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Misty Part #1

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7 minutes ago, gaelgamorkh said:

Well, girls have primal urges too. Her body language is very difficult to read, but it seemed like she didn't enjoy it too much. She probably just needed a good fuck and is now hoping for better seconds. She doesn't necessarily like the dude, he just happens to have a penis and she wants one. Nothing wrong with that.

I'm still going to look better at this on the timeline, but from the point I picked up on the porch while Misty and the other guy was in the kitchen, the first opening for Lisa's first approach was Lisa. Lewis just understood and took advantage of the message.

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2 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Look at better moments.Lewis files is not weak in bed. The circumstances here were not appropriate for either of them.

Look at best moments files.
Lewis is not weak in bed. The circumstances here were not appropriate for either of them.


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2 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

you're wrong lol... sooner you talk!!! 

Misty is opening the couch

Am I wrong or is Misty attentive to our Forum here? LOL


6 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Beginning to convince me that he is exactly and just a simple sofa.

Am I wrong or is Misty attentive to our Forum here? LOL

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53 minutes ago, klywer said:

She needs good sex like Anna and Alex.

I agree! She needs experience with experienced people who need to be with her. Anna and Alex and their friends are the "teachers" ideas. If we join Terry in this then, the class will be complete.

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