Just because you are one way with your "girl" doesn't mean someone else is the same. - everyone's relationship is different.
WTF? We are not talking about some fucking highly contagious disease. What, my wife and I are going to sleep in separate beds on average every four weeks? What American_Me is describing is normal behaviour in a relationship. But then I guess you would need to experience a relationship to understand that.
Not quite, sure if that was directed at me or him, but i wasn't implying it was some disease. Some girls, are uncomfortable, and like to be left alone when they're on there Period.. then other girls handle it fine.. -- That's all i was implying..
Not 100% sure why you attacked me lol, and also not sure how my statement implies I've never been in a relationship, but my left hand i have a perfectly fine, loving relationship if you must know.
the rage is real lol.