course, Alberto is a COMPLETE whipping boy... we shall see.
  7. I think if that were the case, she'd be WAAAAY more upset.
  8. DAMN IT ALL TO HELL, WHY DID I NOT TAKE SPANISH IN HIGH SCHOOL?!?!! I keep hearing "puta" from Alberto. I don't know who he's referring to though. Somehow, I don't think this whole thing has anything to do with Martina.
  9. I'd say a Vespa is her speed! Tell ya what, she better not start getting all inked up! Probably will though given the influences now driving her decisions. Would be a huge waste of a beautiful, natural body. 😒
  10. That's exactly what I was trying to do, but it wouldn't even play the video, because every time I pressed play, it only popped up (or attempted to but my blocker stopped it) another ad.
  11. Ok, I found the last meeting of Nelly and Martina (05.31.21) on HotScopes, but how in the holy fuck do you even get to it??? That site is so jacked up, EVERYTHING you do just opens an ad. You can't even sign up because their form is even broken. WTF? If anyone has that video (in the bedroom) or more importantly, the FIRST encounter in Megan's former room of B4 (12.21.20), please PM me. I've got lots to trade, NOT begging. 😜
  12. Agreed. The US is pretty reserved in public compared to anywhere else. I'd be all for topless freedom for women 😜. Groups here have been protesting in favor for that for years, but I don't think they're getting anywhere with the government. Her brother sitting there while she showered and danced around naked, well, that's super odd here. In the US, that's creepy AF! I an understand that if your culture is used to that, then it is what it is.
  13. Well, as odd as that is to us in the US (but apparently normal in the EU), he is family, so there's (hopefully) no risk of them banging one out as a result.
  14. Given, but WTF is with all the bruises?!? Does she roller derby??
  15. Cleo is BEAUTIFUL and a great body! Odd shaped tits though. Martina is still my fav.
  16. I wish I could zoom in with the cams. They're too far away by the pool. 🔍
  17. Gotta really wonder how Alberto feels about Boggert seeing Martina naked... or does he know at all? To me, girl on girl is one thing, but freely letting another guy see her would cross a line. I know we ALL can/have seen every inch of her on the cams, but it's the "in person" aspect that would be a major issue in my mind. Gateway to a 3 way or hopping on another dick, says I, even though I don't think she would. Just my opinion.
  18. She's so hot, I just can't stand it! 😍 Is she headed for B4 again or out with "school" friends?? Doesn't look like she's expected at B4.
  19. 2nd floor down might be a good "hiding spot" for Martina and Nelly to have some fun without us seeing. 🤔
  20. I see that now. No menu indicators is what threw me off. Yeah, wondering what's going on, but adding more occupants??
  21. Be nice to know what Nelly is doing to Martina's look. Hope she doesn't do something stupid. Martina was naturally perfect (IMHO), so she definitely doesn't need a big makeover. 🙄
  22. Apparently the fish have been complaining about their lack of privacy, so Alberto is fixing the problem. 🤪
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