Best will be kick out VV casting manager.... they are presenting us one fake after the other. This day is closed for me now, will go for a nap... enjoy the party!
The reality might be very simple: no family, no friends, nobody else in Moscow with some space. Guess, they are giving him just time to organize something. There were times he contributed a lot to VV...
The similarities of this "NN girl with the solded on bra" with Natasha /Nikky are obvious, not only the arse but also the behaviour. But I think, it was easier for Petra to convince Nikky that she must do something, than to convince this girl. About her body shape she should not worry!
The biggest mistake is the RLC person being responsible for Czech Republic. Suzan&Hector is running with a lot of difficulties, all other apartments/couples/tenants are worth nothing.
Where are they? Saw them last time yesterday evening. Two days before they had a discussion in the GR and on the end they were shaking hands, like to confirm some conclusion.
Already moved out?
Have tried to provoke them:
VoyeurVilla @voyeur_villa 22 Min.vor 22 Minuten Übersetzung anzeigen
Around 15.30 local time - working on the network. We'll shutdown Voro first, than Tver. For an hour/two. Stay cool
Spielo Cool @spielo1 14 Min.vor 14 Minuten
Would be much better to shut down for a day or two to work on the content....
@voyeur_villa @spielo1 we don't have to shut it down to work on the content
It is simply impossible to see his laptop, because he has a stationary PC. Was visible in the old flat....
Your opinion about cam9 is just asumption. RLC has promised two days ago to me to solve "as soon as possible"
For me, Akira is still fighting not to leave and he knows that the only chance is to be with a new girl. Wherever he found her... We will see.
Nikky/Natasha is finalizing the packing. Bathroom things already.
Mostly you are right, but not here:
Efim doesn´t do it below two rounds per day with this GF, mostly 3 rounds. What is the daily average of all the other RLC couples???