They were coupled by VV for sure and have met yesterday first time. That´s my opinion.
But look now to the the same shit camming tools in Voro.... I don´t get it.
He didn´t cum with Jackie. He is suffering like Ivo under the floppy syndrom.
Anna reminds me a bit toYasia, the balett dancing girl where ivo tried in vain - just like Val with Anna yesterday.
she will start sleeping, I am afraid.
She is either a profi and want a show lasting hours, or this is just not the right guy for her. Sheaccepts his approaches and fingering up to a certain point only.
The positive things of the girl are compensating by far the negative one´s of Efim. She is (was) not only good looking but full of natural sexuality and nobody knows, if the whip wasn´t her desire??? Yes, the whip looked hard but didn´t leave any signs on her nice ass.
So, let us have just different opinions. Now we have anyhow a clean and sterile apt again. And maybe empty until the return of N&B.
For good understanding, I am against violence, in a relationship especially.
With the same right what you are asking for, I would please you, to refrain from your continuous negative comments advising others to do or not to do. Thanks.
In comparison to the other mistakes that RLC made in the past, this would be minor and neglectible.
Maybe you remember the Katka and Chloe apt, the current fake in the girl´s apts in Barcelona and K&K...
you are absolutely right, formerly called birdies by VV.... I am missing the casting of new girls in this direction during the last months.
However, Nikky and Jackie just showing her titties on order to justify their presence there. New girls, being dedicated for their being there are badly needed. Sometimes with girlish behaviour, sometimes with emotions but first of all nice and worth for watching.
Nikky had kept her knickers on, not like Jackie
here a very seldom "partial shot" of Nelly´s kitty, she is really perfectionist in avoiding pussy showing :
I was banned yesterday after the new software implementation. After more than 1 hour I could succeed and found this message on the homepage:
If you get a message that says "You are banned from this site" after logging in, please close your browser, clear your browser cache, and then try to login again. If you continue to experience issues please e-mail: [email protected]. However, the above steps should work for you.
If you cannot access the homepage it makes no sense to place there this note. Why this note is not anywhere in the internet, where google can find it??????????????????????
They are out with the dog maybe once a month or once every 3 months.... If you look along the hall cam, you will see a special paper towel on the ground close to the bathroom door and close to the BR. This is the dog´s toilet. Insane...
Kami´s guy has left with several pieces of luggage at 11:06. More like a thief, without kiss, no hug, just packing and leaving. Not even a last view to the sleeping Kami.
How long will they play the game (with us)????
That´s not real life, that is scripted. Either by RLC or by Kami.