Ladies (?) & Gents, isn´t it a rule at CC or a common understanding at least that no private, personal information about the birdies, tenants, actors whatsoever is to be spread here publicly?
I please you to respect this, PM is PM.
This height can only be an invitation for a tall, long legged guy like Ivo. Last night he accompanied her from Tver to Voro and it took 6 minutes instead of two....????
It cannot have been for good. The last night he spoiled the uncovered bed with all his bacteria, he failed to convince Nat/Nikky and there was no new other girl for him. The big blondie for just a day was just a fake for him. Additionally he had left before because being upset of new contract....
Akira is in Voro, filling 2 bags, coughing around, gurgled two times and then entered the fresh bed under the name Nikky. He is sick okay, but seems to be mad, too.
N... seems to be happy now, dancing, bathing...
She has got an own room to retire, if necessary, or to show us her big choice of tools from her jobside...
Would be good for the long time till jan 8 ;)
Unfortunately there was no real paradise from the beginning. Very, very seldom they were caressing each other. There was more crying and dispute than love... the next lost apt in Czech Republic.
You don´t need to be confused. You wrote february, what is quite soon for a new apt. In the past, VV was always planning too optimistically regarding time frames and I had joked many times about their "soon".
I do not like Nikky sooo much, but I really understand that she doesn´t like to sleep on the edge of the bed besides a snoaring and restless guy. Not to suffer she would need to be full in love with Akira, like Charlie for example. But this a long way to go....
You must be careful with the Russian term "soon". You know Russia is big, so it takes time.... Already one month after the opening end of april they spoke about new apartment(s). It happened in october, as far as I remember. First let´s wait for after the Russian holidays, it is long enough...
King Cassy, come down from your throne and put down your crown. This is an open forum and to be polite and friendly with the newcomers you should be able to accept the officially given name. Believe me, I have the same problems like you.....
the first new cam in Voro is switched on:
...and the room is now called "Akira" only and the way will be free for Charlie.
So the other BR will be "Nikky& ? " or she has left.