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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #1

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12 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

What is a banshee??


she (female) is a fantasy character ... a banshee is famous for her creepy screams 

EDIT : from italian wikipedia and translated : "banshee is often represented as a screaming, not necessarily wicked spirit whose cry has the ability to kill instantly, or other similar effects"

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12 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

I think you must read again my words... that's what i wrote... the relation between Alan, Nina and Serena is so better and different  that can't be compared 

That we agree 100%.My English isn't the best so probably I understand wrong what you said,tought you said they weren't very good togheter.Gess you said the oposite and Totaly agree in that case.

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1 minute ago, ze81 said:

That we agree 100%.My English isn't the best so probably I understand wrong what you said,tought you said they weren't very good togheter.Gess you said the oposite and Totaly agree in that case.

Yes, that the complicity between Alan Nina and Serena was from the beginning really great (like someone said here.. perhaps they are friends a long time ago and (my idea) they alread had this kind of adventure on private life before VH)... And between Tim Zoi and Rachel i never saw complicity... Walking around naked side by side doesn't mean much on this project

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